Ryan/Jon # 28 - Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

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  • Ryan Wolfe,Man of Mystery

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • Remedy for Togo Fever

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Hero of Our Hearts

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • His royal Hotness/part 2

    Votes: 5 16.1%
  • The Miami Way

    Votes: 2 6.5%
  • A Smile Brighter than Diamonds

    Votes: 1 3.2%
  • The Definition Of Gorgeous

    Votes: 4 12.9%
  • Togo Where No Thread has Gone Before

    Votes: 9 29.0%
  • TNT Togo

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Takes a Lickin' and Keeps on Tickin'

    Votes: 1 3.2%

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No joke, I have the Sleepless promo pics as my desktop bg at work, and some guy just happen to glance at it. His words were "Who is that, James Bond?" He's never watched CSI:M before.

I nearly fell outta my chair. My first words were "Yup, that's Bond alright." =).

oh that's cool =)

my cousin's grandmother just happened to see one Jon's pic as my phone's bg and just said "Oh what a hottie." :guffaw:

well he could be Bond, why not? :guffaw:
LOL,I think we all agree.Sounds like a good title,"Ryan/Jon#29- He's my Bond,".

Here's a pic from the 200th episode party.

I wouldn't argue with that title! :lol:

Thanks for sharing the pic. They all look so proud, and Jon is as good looking as always ;) Here's hoping they have a great 200th episode in store (or at least one that won't be as bad as Vegas' was :shifty:)
I was happy to see a new picture of the cast together,there hasn't been one for a long time.

Agreed, it's been far too long since we've had a team pic.

Even though it's only been two episodes this season already seems to have a more 'team' feel to it than the last: the basketball scene, screentime being more balanced, and Eric and Ryan weren't at each others throats (it's really kind of amazing that it took Eric six seasons to warm up to Ryan :rolleyes:)

I've got a really weird feeling in my gut...call me crazy, but I think...I might actually be a bit optimistic about this season!:eek::lol:
I was happy to see a new picture of the cast together,there hasn't been one for a long time.

Agreed, it's been far too long since we've had a team pic.

Even though it's only been two episodes this season already seems to have a more 'team' feel to it than the last: the basketball scene, screentime being more balanced, and Eric and Ryan weren't at each others throats (it's really kind of amazing that it took Eric six seasons to warm up to Ryan :rolleyes:)
I agree about more of a team feel. The lack of team feel and the horrible team dynamics is what I've disliked previously. I'm enjoying better and more balanced screentime.

I've got a really weird feeling in my gut...call me crazy, but I think...I might actually be a bit optimistic about this season!:eek::lol:
I really hope you're gut is right.I want the great start that the seaon is off to,to continue for all of season 9.
Picked up the DVD today. From what I have had a chance to look at, Jon is very cute being interviewed regarding the bear scene and in the Season 8 review.
I had a chance to look at some more of the DVD. Jon also appears in the Jesse/Walter feature and is very generous in his compliments to the actors. He refers to the three of them as the "Three Musketeers". He also appears in the feature with converting from film medium to HD. He is adorable in all of them and his sense of humor is better than ever!

Sounds good. I hope they put the same extras on the UK version :rolleyes:
Aww its a shame Jesse has gone, those 3 were good together.

You know, looking at those promo pics (I can't help myself :drool:) I was curious: what's everyone's favourite type of clothing for Ryan to wear? Usually I prefer his tee and jeans/trousers combo but after those pics I'm edging more towards his suit (and tie) look :)

Although he looks good in anything, my favourite is probably shirt with no tie, and Jeans. The t-shirts, although very nice :devil: seem a bit too casual for work. But the tie is too much. And im not a big fan of the all in white look either, although he can pull off any colour.

No joke, I have the Sleepless promo pics as my desktop bg at work, and some guy just happen to glance at it. His words were "Who is that, James Bond?" He's never watched CSI:M before.

I nearly fell outta my chair. My first words were "Yup, that's Bond alright." =).

Ahh yes, definitely looks like Bond in those pics. They are fab. :)

More pics from the 200th episode celebration.Great milestone.Jon will be reaching a milestone too,150 episodes coming up soon!

Thanks for the update on the movie Theresa.

Thanks for the pics. Its strange seeing them all in caual clothes!
Hopefully the 200th pisode will be good.
Tonight's episode of "See No Evil",is written by Krystal Houghton. I hope she doesn't do a hatchet job on Ryan's character again. I'm working tonight so I won't get a chance to see the episode until tomorrow.Sure hope I'm not disappointed.
Thank you very much, Kristine!

Hmm, a Krystal Houghton epi. I have my fingers crossed that she treats Ryan better this time.
Thank you very much, Kristine!

Hmm, a Krystal Houghton epi. I have my fingers crossed that she treats Ryan better this time.
I'm taking a sneak at the site from work.
Thanks for the caps Kristine.
I hope Kristine does better this time.
One of the advantages of Miami being on Monday night is that I never work Monday nights. I hate the thought that I won't see the show until Monday.I'm really wanting to know how well or how badly kristine will treat Ryan.Hopefully I'll come home to good reviews.
Thanks for the caps FFF, always a nice thing to see before going to sleep at night :D

Krystal's doing the next episode?...My gut is adamant about staying positive on this one. Must think happy thoughts, happy thoughts...
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