Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

Thread Name

  • Ryan Wolfe,Man of Mystery

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Remedy for Togo Fever

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Hero of Our Hearts

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • His royal Hotness/part 2

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • The Miami Way

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • A Smile Brighter than Diamonds

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • The Definition Of Gorgeous

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • TNT Togo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters
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I think it was Tatum Ryan was drawing a blank with...I mean the only reason I know him is from the GI Joe movie, and even then I had to think about it for about ten minutes :lol:

I'm glad I'm not the only one that the link isn't working for...I thought it was my browser having a fit again :p But that bit of gun porn is enough to satisfy me FFF! :D
Yay, this time it works :)

Lovely caps FFF. That man is just irresistable! :lol::drool:
So glad it worked! And glad you are enjoying them! Ryan is just so well
. :lol:
HOTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!! Thanks, Kristine. You are awesome. And he is GORGEOUS. Perfect. Yummy... you get the idea!

:drool: Gah. Gun porn... my fav!!!

As for the name said, yes, it was Channing Tatum. I enjoy seeing him act.. he was also in Step Up and She's The Man. I think that's who stumped Ryan tho, not Will Smith. ;)
Yeah.... he is hot! LMAO. I think that's why Ryan was supposed to be clueless and the girl was like.... "How can someone not know?!" LOL

I am so excited with how the season is going. I feel like it's really on track to be the best one in quite some time!!!
I agree BBS. My thinking was,why would he know Channing Tatum?
I like the season so far too.We are normally way into the second half of the season before we see any justice done to Ryan's character,or before he seems back to his magnificent normal self.

Thanks for the caps FFF.
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Firstly, welcome back BBS and any other posters who have returned!

Thanks again Kristine for the caps. I havent had chance to look at them yet, but I will very soon. Im too busy this week to watch the last episode, so the caps will give me the Ryan fix I need!
Glad to hear the epi was good, Ryan-wise.
Greatfan- you are right, why would Ryan know who Channing Tatum is? He is in more chick flicks really. ( Although my friend dragged me to see Step Up, and I have liked him ever since. Very hot!)
So a good start to the season then, lets hope it continues!
Never, ever in a million years could we get to much gun porn! It's the best thing EVER. :drool: I hope it's a weekly thing for Mr. Wolfe... It's defiantly a site I could never get tired of seeing!

Can't express enough how excited I am for this season!!! I keep saying it, but... I'm just... over-the-top anxious! :D
Never, ever in a million years could we get to much gun porn! It's the best thing EVER. :drool: I hope it's a weekly thing for Mr. Wolfe... It's defiantly a site I could never get tired of seeing!

Can't express enough how excited I am for this season!!! I keep saying it, but... I'm just... over-the-top anxious! :D

It's definitely true that we can never have enough Ryan gun porn! Or arm porn, or camera porn, or...:lol::devil:

I haven't felt optimistic for a new season for four years...I almost forgot what it felt like :lol: But hey, if even Krystal manages to do a good ep with Ryan then that has to be a good sign...
Oh! Let's not forget the jean porn, hair porn, hand porn, tongue porn, smile porn--- what am I missing? I know there's more! :lol:

I agree about Krystal. That is a very positive thing no matter HOW you look at it. I was worried when I found out it was her... but perhaps she sees how insane she made Ryan's character, and how badly it irritated us. Let's hope!

Going to be a good season, indeed. No doubt. Stop hoping. Start believing. Period! ;)
We can't forget those beautiful expressive eyes,the sparkle and twinkle, and that questionable look all add up to eye porn.
Darn you BBS, I have cropped that same pic for an icon.I knew I should have just put it up.Since we all have such wonderful taste,I should have known better,LOL.

Added thought, I have sent more than one email feedback letting CBS know that so far we are liking how Ryan is being written this season.We should be doing that whenever we see things we like,not just when things displease us.You can bet that more vocal fans are trying to get their point across about other issues.
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