Ryan/Jonathan #14: 'Togoholism is International'

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Hi Guys! Im on a sort of vacation so I wasnt one much in the past two days. Lots of talk around here as usual, whats this I read about Jon possibly getting attacked? I didnt read all the posts so Im not real sure what you guys said, but all I can say is I hope he doesnt get hurt! He has had enough, and I especially dont want his face messed up, his perfect face :D Gosh, I hope not! :)
has anyone actually listened to any of jons music??
beatdown stomp is like ... scary ahahha

its all about beating some guy up ... its sorta vulgar ... its a really happy sounding song ... it makes you smile and then you listen to the lyrics and its like pure shock ahah ... how could our boy, who is sooo sweet, come up with music like that?!
Whoa drowning's not a bad idea! Calleigh or Horatio can shoot the gator (before it tears up Ryan's face!), & Delko can dive in & show off his swimming skills. Brilliant.

I think I've mentioned this before, but if he got hurt again, I'd want it to be getting beaten up by some Miami gangsters, some gang called Mala Noche Junior, because they don't use guns. & maybe the team finds him gagged & BADLY injured in a dark alley. Then Alexx or Calleigh removes the cloth used to gag him & strokes his hair, saying a few sweet words to him. (this whole thing's something like the CSI:LV episode 'Fannysmackin', I'm such a copy cat ) *melts* But it doesn't get any sweeter than a situation like this!

haha, I love that idea
Hey hot4jt I got one of his bands cd's and it's pretty good. I get into some strange music and when I thought of music with sax and trumpets I was like..oh this is going to be really good (sarcasism) but I was surprised that I liked most of the songs on it, a lot of them. Most of their songs are very funny and dark and kind of vulgar. I love beatdown stomp and it's funny you say how the lyrics are because Jon actually wrote that song himself...that's all his wicked little mind working there. It's got that catching little funny beat and the words themself are dark...hehe.

It's funny because when I first found out Ryan was going to get shot with a nail in his eye I was like running around crazy and thought I wouldn't be able to watch it, but then I found myself enjoying the drama and it's the angst whore in me. So if they were to hurt him again that be ok, just don't kill him off. OMG if I had to watch him die like Speed did, I'd faint. I feel very bad for Speed fans who had to endure that.
i cant stop listening to this stufff
im completely addicted to this song ...

his mind is pretty twisted ehh ahaha ... i mean, the lyrics are a little crude ..
I think I'm going to avoid reading early spoilers. I'm really not liking these spoilers lately. :(

It just disappoints me when he gets crapped on so much.

I really enjoyed Jon's role on SU2. I was thinking that I like that character more then Ryan. It's just that every time I watch him on SU2, I get a smile on my face. I giggle, and laugh, and the lines are just too funny.

I think maybe we should revise that one question and add his character on SU2.
Hi everyone i'm a newbie, first time loggin in the site, i'm also a huge Ryan Wolfe fan, i'm from the far country of Tv.com so if can just make me a little resume of what's going on here it will be very very nice *i'm a bit lost* :confused:
i was like that the other day....i was like OMG!!!! i'm talking to JONATHAN TOGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so excited!!!!!!!!! i couldn't believe it...and i still don't...lol.....
i havent gotten a reply back from him yet :(
im still hopin ahaha
i check the myspace many many times a day ... still no reply ahahaha
maybe im just not as special as everyone else :( jon togo doesnt like me :(
i was so shocked....i didn't think i would get a response but he said stuff about reading my profile and how it was completely about CSI: miami and that he liked the fact that i was so into the show and stuff....i'm still in shock...i couldn't believe it!!!!!!!!!!
hey if any of you have csi related myspaces id love to see em!!! pm me your links!!! or any other myspaces ahaha
i dont really have anything csi or jon related on my profile :( i use my profile for networking so its gotta be neutral ... blahh its so boring ahaha

i hate saturdays. no csi miami tonight :'(
i need my ryan fix!!!
im scanning the net for pics right now ... mmm ..
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