Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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O M G. I still don't understand how the girl didn't feel *anything* when he kissed her. I'm about to rant about that again. :p If I was her I'd actually fall over, passed out. What is wrong with her!? Thanks, athlov!!

Today in science we got to use the mircoscopes to look at skin cells and stuff like that. I felt so proud! :D I'm surprized I didn't drool all over my sample because I definatly was picturing Ryan in his lab coat the whole time. Yummmm. I don't get to wear lab coats like Nikki does, though. :p
Thanks for those pics, love em, *nick making out with a tree* hahaha. Oh yeah, my faveorite epi of season 5 would have to be "Curse Of The Coffin" I loved seeing Ryan scared.
Great caps Athlov!!! I missed that episode. I have only seen that part (kissing) on a 2 minute clip that Twiz had created - or you had created for Twiz.

What is up with that chic? At least close your eyes when someone is kissing you! Kissing with eyes open is creepy - well at least the first time is.
Twiz created the clip. ;)

Yeah, that girl was weird. I don't see how the actor played so cool... I know she had to act like she wasn't interested but my God, I wouldn't be able to do that. I'd keep messing up my lines so we would have to do the take over, and over, and over again. :devil:
ahh yes ... kissing with eyes open is bad ...
but if i was kissing jon togo i dont think i could close my eyes ... id be like OH WOW IM KISSING JON TOGO!! hahah

do you have the clip for that? ive never seen the show ... we dont get it here :(
My favorite episode from season 5 is Curse of the Coffin. I love being able to laugh and that episode is so light hearted and hilarious at the same time. And very centered around Ryan. :lol:

I can't say how I'd react to kissing Jon, because I don't know what I'd do. I'd probably faint before I even got the chance to kiss him.

Lathaina, A couple of pages ago I put up my version of Fergilicious, but I'll repost them.

"Togolicious definition make them girls go crazy...
I'm the T to the O to the G to the O
And can't no other man put it down like me
I'm Togolicious"
:rolleyes: Have I said I'm a dork before? Yeah, I'm a dork.
i really like your song ahaha
if its ok with you, im going to record it this weekend in the studio and post the link online
my band is going to hate me lol
Oh, you make me so jealous...I want to watch season 5! These episodes you are talking about, they seem to be so cool.I guess he best things are the ones that you have to wait for (isn't this from that chocolate comercial?! :lol:) No seriously, I don't know when I'll be able to watch them :( and that makes me sad.

About the pictures, first of all, thanks a lot athlov. And yeah, I must agree with you, that girl was not normal...Come on, enjoy the moment :p Lots of people would like to be there instead of you, that's for sure!
Yup, superb caps, athlov! Can't you feel The Love? :lol:

But yeah I agree - that girl he kissed looked like she didn't feel anything at all. I mean, c'mon, a 'Jonathan kiss' is a remarkable thing that makes you feel all heaty :devil: inside and then melt into a puddle!

I just watched 'Speed Kills', & Ryan smiles so much in this ep! & I love the Ryan/Alexx scene about the missing head. He looked like he froze for a few seconds when Alexx took it out of the pot. I chuckled a little during that scene. 'Speed Kills' is my 2nd fav ep. Woohoo!
how could she NOT like the kiss that togo gave her? something is wrong with her. ^_^

i think even by smelling togo's perfume would make me faint what more a kiss. any of you know what deodarant or scent that togo uses? X)
If it was me in that pic I would've been like: "screw the script!" and just kiss him back. Nah, I know I would be to busy lying dead on the floor because I'm so shy and I was just kissed by Jonathan Togo, but that's what I would like myself to do :p

RyanisHawt, no I don't, I'm not a stalker :lol:
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