Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Yeah. The scene below is from his first autopsy, one of the first episodes he was in. Funny guy.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

'Nailed' was the first episode where I sat up and took notice of Ryan and then I had to go and get caught up on the rest of S4 and then watch S3 to find out Ryan's origins and understand a lot of the tension and issues and odd comments from other characters.
Once I had (finally) seen them all in order, it was Ryan's initial innocence and sweetness that got me. I will always LOVE the scene in Legal where he is standing over the dead girl and Calleigh walks in on him. That exchange between them is so sweet and his expressions and the way his voice breaks just a little, will also give me shivers.
I agree with others; his ambition and way of going about things was a bit annoying towards the end of S3 but he was misguided and misjudged somewhat. This definitely improved in S4, although his temper seemed to be a bit of a problem at times.
Am looking forward to seeing how his character has developed in S5; I hope he isn't screwing up like a rookie like he was doing before.
Anyway, I've rabbited on enough, methinks........ :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Yeah, he's just got that innocence to him, and its SO CUTE. In his first episode, he almost becomes gator bait lmao. And when he saw that dead body out at the construction site, he looked like he was going to bring back his lunch.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I don't know what the initial turn on about Jon/Ryan was for me. I had been watching the show since before he was on - when Speedle was alive.
He just floated on and then after realizing Ryan was going to be a permanent fixture I took more notice. He was absolutely cute and innocent - asking all these questions like in Hell Night when they are looking at that guy on trial for killing his wife but then got killed while the jurors were there at his house- saying "waht are we looking for again?" and Calliegh said "Antyhing that is out of place" and he's like "Like what" or something along those lines. There were plenty of other episodes that just brought out the vulnerability of being new to the team you know?

I have to tell you I was not liking the hair growing. I think I have mentioned it in the other thread that I don't like long or raggedy hair on men. It's messy and unkempt. Although he was still cute, I was SOOOOO happy to see him walking in slow motion onto the gravesite in the first episode of the 4th season with a HAIRCUT!!!!
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I finally figured it out and it was Hell Night that I became a togoholic. He's a lot like Crack, from what I hear, it only takes one time and your addicted to him. I really thought he was adorable and right away I started yahooing him. Back then there was very little known of him. I was only able to find a few pics of him. JTO didn't exist. I found this board and his very first thread. WoW I've been here a long time, I don't have a life. But I found clips from the show on another fan site. One was the part with him and the dead girl from Legal and man I had to see that ep. IF I hadn't already been hooked before that clip I surely would have been after it. I watched it over and over and I just wanted to hug him..

I agree with you Shadow. Even though I didn't like some of the things he did I was easily able to over look it. To me he had no major flaws that I couldn't live with and I still feel that way.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I've been watching the show before Ryan too, when Speed was around, who was, might I add, really good looking too, and his personality..anyway back to Jon. I just liked him since he first came to the show, when he was a patrolman. he was so skinny then though, now he's packed on a little muscle lol
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

OMG. I'm so slow. I totally missed that poll. :lol: Thanks for the link Geni. ;) Phew, I voted. :p

Hahaha he's like crack. lol! I agree, he's very addicting. I honestly don't remember what made me love him. I would catch parts of season 4 episodes and I thought he was pretty good looking.. But I never really saw him alot.. Then, I don't know.. I saw him one time and realized he was reallyyyy hot. :p Then I probably came on this thread and saw all the pictures and was like *drool*. :lol: And yes, his eyes are amazing. :eek: My cat actually has the same colour of eyes. They're unbelieveably green. *sighs* So gorgeous. And his smile makes me melt. Oh and yeah, those arms... *thud*
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I'm having a random moment. You know you are passionate for Jon Togo (Not using obsessed 'cause that's what my parents say lol) when you can't concentrate on your Biology 3 homework and have to keep coming back here to look at the drool-worthy pictures.....

