BTW, I was unaware that Jon smoked, at least I don't remember hearing that he smoked but maybe I'm confused!
I have seen other pictures with him and he is holding a cigarette. Hopefully he stops soon; I would hate to see it effect his health.
We are doing ok snow-wise here so far. We are near the PA/Ohio border so we aren't getting hit as hard. We got about 2 inches last night and are under a weather advisory for 4-7 more all depending on how it hits. The wind is the worst part though, it's so cold and gusting up to 35 mph blowing the snow we already have everywhere! What a mess! Hopefully after this we are done, lol, so sick of snow and cold!
This is actually the longest we've gone all winter without it snowing; it looks as if it is only going to get warmer with very few chances for snow so maybe the end is in sight for you as well. March 1st is Monday:thumbsup:
Well, that settles the height thing. :lol: So the employee info thing was incorrect in the ep where he was working in the gun range. it had his height as 5/10. But it also had his hair as blonde and address as unknown. :lol: Seriously, when has Ryan ever had blonde hair? :lol: But how dare someone call him puney! :lol: If I were Cal I would have smacked the guy or found some way to hit him where I could claim it was an accident. :lol:
The interchange between Ryan and the suspect appears to be the writer's attempt at humor again, but this joking about Ryan's height all season is getting old.
Well, 5'9 is considered tall for a woman, but short for a man. How weird is that? :lol: But one of the comments about Ryan's height was Ryan's joke anyway, so it didn't bother me that much. The other was just Walter or Jesse teasing him in a playful brotherly way. I have a feeling that the suspect calling him puney is gonna tee me off worse than the other two incidents. :lol:
I think that Ryan is going to get the last laugh at the end. And I am 5'3" so 5'9" isn't too tall for me either:devil: