a true fan wouldn't give up. They would support their favorite character no matter what what happens. a fan (to me at least) sticks with a character no matter what pit falls they encounter and how they are portrayed.
Yeah, if you're a true fan of the SHOW as a whole you'd stick around, but when your favorite character is constantly dumped on? Some people can't stand to see that happen.
Let's use an analogy here: If you had a friend whose boyfriend/girlfriend/sibling, etc constantly dumped on them and put them down, treated them badly, etc. would you just sit there and stay there while it happened? Most people would speak up and try to make things change. When a show is doing something you don't like, emough people shutting it off (causing the ratings to drop drastically) and writing letters to the producers, writers, etc expressing your dislike over what they are doing to your favorite character, that's the only way to get through to them that you want the crap to stop! Period! You can't just sit there and watch and stay silent about it no matter what and let it continue. If you don't speak out one way or another, nothing ever changes.
BTW, I don't think that if one were to quit watching (because the writers have constantly dumped on Ryan) that it would mean that the particular person wasn't a true Ryan/Jonathan fan ... just a fan that's so disgusted with the way their fave character (and in some cases, actor) is treated.
I feel that Ryan was kind of in a difficult position to begin with (and Jonathan as well). It's always difficult to be the one who comes in to replace a fan favorite like Speedle, Warrick, Sara, etc... Some people instantly hate the newcomer cause they took their favorite's place. And then to write the newcoming character as a possible bad guy? That's just unfair IMO. It's like he hasn't gotten a fair chance.
If it was in character to make someone that way, it'd be one thing. But, after having made a point of Ryan saying that he owes H for going to bat for him... it would be completely OOC for them to make him suddenly betray Horatio in the worst possible way. Taking complete credit for something that someone else helped you do is one thing, but plotting to kill the man that went to bat for you and got your job back is something completely different. It's OOC and its a complete slap in the face to Ryan as a character, to fans, etc. It's just wrong... and I won't be watching anymore if that's the case. I just couldn't stomach it. And that doesn't make me any less of a Ryan/Jonathan fan. If the character is destroyed beyond the point of being able to be recognized, to the point where none of the good qualities of the character exist anymore, what is the point of watching? I couldn't do it... and that does not in any way mean that I'm not a true fan of the character nor does it mean that I'm not a true supporter of Jonathan. Sometimes the best way to support someone is to stand up and speak out and do something to make a difference rather than stay silent and let the horror continue.
I'm not saying that the writers will do this to the character because (for one, I do not know 100% obviously) and 2) I really feel (and hope) that he's just helping Horatio. But, all I'm saying is that if they did make Ryan bad, that'd be too much for me to handle. It already has ticked me off the way they killed Speedle off (they could have come up with a better way than to make him have a second issue with not cleaning his gun properly- he would have learned his lesson the first time) then with the whole Ryan gambling and getting fired thing... and making Cooper a bad guy the way they did... and now something else to give the Ryan haters more fuel. It's just too much.
How could someone support a character who has turned evil though? Ryan is NOT Spike! It won't work the way it did with Spike. With Spike it was good or bad, you loved him anyway.... you couldn't help but not. But, BTVS was a much different type of show... it was fantasy. Vampires, werewolves, demons, etc... that's all fantasy. People killing people, robbing banks, etc... that's stuff that really happens. Miami is supposed to be a much mroe realistic show than BTVS. So, making one character turn on the other in that they'd plot to kill them? That would NOT make that character loved anymore. That would either A) Make the former fans of that character decide not to me be a fan of that character anymore or B) Make the fans of the way the character was in the beginning [ie a good, sweet, decent, but misunderstood guy who was a little ambitious and sometimes forgot his manners a little like with taking all the credit and all] stop watching because they are completely disgusted with how their fave has been destroyed by writers. Also, with Spike, you could justify his bad behavior. ie: he's a vampire, has a demon in him that does the bad things, he can't really help it, he has no soul, etc... No matter how true a fan you are of a character like Ryan, there'd be no way to justify rationally a reason for him to betray the man who went to bat for him and got him his job back. To me, that wouldn't be Ryan. That would be more like invasion of the body snatchers. :lol:
I still think Ryan moving to the dark side and becoming a bad cop/CSI might prove to be a lift the show needs.
:wtf: Huh? Why does the show need a lift? It's the #1 most watched show! Surprising, but true. :lol:
I thought the same thing...or that he was having issues with the bullet fragment still in his head.
:lol: That thought crossed my mind as well.
And if Jon makes a choice, perhaps to leave the show, then he's open to do othe rprojects. Another thing that a fan would be greatful for.
And if that were the case, then fine. That's why I wasn't 100% upset that they killed Speedle off... because the actor wanted to pursue other projects. I'm just miffed at the way they did it with the gun not being clean. They could have just left it at the other guy was a faster draw. :lol: or faster shooter one. :lol: But, its been said that Jonathan has said he doesn't want to leave Miami and would like to do the show for as long as its on. So, that particular scenario doesn't seem to apply to him.
I am a HUGE Jonathan Togo fan as well as a HUGE Ryan Wolfe fan, but I refuse to watch my fave character(s) being throw out with the trash... which is basically IMO what they'd be doing with Ryan if they made him that bad of a guy. A little thing here and there (gambling or whatever) is one thing, but to completely destroy his character by making him a murderer, would just be way too much... it be going way too far. That's the way I feel about it. Now if someone hurt someone in his family or his gf or whatever and he went out and killed them, then maybe it could be justified to a point... but H is the reason Ryan got his job back. So, to plot to kill him... how on earth could that be justified?