Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

Discussion in 'CSI: Miami' started by CSI_Kat, Jul 29, 2008.


What should our new thread title be?

Poll closed Aug 1, 2008.
  1. Ryan/Jon #19: The Tight T-Shirt Society

  2. Ryan/Jon #19: Togo where no thread has gone before

  3. Ryan/Jon #19: We want skin!

  4. Ryan/Jon #19: All in the accent

    0 vote(s)
  5. Ryan/Jon #19: The Incrediable Shrinking T-Shirt

  6. Ryan/Jon #19: Get the Full Togo Experience Here

  7. Ryan/Jon #19: He's a Superhero in Training

  8. Ryan/Jon #19: Waiting for the comeback of the Purple tee

    0 vote(s)
  9. Ryan/Jon #19: Fresh Togo

  10. Ryan/Jon #19: Wolfe's Den

  11. Ryan/Jon #19: Dreaming of Wolfe shirtless

  12. Ryan/Jon #19: Wolfe gang

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    She just IMO looks totally out of place on Miami. She would totally fit in on Bones as one of Dr. Brennan's grad students. I just don't feel she will on Miami, but we'll see. I may be pleasantly surprised.

    I did find that I liked Thomas (the male ME) in the premiere ep better than I did in the finale. He seemed much more likeable there. I guess we know now why he seemed so jerkish in the finale. :lol:

    I wouldn't mind a friendship between them at all. Ryan could always use more friends. I just would want them to stay platonic. :) Kind of like a Sara/Greg type of thing, only minus him having a crush on her. :lol: That would be cute, a friendship and her maybe being his best friend. :)

    I still feel they should have felt her character out a little with the audience before thrusting her into the opening credits on her first ep. They didn't add Frank, Ryan or Natalia to the opening credits at first. Why should the new girl get a free pass to the opening credits when they didn't?

    Hopefully she'll fit in better than I fear she won't. :lol:

    By the way, that brown leather jacket Ryan was wearing in the preview for next week's ep... totally hot! :drool: Looks a bit like a bomber jacket. Now I want to see him in a black leather jacket. :D
  2. Hollyyo

    Hollyyo CSI Level Two

    Jul 25, 2008
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  3. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    Yeah, that spoiler/rumor is definitely wild. Hehe. But, it might not be a bad thing. Could go either way. :D
  4. Solitaire

    Solitaire CSI Level Two

    Jun 23, 2008
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    We are only on s6 here, so didn't see mondays ep. Was it any good? At least Ryan had a bit of screen time. I am a teeny bit disappointed that Ryan wasnt the bad guy, it could have been quite fun, but least if he is good he will stay in longer!
    Was he wearing that purple suit the whole ep? At least next weeks wardrobe choice sounds more promising.
    Im not surprised that he gave up the secret so quick. You could tell from the whole mole thing in s4 that he hates lying and keeping his co workers in the dark. I wonder if Eric will be mad for long at him, hopefully not.
    With regards to the new ME, it would be quite nice for Ryan to get a friend in the department. He seems at loggerheads with the others most of the time, so we need some lighter scenes, But I dont think they should get together.
    The question before about what we would like to see for Ryan- personally I would like a back story, and maybe some family stuff
    I would love it if the kid is supposed to be a young Ryan, and we get flashbacks to his childhood. It could explain lots about his behaviour.
  5. starzsgirl

    starzsgirl Captain

    Feb 6, 2007
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    Is it possible to please take the implied shipping conversations to Shipper Central? Since that really is the place for them. Thanks.

    I finally got to see this weeks ep and oh my goodness was that an interesting one. Ryan looked awesome and it was nice to see the darker side with the undercover work he did. The facial expressions and raising his voice were great heights to the character. Jon did fantastic this ep, especially the underlying worrying about what the co-workers would think. I can't wait to find out what they are going to do with Ryan this season, it's looking promising from the overall concept of this ep and the promos.
  6. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    He looked scared when Delko grabbed him. I'm not sure if he was more afraid of Delko hurting him or of them having him thrown in jail. A cop in jail wouldn't do so well if you know what I mean. He'd probably run into some people he put away back when he was a regular cop. :lol:
  7. Hollyyo

    Hollyyo CSI Level Two

    Jul 25, 2008
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    Sorry about the shipper stuff! lol....The chick hasn't even made her debut yet and we're already deciding her love interests! :rolleyes:

    Ryan/Togo did do a fantastic job. I wish they could use him more, he's a really talented actor.

    In the very beginning it looked like he was going to cry even though he knew it was all fake. He was probably sad about having to lie to Eric and Calleigh. I think he caved so quickly because of that. As much as I would like to see it dragged out, I think they made it like that because that's what Ryan Wolfe would do.