AND speaking of pictures, I just found a picture, so why not let it be on here for all the world to see, although someone may have already posted it, I haven't seen it...just his shirt...just a few...more...buttons... :devil: ok, back to homework...
Just a few...more...buttons...
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I'll admit, I wasn't a Ryan wolfe fan from the start. I missed Speed and so I wasn't to keen on his replacement. I didn't hate him, but I did think that he would end up being evil, because everyone hated him at some points. Then, during the middle of season five something came over me lol. I have no idea why (well i mean beside all the sexy-ness) but i just because really obsessed, and now I can't get enough :p.
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

I have seen all the episodes and I am not seeing where everyone hated him or treated him bad. Horatio wanted him on their team like yesterday.... and Calliegh was totally fine - I didn't see any reservations from her.
The only 2 people that I saw were a little hesitant were Eric - which was obvious because him and Speed were like BFFs - and Alexx - during that one episode... I forgot... where he's like "I am just here to do my job" and she said "Good because I am not looking to make any new friends"
Like I said, other than those 2 I think everyone on the team accepted him nicely - even Valera!

Anyway I totally thought of Ryan/Jon and his winking 'issue' because of the regular CSI episode tonite when Nick winked at the 3 other team members (Sara, Greg and the other guy's name ALWAYS escapes me!) while they were having their secret meeting outside. I laughed internally and said to myself "See that was natural!" HAHA!!
(I don't know if anyone saw it tonite - I know there are lots of 'original' CSI fans in here)
Oh and stemming off of that.... there were quite a few close ups of Greg/Eric and yeeeeeeehhhhh Jonathan is WAAAAAAAAAAY hotter! I used to think they look alot alike - after tonite - not AT ALL so much! (of course NO OFFENSE to the Greg/Eric lovers! This is a Ryan/Jon thread though!)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

Oh man, have I ever been out of the loop for a while... I haven't caught up on the last few pages of #12... and I looked at it and was like "what, no new posts since Tuesday?!" and then discovered that there's already three pages in #13. :D :eek: But I figured I'd just pop in to throw some ceremonial confetti, as is tradition.

*throws confetti*

Glad I got that outta my system. My confetti-throwing fingers were itching. They really needeed a new thread to celebrate. :D

Also, great opening pic... and from a 'recent interview' ? I'll have to go see that sometime... didn't even know it existed. Man, I really am out of the loop. :lol:
Alrighty y'all...the poll is over and I have edited in the winning title.

Looks so much better now that it has a complete title, doesn't it? ;)
I hate my life.
Congrats on the new thread. I'm sorry I wasn't here for the opening. (Love the pics! Gotta resist on printing.)

I must go, it's almost 12:30 A.M. here and I have school tomorrow!! :eek:
Okay, someone asked about the link to my site. Just so you know, my signature is also a link the my home page. :D So if you ever need the link, just look at the bottom of my posts for it.

Also, I have a husband. He knows about my obsession because he's seen me make screen caps for the episodes. He thinks I'm ridiculous. You should see him make fun of me. :lol:
When we first watched The Day After Tomorrow, which has Jake Gyllenhaal in it, he looked at me and said, "Does this have that guy that looks like your boyfriend in it?"

That's not the last time he's called Jon my boyfriend. :p

I love my hubby. I just like making caps, and sharing them with people. It's nice to have something to share. :)
Re: Ryan/Jonathan #13

AliGtr said:
I'm married. My husband doesn't know about my obsession. Well, he thinks it's an obsession with CSI generally. He knows I talk on a message board, but no more. I don't rave about Jonathan to him because I don't think he'd be pleased. That fragile male ego... So I confine myself to raving about JT here, where everyone sympathises with me. And my weakness for shrinking t-shirts. :D

What was it about Ryan that first grabbed you? I really got into Miami in S3, then really got obsessed with Ryan's sweetness, his dark hair and his eyes, and his ambitiousness/awkwardness from about... Shootout onwards. He was so sweet in S3, even though his hair did get a little bit out of hand.

I also saw all of the episodes out of order, and while I've seen most of them now, I liked ryan from the begining (which I don't remember what it was for me.) He was cute, funny, a bit of a mess up, unlike some of the other CSIs (like H- who I love anyway) and eager. he was the perfect character- even though he doesn't mess up as much now, he's still one of my faves, along with H and Eric. LOVE him. And I'm single. So I can rave freely.
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