Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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That was an amazing and emotional episode last night! OMG, Ryan was fantastic and amazing. Jon gave a really heartfelt performance. He was one of the most transparent people there when it came to his concern about Eric. You can tell he really meant it when he referred to him as a friend and a partner. *squees internally*

Oh yes! His voice. It was deeper and breathier than normal. I loved it when he got in the guy's face and spoke to him in that serious and sexy voice! *faints at the sound* :lol: I'm okay Dutchie. No need to drench me with water again. :p :lol:

I can't say enough. It was a fabulous episode, and Ryan/Jon played up the drama incredibly well! 2 thumbs up and 5 stars for his brilliant performance. This episode goes right up there in my list of favorites now. :D
I have to agree with everyone here that last night's episode was one of Ryan's best. Both I and my mom were saying that he did a great job acting in that one. And his voice was very sexy too. ;)
So, Ryan tested only the right hand for GSR? But it was on the left hand? And it was a different kind of gun altogether? I'm confused. :confused: I'm just glad that he didn't lose it big-time with the guard. That could have really screwed things up for him. :(

I really wish we could see it over here sooner than next autumn. *is jealous* The next best thing is screencaps. *nudges athlov * *makes puppy eyes* Please?
Basically, they had assumed that the shooter used a pistol when firing, so they only tested the right hand for GSR. But then the bullet they recovered from Eric's head was a match to a Ruger Rifle, not a pistol. That's when they realized that if the guy had taken a shooter's stance next to his car (based on the V-ish GSR pattern they found on top of his car), then it proves that he pulled the trigger with his right hand, but held the bottom barrel end of the gun with his left to steady it. That's why the GSR would've been on his left hand (closest to the mouth of the barrel) instead of his right hand. Does that make sense?

Yeah, I'm glad too that Ryan didn't beat up that guy, even though you could tell he would have had that guard not restrained him. I really love him in this episode. He showed just how loyal he is as a colleage and as a friend. *loves him even more* :D
SQUEEE! athlov, your screencaps are LOVE!

Gah! I just love the expression in his eyes. :eek: *dreamy sigh* :D I can't choose just one. They're all incredible! Ryan's such a gorgeous man! :eek:
athlov I LOVE you! *gives hugs* I love the gun one. I'm going to go get some talented banner or icon person to make an icon out of that one, :lol:
Thanks again! You rock!
OMG!!!! Ryan is fabulous in"Man Down" :D
He shone in this episode.He a a great actor!! :)
And the expression when he is in hospital is fantastic!!! :D
I feel that Ryan has matured a lot in recent episodes. :lol:
The next one I really want to see is his background storyline. ;)
Ryan really has matured A LOT, but I would like to see a background storyline on Ryan, you know, kind of like a whole episode on him, and a case that sort of makes him flash back to his child hood? Growing up with OCD and such.

AND RANDOM, I finally got to enough posts to have an AVATAR, GO ME! lol Didn't think I'd ever meet the 101 mark
He certaintly has matured, I too would like to see more background story on Ryan! Perhaps in the near future the writer's will grace us with some good story lines.
I second having a storyline about Ryan! *raises both hands* :D

He has matured so much, transforming from a boyish newbie to a handsome *cough* TOtally GOrgeous *cough* sexy, sexy, sexy, (repeat as many times as you can), etc. man! :lol:

Personally, I would like to finally see what his Uncle Ron looks like and see him interact with Ryan. Do we even know if Uncle Ron is from his mom's or dad's side? :confused: I don't recall them mentioning his last name, but I'm always inclined to think he's a Wolfe too. :p
On the episode "Silencer" Where Eric and Ryan read that blog thing with the whole Jake Gyllenhal(sp?) and A-rod. When Ryan smiled.....I was like AAAAAAAW!!!! It was adorable! Anyone else know what i'm talking about?
Oh, yes! I loved that scene. Even Ryan knew who Jake was. I found it funny how he said that he gets that all the time because of his eyes. :eek: :D

And Jake G. is hot, so I can't complain when he was compared to him. BUT... for me, Ryan's still #1, so I'd have to say he's even hotter than Jake. Some of you may disagree with me, but that's my personal preference. I would rather have Ryan/JT's googly eyes than Jake's any day! :lol:
I really wonder about his parents... like where are they? Is Ryan from Miami? Is he from another state? Like in Nailed... no one came to see him. He could have died. At least with Eric they said "Your parents are on their way here" - even when his sister Marisol was on death's bed. Ryan was just kind of left to himself when he got that nail through his eye and then discharged from the hospital. I mean thank God Eric was there!

From the statement in Legal "My parents are leaving me their lawn mower" sounded like a joke but really maybe he is estranged from his parents. Maybe they really aren't leaving him anything..... gawsh SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!

Oh and I have to agree with you Shadow... even though Jake is extremely good looking, I still find JT to be better looking. I think it's because he is more boyish looking and his eyes ara a little softer. I tell you if you have ever seen that movie Jarhead, you will MOST DEFINITELY see the resemblance of the 2 men! BIG TIME. Oh and I have said this before - but will again - Jake Gyllenhaal is left handed which gives him an upper hand to some of the good looking celebrities out there. Not an upper hand to JT though! :D
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