Ryan/Jonathan #12: *POP!!*

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Ah yes Twiz - I gotcha on that! Everglades would most definitely be hard to fabricate!

I watched the episode - Dead Air - tonite. OMG that whole thing that went down with Ryan trying to get the 'clearance' for asking out Natalia from Eric was hilarious. He is NOT a good player in the game. Not smooth at all! Especially when he was asking her out and then he actually said "Yeh I got the green light. You are cleared for landing" and she was like "So I am locker room talk now?" and he was like "No we were just comparing notes" I went "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT GOOD!!!!" and my husband was like "What a smooth move! Your man is a LOSER!!"

Oh well. HAHA!
I'm here too. :rolleyes: It's 10:46 here in Canada. Same time as athlov and Twiz. :p

Yeah the everglades are the actual everglades. Cause that'd be pretty much impossible. I wish I lived in Miami cause then the odd time the actors came down, you might be able to see them filming. That'd be so awesome to see Togo. :eek:

OMG. athlov, that pic you posted is so funny. :lol: *sighs* Long haired Togo.
Ok I am pretty new to this board so what do you mean the moddies will get me if I don't use the edit function to add things into my post? I always just use the Quick Reply at the bottom of the page... are you saying that I shouldn't and use the REPLY and add smiley faces or something? What will the moddies do to me if I don't?

Sorry again a newbie - or should I say VICTIM - here!
I read in an interview with Emily Procter in 'Parade Magazine' a few months back. The only reason why they don't film the entire show in Florida is because "They think we'd have too much fun. We do go to Miami about four times a year. We start the season there and end it there. It's like an end-of-schoolyear treat." So they do film in Miami every once in awhile. The show's filmed on a soundstage in L.A., and I figure they get their beautiful sun shots from Miami. (Or while the sun's setting.) The only way to find out is.... it's a secret. :p But I'm willing to do it.

But about Miami.... remember that one episode last season when there was some sunburned!Ryan/Jon? What was it? (I can't remember, my memory's gone short.) I think it was near the beginning of the season, so it's probably 'From the Grave', etc. His shirt was also opened up low, too. That's how we saw it. (He probably got it in Miami. L.A.'s covered in smog and UV's always around 6-8.5; he also always inside :D.)

And I just heard the words "crime scenes", "suspects", and "armed". How weird is that?! I just finished talking about an episode where someone was armed and there was multiple crime scenes and suspects and they were talking about that on the news. *runs away scared*
RaCk2ThOuSaNd6 said:
Ok I am pretty new to this board so what do you mean the moddies will get me if I don't use the edit function to add things into my post? I always just use the Quick Reply at the bottom of the page... are you saying that I shouldn't and use the REPLY and add smiley faces or something? What will the moddies do to me if I don't?

Sorry again a newbie - or should I say VICTIM - here!

What she meant was that instead of double posting (posting two replies in a row) that you should use the 'edit' function to add to a previous reply. You can use the edit function for up to 24 hours after maiking a reply.

Does that help? If not, I'd be glad to pm you to explain further. :)
Oh gotcha Thumpy! Thanx! I don't know why I didn't use the EDIT button. Sorry. I am on another message board (not CSI related) that has NO edit button! It really sucks.
No worries at all, RaCk. (I'm shortening your name down, if you don't mind, lol) I'm glad I was able to help. :)
I'm falling behind again, oh no! Oh, RaCk2ThOuSaNd6, I'm from New York! Just thought I'd tell ya. :lol:

Ahhh, the smog thing. I hate that about LA...I've always wanted to go there, though. I'm a wannabe actress so I've been making plans in my life to go to college for theater and move to LA. Or at least visit. :D It's sad though because I heard it's less sunnier there than it is here in New York... :(
Concerning Ryan in Dead Air, he definatly wasn't smooth. Haha. But I thought it was cute how he asked Delko. And then Delko was so surprized she was interested in him. I dunno, maybe it's just me but I thought he was adorable. Trying to ask a girl out. (NOT that I liked who it was :rolleyes:) But he was still cute. :p
Oh, forgot to mention that. Wolfe kind of made me mad in that episode (didn't help he was wearing that geeky sweatervest either). I love the guy--but seriously, he was a jerk. He shouldn't have asked Delko for money to pay for the date.

In the funny part though, I like how he's horrible at asking out a girl (I agree, sandersidle, it was cute but I didn't really like who it was either). "..and I thought we could laugh at it together...So whaddaya say? :D" :lol:
sandersidle said:
I'm here too. :rolleyes: It's 10:46 here in Canada. Same time as athlov and Twiz. :p

Sand your in Canada me too! :) But im guessing if ur on the same time as Athlov and Twiz ur mostlikly in Ontario,am i right?
It's ok - you can shorten my name - I am used to that! It is my nickname - well when I was in high school because I have quite a large one and especially after having a baby!

Anyway - I totally forgot to mention him asking Eric for money for the date at the end! What a jerk! Seriously, if I was Eric I would have said "Are you kidding me?" and walked out. My husband was like "Are you for real? He doesn't even have a CREDIT CARD?!?!? How tacky is that? What there is no ATM on the way?"
I remember 'Dead Air'.... omg, I laughed so hard at that. I practically rolled off of my bed from laughing. And I felt so bad for Ryan. (Speaking of Ryan.... I'm wondering how he got Erica S. to be his girlfriend. Did she ask him out?)

Let's make telling our time zones easier: I'm in EDT, so what section is you in, Katie? (I'm so sorry, I am in such a goofy mood! It's supposed to be, 'What time zone are you in?')
For the record on the time thing it's 11:47 PM over here right now, though I doubt anybody cares. :lol:

If I was Delko in that situation, I would definitely hand him a 5 dollar bill and tell him, "There's some gas money for you to go to your house and get your own goddamn money" and walk away. Delko's too nice, I'm suprised he actually gave him some moolah.
Smog, ick. I hate smog. My husband and I went to Chicago just after Christmas, and it was gross. We are definitely not big city people. Anywhere polluted or over populated just isn't for me. :( We actually turned around from a 5 1/2 hour drive and came right back home. It was like, "Hey, it looks like Downtown Flint, with taller buildings and more pollution. Yay. Not."

Sorry RaCK, I just confused you more than helped you. *Slaps self* (note to self: leave the moderating to the moderators) :D

Man *sighs* my memory is bad. I was going to comment on some of the other posts I read, but I can't remember what they were.

ETA: Ah, yeah. Dear Air... Like that space that was obviously between Ryan's ears the time he asked Boa out. :p Kidding. :D

That was so funny. I could just imagine that scene from Aladdin. The one where the genie morphed into a bee and did an imitation of a downed fighter pilot.

"Eeeerrrrrrrggghh! Mayday mayday!"
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