Ryan/Jonathan #13: 'The Ryan Wolfe Effect'

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Athlov Your avvie is absolutly postively one the hottest avvies I have ever seen. Yours and Silloutte's are definatly up there. I love the glasses, what a great pose lol plus, I cant even see the neck of his shirt because its so low! Great job on it(Im assuming you made it)! You always make awesome avvies! Oh and thanks for posting that pic! -Sexy glasses-
:D Thanks ILuvJonathanTogo, I did make it. I'm trying to learn how to make thinks sparkle. :p I actually ripped off part of a MySpace sparkle graphic to get the 'hot' on there. I'd like to make my own though. :)

I really needed a new avvie, got tired of seeing the same old one.
*sigh* That man should be cloned. There really just aren't enough of him in the world. ;)
athlov said:
I really needed a new avvie, got tired of seeing the same old one.
*sigh* That man should be cloned. There really just aren't enough of him in the world. ;)
:lol: That might work... lol Anyways..Cinegirl just made me a new avvie. Yours was very awesome, of couse , I just needed soem change :D
Keep making avvies, they are awesome.
Enough about avvies...now must talk about Ryan lol Im obsessed anyways...I cant wait until Monday's episode! I hope there is some touching scene between Ryan and Eric, like there was when Ryan got hurt.
Oh, wow, that's really nice. It's amazing how creative people are with avvies. Mine are alright, but I always seem to enjoy other people's even more.

*SINGS* Monday, Munday, don'tknowtherestofthewords... *stopssinging* :p

Monday is almost my favorite day of the week. :D I have Jon on Monday, Lost on Wednesday, CSI on Thirsdays, and now SU2 is on Fridays. Once SU2 gets to season 2, I'll have Jon two days a week!

Now that I dropped my College Geometry course I actually have time to watch my shows when they are on, instead of the recording. [rant] Though I am still a bit sore about having to drop that course. It is a very important one, but I just wasn't ready for it. I had only had one proofs course before that one, and it was very trying. Plus I didn't do well in geometry in high school - had a lot of help. It the whole 'Zone of Proximal Development' thing. I only got through with help.
My instructor suggested I keep taking math courses, and with more experience I'll probably do better next time around. Which I think he's right. I did great in Algerbra in high school, tested right into trig in college, and did really well in all my calculus classes in college, and high school. And he said that just because one does well in one class doesn't mean that there wont be trouble in some other classes. He told me not to get discouraged about it, but I'm feeling pretty burned up about it right now. :(

Anyway, sorry, didn't mean to rant, but I've been holding that in a while and need to get that off my chest. GAH! The horrors of taking on such a hard major. [/rant]
Atlov, feel free to rant whenever you want. *looks around to see if Jen or Geni are looking* No. You're safe :p I hate maths, and I suck at it.

Sooo back to Jonathan Togo. Luna, I posted that pic 2 pages ago or something. Great minds do think alike.

Would that be Nailed?

Long hair, short hair, no hair...ok let's do that again: long hair, short hair, he looks fine anyway :lol:

I actually do like the long hair, makes him look young and makes me believe that me liking him doesn't look like child abuse :lol:
I love that scene! when he dives into the dumpster he's sooo cute!

Oh and even more thank you's to Raging4Ryan!
Athlov look at the brightside, you get to see Jon earlier! lol anyways... I like "Nailed" too, Ryan gets like all the attention in that episode, i dont like it for the obvious reasons though-Our poor Ryan gets hurt.
_Calleigh_ I love that picture. The arms just draw you in and make you wonder what they would be like wrapped around you.

Marns I don't know how to make avatars either. The one I have now is just a pic I had saved. I'm not clever enough and I hate asking people to do them for me.

As for when he jumps on that bin in Nailed it's so funny the little run up he takes but also so sexy.
Marns , have just caught up with a few pages of the forum and your pics are great! I love your personal favourite; he is so cute. And the pic with him and Alex is great; I hadn't seen that one before.
athlov - my God, how fab is your avatar????? :eek:
He looks SERIOUSLY sexy in that!!!!
I do like him in his glasses; he is so cute!!!!!!
But what is with the serious face on the other pic you put up? The others look really happy!
*drools over pics* Is there any pic where Jon doesn't look sexy? How does his girlfriend let him out without being jealous? Hmmm. *remembers moustache-pic* That wasn't a good one. But your avatar, athlov ! I could gaze at it all day... :eek: :p

*tears self away* Marns, ryansnuttytart , in the Fanart forum there is somewhere you can request icons. And I'm always happy to make icons. I'll take orders. :lol: Oh, and I've just learnt to make animated icons! Yay! *is ridiculously pleased with self*

Now, I know it's not Monday. I haven't lost it that badly. Yet. But I won't be around tomorrow, so I'm posting a Mondaypic now. From Freefall. I have a serious weakness for his orange shirts, don't I? There's a little mole on the side of his neck... *gazes*

AliGtr's Mondaypic


Credit to Miami Style.
Lol, that naked neck seems to be screaming "Kiss me, I want hickeys!" :lol: *obeys*
I'm looking forward to see Jon in tomorrow night's ep... The scene in the promo is friggin awesome! :lol: Ryan assaulting a suspect, that's hot! I love how he cares for Eric, even if it might look like they're not exactly best buddies... I really hope I'll get to see it soon. *waits patiently*
Thanks for the Monday pic Ali! :)

I can't wait to read your reviews about the new episode.
I think he and Eric are friends. Ok, in a strange way and it took them long enough, but they are friends.
I hope Ryan won't get into trouble.
remeber the episode where he shoved the police officer?
H: Maybe I can't help you next time. (or something like that)
that screamed 'DANGER' in my head.
inge said:
I can't wait to read your reviews about the new episode.
I think he and Eric are friends. Ok, in a strange way and it took them long enough, but they are friends.
Yeah, I think its safe to say, they are finally friends, they had their ups and downs but they will come through for each other. ( Eric came through for him in "Nailed") I still think about how touching that episode was!! How they had a big fight and Eric still rushed to him when Ryan called for help, the producers really did a great job on the episode, it seemed so serious but touching becuse you didnt really hear when Ryan called for help, you only heard music, and you heard music when Eric found Ryan in the trailer, I still can not get over that episode!!!!! It was put together very well!
I hope Ryan won't get into trouble.
remeber the episode where he shoved the police officer?
H: Maybe I can't help you next time. (or something like that)
that screamed 'DANGER' in my head.
I hope he doesnt get in trouble either! Ryan sometimes cant control his temper!
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