Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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*gasp* Ali, I love what you've done with your icon! *stares some more* :eek: Good job, you! :D

I personally like Jon's glasses. I think it makes him look adorably nerdy in some instances but then a bit sophisticated in some pics. Gah, I love that guy! He can be nerdy and sexy at the same time! Does that make sense? Or have I lost it? :lol:

This is a belated Valentine greeting to my fellow fans. Yesterday was extremely busy between work and a Valentine dinner party at a friend's house later on. I have a Velentine, my hubby, and we even won the "newly-wed game" last night! *feels proud* :D But... that's not to say I wasn't secretly dreaming of Ryan/JT either! :devil:
iluv_ryan said:
thanx, I already mentioned this but does anyone else not like Jonathan's glasses? Does he always were those off set?

I was wondering the same thing. It seems as though every pic that I have seen of him off camera he is wearing those glasses. I didn't know how I felt about them in the beginning but they are starting to grow on me. He looks like Buddy Holly or some old dude that should have a cigar hanging out of his mouth! :lol:
:lol: :lol: OMG, R2T! "The Best In Sweatervest"??!? :eek: Your banner is so true, me loves Ryan's sweatervests even more now! Not that I didn't already. ;)
People have been talking about Ryan and JT and the glasses- he should get smaller ones, or contacts. I'm not saying eh doesn't look good in them (what doesn't he look good it?), but I prefer him w/o them. :)

Also- anyone notice that JT is the really good looking type of guy who looks great anywhere, with or w/o makeup? I notice people like DC don't look as hot off set, but JT does!

Love the banner R2T (I'm not gonna write your whole name out :)) I do love him in sweatervests!

Bye, ladies!
I don't mind seeing Jon in glasses, but I do prefer him without them... brings out his lovely eyes, imo. :eek: :D

And yes, I would have to agree that JT looks good in anything. It takes a solid man who's comfortable in his manliness to confidently wear and pull off the pink and lavender dress shirts, you know? :lol: :devil: :lol: Even my hubby won't go there! :lol:
LMAO Shadow!! I absolutely loved that pic of Ryan and I asked someone over on Fan Art in the banner thread to make me a banner with those words in there! I know how everyone in here loves the sweatervests! quoth_the_raven did it for me.
I also asked someone in the Miami icons thread to make me an avatar with the pic from Rampage of him looking upwards like he is daydreaming or something. Hunter did that for me.
I credited these people in my bio. Glad you like them! I wish I could make my own but I am photoshop illiterate! LOL

Oh and it's absolutely ok if you want to narrow down my name. Some people say R2T and some say RaCk... it's all good.
I think the glasses are kind of cute. :p They make his face look thinner and more vulnerable. Awww! Athlov's avatar captures it perfectly. It is true, however, that he looks good in everything. Every colour, every style. *sighs*

I notice people like DC don't look as hot off set, but JT does!
Jon is younger. That makes a difference, sadly for those of us who are older than he is.

Gah, I love that guy! He can be nerdy and sexy at the same time! Does that make sense? Or have I lost it?
Not at all! It makes perfect sense. I find the nerdy look attractive, personally. Nerds are usually clever, which is much more attractive than the handsome but dumb guy. And when someone is good-looking, and full of personality and wit like Jon, then it just makes them super-attractive, nerdy glasses or not. :p :eek: :p I think it's me that's not making sense now. :confused:
I find the nerdy look attractive, personally. Nerds are usually clever, which is much more attractive than the handsome but dumb guy. And when someone is good-looking, and full of personality and wit like Jon, then it just makes them super-attractive, nerdy glasses or not. I think it's me that's not making sense now.
Actually, you do. Looking back now, I realize that I've always been drawn more to the 'nerdy' type that has lots of personality. Just ask my hubby! :lol: I'm with you that I find them super-attractive. Perhaps that's why JT is so irresistible, eh? ;) :D

I'm photoshop illiterate too, R2T. That's why I rely on more creative friends to help me in those endeavors. ;) I usually bribe mine with a personally dedicated fic in exchange for the favor. *cough* that means you, Ali *cough* :devil:
Oh yeah the nerdy but mysteriously sexy guy is always the best. You just know that you could have a great conversation with Jon but at the same time have a great time later (i'll leave it there).

The glasses have grown on me but I think it's because I've seen so many pictures of him wearing them.
*tries to catch up on all the posts*

I'll have to agree with RaCk on this one... Those type of glasses look better on Jon than Adam. That's not to say Adam won't look sexy in glasses, it's just those particular frames don't work well with his face. :p

Jon in a sweatervest... Love it. He's the only guy I've ever seen that can look sexy in a sweatervest. Plus it makes him look even nerdier, which I've found I have a strange fondness for now. I blame it on Ryan.

Oh, and great caps from Man Down, athlov!
He's the only guy I've ever seen that can look sexy in a sweatervest. Plus it makes him look even nerdier, which I've found I have a strange fondness for now. I blame it on Ryan.
I think you summed it up here nicely! Sweatervest = SEXY NERD! :devil: :lol:

Here's my interpetation of the SWEATERVEST: :D
S = Sexy
W = Witty
E = Enigmatic
A = Adorkable :D
T = Thoughtful
E = Emotional (in a good way ;))
R = Responsible
V = Virile(?) *cough* (I'm sure! :devil:) Okay, Valiant!
E = Emphatic
S = Stubborn OR Smart OR Sweet (can't pick just one!)
T = TEH TOtally GOrgeous One! :p (Yeah, I know... I had to stretch the last one, but my mind's not cooperating right now.)

:lol: :devil: :lol:
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