Hit and Run
:guffaw::guffaw::guffaw:Yeah, i felt my stomach drop when the white van rolled up... I started yelling at the tv and my roommate told me to shut up and let him sleep!!!:lol::lol::lol:You as well, MiamiWolfe. And thanks for treating us to your icon. It's given me lots of inspiration for my Ryan fanfics.
I'm glad you liked it, and I'm glad it gave you inspiration!! It needed to be shared:devil::devil:
thank you great snowflake!!!! yeah, i found those yesterday browsing through the thread reading the older posts. fyi, did you all see yesterday's rerun of Target Specific??? had a lot of ryan action and eyecandy if you know what i mean... = )
I saw it as well. Does anyone else find their stomach rolling a little knowing what is going to happen to Ryan at the end? I found myself yelling at the screen "Ryan, the white van the WHITE VAN!!!!"