Hi mates ! I'm a new french Ryan-Jon-addict and I very enjoy myself reading all the news you find about the hottiest guy of the TV screen.
However, although I can manage to read english quite well I find it more difficult to understand the spoken part ... so I beg a little help from my (I hope) new fiends ...
Can someone explain me what Jon is saying at the end of this TV Mag interview ? I think he's talking about France and Luxembourg but I'm not sure and I'm getting mad not understanding what he's talking about ...:brickwall:
However, although I can manage to read english quite well I find it more difficult to understand the spoken part ... so I beg a little help from my (I hope) new fiends ...
Can someone explain me what Jon is saying at the end of this TV Mag interview ? I think he's talking about France and Luxembourg but I'm not sure and I'm getting mad not understanding what he's talking about ...:brickwall: