Ryan/Jonathan #11: 'Togoliciously Bringing Sexy Back'

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Aaaawwww, thanks for the birthday wishes everyone! :D

I'm sorry I haven't been able to respond sooner. I've been gone most of the day since I went to work. Wednesday's my busiest day of the week, and I usually don't get home until after 11 pm. Now, the birthday icon thingy is gone. :( But hey, I'm on the eastern time zone, so technically, I have about an hour more to go on my birthday. :p So, party on, people! :devil:

inge, me loves the thinker's brow. I think it makes Ryan look soooo sexy! It's one of my fav expressions. Oh, and the hand... I could think of a lot of things to um... *cough* do with those beautiful hands! :devil: :lol: *hugs back*

athlov, I love the Ryan rainbow! *oggles, drools* :eek: What an excellent present! He looks hot in any color, doesn't he? :D

sandersidle, that's so sweet! *hugs* I'm Ryan's 'girlfriend' for a day and I get a hug! SQUEEE! :lol:

Oh, before I forget, happy belated birthday to SwiftTales, and a happy birthdyay to you as well, MikeW! :D
CalleighWolfe said:
Poor baby Ryan in DE (Death Eminent) looking at Alexx doing that, I just wanted to hold him, and kiss him on the cheek, on his forehead on his mou.. ok never mind :D.

Really? I was laughing. :lol: That scene was so cute. I have a morbid sense of humor. :devil:

I'm glad you guys like the rainbow. :D hehe
I get it, I'm welcome :D :lol: I like al the pictures here. I really enjoy them. Because of this pictures, I also get inspiration for my CaRWash fic. Thank you everybody
You're absolutely right, Talcat . They're so pretty. I can't decide if it's his eyes I love most, or his lips, or the way his hair just feathers over his forehead, or his lovely muscly arms, or his hands... I'm getting carried away again. :p (I should be, I know :D ).

Athlov , I love your rainbow! Doesn't it just prove that he looks good in any colour? :eek:

Sandersidle , great stories! :D

Shadowfax , welcome back! We missed you! Time to recharge your Togo-batteries. :D

SparkyGirl , welcome! Pull up a seat, make yourself comfortable. :D *hands out welcome chocolates*

BTW, I was reading the review for Death Eminent and it makes some interesting points about Ryan's blow-up. They think that we haven't seen the end of emotional!Ryan, and it's going to get him into trouble again. :eek: Something Horatio can't make go away. That's worrying.

ETA - I've just thought of something else! I watched Fadeout yesterday. Only 4 Ryan scenes, but they were good ones - green shirt, pretty eyes, lots of emotion (poor baby). I liked the scenes he was in, even though there weren't many (I guess he was out on the road having his car accident). (And I would have liked to have seen that - not just see him have an accident, but... You know... More Ryan-time - Ryan needing hugs).

But the thing that really made my eyes pop out, and I know this is totally the wrong place to say this but I've GOT to say it, was... What the hell was the professor wearing? :eek: :eek: Pink tie, blue shirt, pink jacket... What were the wardrobe people thinking when they dressed the man? Worse than Ryan's worst nightmare outfit day. :rolleyes: Way worse! If any of my professors had dressed like that when I was at college, I wouldn't have listened to a word of the lecture - I'd have been goggling at what they were wearing. *takes a deep breath* End of rant. :D

Wow. Long post. Sorry.
AliGtr said:
ETA - I've just thought of something else! I watched Fadeout yesterday. Only 4 Ryan scenes, but they were good ones - green shirt, pretty eyes, lots of emotion (poor baby). I liked the scenes he was in, even though there weren't many (I guess he was out on the road having his car accident). (And I would have liked to have seen that - not just see him have an accident, but... You know... More Ryan-time - Ryan needing hugs).

But the thing that really made my eyes pop out, and I know this is totally the wrong place to say this but I've GOT to say it, was... What the hell was the professor wearing? :eek: :eek: Pink tie, blue shirt, pink jacket... What were the wardrobe people thinking when they dressed the man? Worse than Ryan's worst nightmare outfit day. :rolleyes: Way worse! If any of my professors had dressed like that when I was at college, I wouldn't have listened to a word of the lecture - I'd have been goggling at what they were wearing. *takes a deep breath* End of rant. :D

Wow. Long post. Sorry.

oh my god yeeeeeeeees ... that professor looked so funny ... but i mean reeeally strange ..

i like fade out (wich is strange because i don'like s4 at all ...) because there was much of emotinal ryan and the story wasn't that bad ... and you know sienna :rolleyes: :p

welcome to the thread SparkyGirl !!
Time to recharge, indeed! Thanks again, Ali! I've missed everyone in this thread too. :D

Welcome SparkyGirl!

I'm obsessed with his eyes too. That's probably my favorite feature, next to his whole face in general: his lips, his lovely, lovely eye lashes, his nose, down to the way he smiles with those oh, so kissable lips, and his perfect teeth... I could go on and on... *sighs dreamily* I should congratulate his parents for making such a gorgeous specimen!! :devil: :lol:

His emotional outbursts are worrying, indeed. Why can't they just give the guy a break for once? I guess he's just so adorably angsty (wow, new term! :lol:) that you just wann whump him a little, then make it better, only to whump him again. Plus JT plays angst and emotion so well. *sighs again* I know... I'm obsessed. And it doesn't matter how bad the writers try to portray him. I'll always find a way to rationalize his actions and to forgive him regardless. Togo luv has made me a bit 'blind' to his shortcomings, which are still soooo sexy to me, imho. :D What? I'm a Togoholic! :p You understand, don't you? :lol:

ETA: Oooh! I just noticed... I'm a 'lowly' Lab Tech now! YAY!! :lol:
Thanks so much for the Ryan-pics folks. I'm so uploading onto my Ipod. Yes, I have Togo-on-the-go-go! Special thanks to those who posted *drools* Long-Hair-Ryan!

And can I just say- that wink in "Silencer" Ryan threw the pharmasist dude... I died. I really died. And I want his green jacket!

And isn't about time Jon got nominated for an Emmy or something?
I can't remember if I have said this before but I think that his accent is just sooo sexy :p I could listen to him talk 24/7...*dreamy sigh*

'Nailed' is still my favorite episode cuz it has loads of ryan! :p just thinking about the nail thing still makes me cry though. :( (I cry easly) :(
HAPPY BRITHDAY Raven04 ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

looks like so much bdays around here lately, hehe

argh¡¡¡¡ you talk about nailed and im counting the days till monday to see it¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ that doesnt help me to calm down¡¡¡¡¡

(loved the rainbow athlov and the bday stories :D sandleisidle )
You shouldn't calm down :p ;) It's real good. You should be excited. If I knew what I was going to see, I would also be veeeery excited :p
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