    The episode is on iTunes now. Did anyone notice it wasn't actually David or Togo in the scene where Ryan was drawing H's blood? At the end it was, but watch carefully during....Weirdness...
  8. miamifan08

    miamifan08 Police Officer

    Apr 30, 2008
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    So...this apparent picture of togo in People Magazine???? who's seen it? Cause I really want to see it.
  9. AliGtr

    AliGtr CSI Level One

    Jul 27, 2006
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    Wow! I haven't seen the episode, of course, but I saw the promo and the caps of the episode, and it looks fantastic! maybe not the story, because Miami has a habit of presenting questionable stories, but there are some great Ryan scenes! Him shouting at Calleigh and Eric when they first arrive... Amazing! So full of emotion! I could almost believe that he's about to burst into tears. It really gave him an opportunity to act! *pats writers on the back for once*

    Now I'm looking for clips of that scene between Ryan and Eric where Eric finds out the truth. :eek: The caps look exciting!

    Am I allowed to post a link to the cap site I found? There are lots of lovely big Ryan caps there... http://rainbow.unoriginal-sin.org/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=65&page=1 :p
  10. Solitaire

    Solitaire CSI Level Two

    Jun 23, 2008
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    Yeah, its about time TPTB gave Jon some proper, emotional scenes, rather than have him wandering into an episode for 2 minutes to check on some one elses work!
    I saw the episode with the lime green sweater vest the other day, and sad to say, I've decided I really like it! (I know, im weird) I wonder what Jon thinks of his wardrobe, he didnt seem too impressed with that purple suit in that interview some one posted a while back.
  11. luf100

    luf100 Coroner

    Mar 18, 2008
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    I think one time in an interview Jonathan said he hated the sweater vests. :p

    AliGtr: THANK YOU!!!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2008
  12. ILuvJonathanTogo

    ILuvJonathanTogo Coroner

    Dec 22, 2005
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    I had a random thought today about the episode last week. I wonder what Calleigh and Eric were thinking after they found out Ryan had lied, after all the yelling and stuff, they must have thought that Ryan was a great actor because he was pretty convincing :lol:

    I dont have enough time to give all my thoughts on the episode but I will say that Jonathan was awesome of course and had so much screentime! Probably still could have had more but hey its an improvement. Hopefully he keeps getting this amount of screentime.
  13. togo_girl21

    togo_girl21 Prime Suspect

    Aug 12, 2008
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    I can't seem to access the page. Darnit!
  14. AliGtr

    AliGtr CSI Level One

    Jul 27, 2006
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    *checks* It doesn't work for me either now. Not even where I first saved it. Damn! Maybe it's a downtime thing? I hope so - it looked a promising site. :(

    I went through the episode this morning and saved a lot of caps. I'll put them on my Photobucket if the site doesn't come back up and share.
  15. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    The site works now. :)

    Does anyone else feel like Ryan should have gotten an apology after he told Calleigh and Eric the truth? I mean, the poor guy was only following his boss' orders and nearly got pummeled by Eric for it. I actually didn't expect Eric to apologize, truth be told cause he and Ryan clash all the time anyway. But, I kind of figured Calleigh would have at least said, "sorry for jumping to conclusions". But, Ryan didn't seem too upset that they accused him (after the fact). I mean he was at first. You could tell he was insulted at the mere idea that they would think he could do that to Horatio. But, he got over it pretty quickly. Still, if it had been me, I would have apologized to him. 'Course if it had been me, I would have known better than to suspect him anyway. I would have thought a criminal was trying to set him up before I would have ever jumped to the conclusion that Ryan was involved. I would have given him the benefit of the doubt. I mean, it's unlikely that the "it's done" text being their only evidence against Ryan would have held any water in court. :lol: "its done" is very vauge and can mean anything. :lol:

    Natalia was the only one out of all of them to be smart enough to think that it was absurd to think that Ryan was involved in hurting Horatio. :lol: Of course that could just be because she wasn't emotionally affected as badly as Calleigh and Eric were by H's "death" and was therefore able to see more clearly. At least Calleigh didn't suspect him until confronted with evidence that made him look guilty. Eric however suspected him right from the start. I think he's taking this whole "I resent you because you came in after my best friend died" thing way too far. :lol: Dude, one word: THERAPY! :lol: They all should have had to go to grief counseling after Speed's death then maybe Ryan would get treated a little more fairly. :lol:

    I have to wonder what Alexx would have said if she had been there and heard that Eric was thinking Ryan was guilty. :lol: Alexx (who was always very motherly toward all of them, including Ryan) would have probably wondered what was wrong with Eric. :lol:
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