Ryan/Jon#29: Togo-licious

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  • Togo-licious

    Votes: 17 50.0%
  • Ryan Wolfe,Man of Mystery

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  • Remedy for Togo Fever

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  • Hero of Our Hearts

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  • A Smile Brighter than Diamonds

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  • The Definition Of Gorgeous

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  • Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'

    Votes: 3 8.8%

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LOL, love the banner idea! I adore his head- tilt... and you know what, I actually posted in that thread, because it annoyed me so much I couldn't resist! It was an unfair argument/fight.

*shakes head*
Hehe, I need to make a banner of Ryan head titling and Cas on SPN head tilting with the words: "Head tilting is SEXY!" :lol:

Thanks for the caps, Kristine. :)
thanks for the caps FFF!
wow adore purple colour, even more on him :drool:

so sad that he wasn't more on the episode. gah head-tilt :drool: :lol:
With the next couple of weeks being set as repeats, I'm thinking we should start up a conversation of what we currently have enjoyed and NOT enjoyed thus far for Season 9. (of course, in relation to Ryan) =).

I would start it up, but I'm at work...and can't think all that straight right now, lol.
With the next couple of weeks being set as repeats, I'm thinking we should start up a conversation of what we currently have enjoyed and NOT enjoyed thus far for Season 9. (of course, in relation to Ryan) =).

I would start it up, but I'm at work...and can't think all that straight right now, lol.
Like everyone else,I like that he looks great. I also like that he seems a little more relaxed and laid back.He has had more action scenes,and a little more airtime(not in the last few episodes though)He works extremely well with everyone.
What I don't like is that he still hasn't really had a nice story arc.

I like your banner too GG.
With the next couple of weeks being set as repeats, I'm thinking we should start up a conversation of what we currently have enjoyed and NOT enjoyed thus far for Season 9. (of course, in relation to Ryan) =).

I would start it up, but I'm at work...and can't think all that straight right now, lol.
Like everyone else,I like that he looks great. I also like that he seems a little more relaxed and laid back.He has had more action scenes,and a little more airtime(not in the last few episodes though)He works extremely well with everyone.
What I don't like is that he still hasn't really had a nice story arc.

I like your banner too GG.

I agree with all you points greatfan, I've really enjoyed just seeing more of Ryan. I've loved all the tiny little continuity nods- his financial problems, using hand sanitizer possibly because of his OCD- and I've enjoyed him being more involved physically.

I'm also crossing my fingers that finally we get a year where Ryan isn't blamed for something- that would just be a cherry on the cake :lol:

I'd like to see him a little bit more in the lab- in MMIH all we saw was when he went undercover, and I wished we could see him working inside a little bit more (though if it means more running scenes who am I to complain? :devil:)

Love the banner too GG (and thanks for the lovely caps FFF, before I forget :p)
I'm also crossing my fingers that finally we get a year where Ryan isn't blamed for something- that would just be a cherry on the cake :lol:
That really would be different wouldn't it. He has been blamed for something, or at least seen as suspicious in every single season.Will this season be the season that breaks the pattern?
I was really hoping this would be Ryan's breakout year. Yet so far, Ryan still disappears for long periods of time and is not working in the lab as much. Also, his story hasn't advanced at all. Actually, none of the characters story has been advanced much, just more of the same issues without learning anything new. I am beginning to wonder if the writers are hesitate to commit to anything because of the show's uncertain future.
I would think the writers could commit to a little character building at anytime,it doesn't have to be a huge story.The fact that the future may be uncertain should make them work harder,not do a job that is half assed.This is one of the reasons I send in feedback on a regular basis.
Send in your feedback!
I think all shows go into periods of half-assed writing. sometimes they rebound and other times not. Since I am a recent Miami viewer there are literally a hundred episodes I've never seen. But based on NY, I can say that CSI shows in general have a few too man characters because we never get to know any of them very well. That goes with the territory of esemble casts too
Unfortunately,even with a large number of characters to start with,Miami added another last season.From the 5th season,Miami has spent too much time on certain characters.If the focus had been spread around a little,instead of it being on the same characters for several seasons,we would know just a little more about several other characters.
Aw, thanks guys! Jon makes icon/banner-making pretty easy, though, :drool:

I, too, wouldn't mind a little investing into the characters this year. I know there have been a lot of arguments stating that the show should be, first and foremost, about the science and NOT the characters, but as humans, we subconsciously invest ourselves into these characters to begin with!

I would really hate for this show to become a series about a bunch of drones, only working to solve the crime and never have any reaction/emotion to what goes on around them. Now, true, we don't need it to become a soap opera, but there are ALWAYS ways to not making it too dramatic while still giving the audience depth to the characters.

With that in mind, I would love to see some depth to Ryan. What makes this guy tick? As some have said, all we have seen are the "bad" traits of him, the lying, the gambling, etc. Why not begin to introduce the reasons behind his trust issues? It doesn't have to be the main story (the case should ALWAYS be the main story to every ep, IMO) but the writers could at least give us a hint. So far, the audience has seen Ryan become more relaxed with the team, but those trust issues just don't disappear... right? lol.

So, how about a story arc that forces him to finally overcome the mistrust and come out on top?

I know there is probably more I want to say, but it’s jumbled up in the head at the moment, lol.

I noticed that in the spoilers (though, I'm taking everything with a grain of salt now) that in this episode, Ryan is involved in BOTH cases. I'm wondering if this is him OVERSEEING the cases, as if he's in charge, has more responsibility, etc. ...here's to hoping, ;)
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