Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Damn him for being so cute! This is really funny actually. I know someone who looks exactly like him, but a lot younger, about the same age as me...and he's also got the same name as him!

I think I lost all my saliva. I have five buckets here. :)
OMG sil...i want to eat "Meat Togo"!!!

"Eat "Meat Togo" and you will be a great guy" (i'm sorry,i'm very very very crazy today)

but there is a box for xmas in which there is jon togo and other beautiful guys???if it existed,i want one!!!

somebody can sent me "Meat Togo"???
Fede: right now I'm settlling for a box of milk chocolate covered togo-biscuits.

*cybers Fede some of the biscuits*

crunch crunch crunch.........
OMG Sil that's great "meal togo" I bet it's yummy and YAY I right by him...doing togo dance. From now on when I go anywhere I'm going to take my digital camera with me and snap all my togo experiences. A pic is a great idea Sil..That should be our togoholic challenge..see who can snap the most togo experiences or the best. Damn I hope that sign is still up that I was going to push the to go together. hehe. This can be like Togo homework..

Happy B-Day Speed Cochrane..I hope you have a great day.
omg guys last night i head a dream about jon ... he came along and i ran to him and screamed "you're back !!!!" and hugged him and then we looked each other in the eye .. you know that look when the kiss follows and then .. i don't know why i looked down ... argh i'm stupid ... but i still see those amazing eyes when i close my eyes ...
that was my best night ever :p
Happy Birthday Geni!
I wish you a nice day.

Silhouette said:
So while I still can't find the photographic evidence of that swab with his name on it, but this is a proof that they call him 'Detective Wolfe' on the show.

cool, thanks for reporting it.
Ok, now I never going to bring up the discussion again.
I promise. ;)
I'm glad he reveived a promotion.
we are allways reminded of the gorgeous one wherever we go! :lol:

happy birthday speed_cochrane *hug*

ooh he had spikey hair? show me picture!
Hehe, I was on my way to school today and on the morning news they had a 'John Wolfe'... well, imagine my surprise! I was all :eek: and almost started squealing but remembered my school task... and finished getting ready. :p :lol:

But 'John/Jon' and 'Wolfe' should never be put in a name together, especially on television!! :lol:
Well, folks, I've just spent the last *checks watch* ..erm... way too long... cruising cafepress for various fun t-shirts, when the idea struck me to do a very special search for a very special t-shirt... this was the result:


If only it wasn't for that darn flag. :lol:

P.S. I have this sneaking suspicion that somebody may have posted this exact thing ages and ages ago, so if you did, my apologies. If nobody ever has, then... well, I guess there's no problem here, is there? :)
I've never seen it before. I want one! *rifles through internet for Togo t-shirts* Mmmmm...

Sorry, the mention of Togo and t-shirts in the same breath turned my mind to Ryan's lovely tight t-shirt in Driven and COTC. :p *changes drool-bucket*

We got digital TV recently and one of the channels we're able to get is ClassicFM ToGo. In my sadder moments, I just want to look at that title in the channel listing. :eek:

I wish we had Togo biscuits. The idea of a chocolate-covered Togo... :eek: *faints onto floor*
:cool: Can I jes stop by to make a favorable remark about how nice your avatar loox!? :) I'm jealous & only need 97 more posts to even get one :D
New thread, cool :D

Had a ToGo- experience today... In one of our faculties, there's a sandwich bar, called Cafe Togo... Not Cafe To Go, but Cafe Togo... *rofl*
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