Ryan/Jon # 18: Why can't we cap our dreams?

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Jon and Justin are quite the pair....I bet they can get into a lot of trouble if left to their own devices. :devil:

I too hope we get some decent Ryan...but the H drama is just taking over and really getting to be a bit GSRish....Heaven forbid that they actually so science on this show anymore. I think Ryan's actually been in the lab like 2 or 3 times in the few eps we've gotten to see.
I actually want to see the papperazzi pictures of justin and jon, I haven't come across them yet. when someone said something about that I looked for a justin long fan site and only found the one.. hahaha

i think they should have a whole episode just dedicated to ryan... haha that would be sweet. Everyone else is still in it, but ryan gets promoted or something.
You know being that the CSI writers like to reuse story lines (Warrick and gambling, Ryan and gambling etc) they could always write a story line involving Ryan getting evidence on his shirt and he had to take it off to process the evidence (this has actually happened more than once, so it's believable).
Happilyhappy said:
You know being that the CSI writers like to reuse story lines (Warrick and gambling, Ryan and gambling etc) they could always write a story line involving Ryan getting evidence on his shirt and he had to take it off to process the evidence (this has actually happened more than once, so it's believable).

Hey, that's a good one. Good job.
Now i'm pretty sure that should be in an episode some where!!!
They used it to get Nick's shirt off...just like having him and Warrick go into pools to get evidence and bodies.

I think it's high time that Ryan takes a dip in a pool or hot tub to fish out evidence or victims. Heck he could go to question someone while they are watering their garden, suprises them, and gets drenched. Or it just could be a really hot day and the AC happens to break in the Hummer or the lab and he has to cool off somehow. :D :devil:
I'm not going to lie, that made me laugh.

hahah i think its hilarious how everyone is coming up with all these ideas (fantastic ones) to get ryan shirtless.
I think you might be mixed up...that is Jon in there, Ryan is his character. And I remember that commerical...never knew that was him till now.

So last nights ep really stunk. Ryan was barely in it and when he did that jacket made him look like a walking lima bean. Seriously was it get the ugliest jacket from GoodWill and give it to Jon?!

Though he did look very good, even when he was trying to be tough and get the hair evidence from Boa.
That video is cool. Thanks for posting it. I only watched part of the epsiode last night.....The part I saw did not have much Ryan in it and from what I saw - there will probably not be too many good caps from the scene he was in. Too bad.....it might be along time now before we see new eppies again.
OMG that vid is so funny. Thanks for postin it Sirius!!

Poor Togo having all those dudes dicks in his face, rotff. Ok not fair, bunch of naked guys and Togo is the only one with clothes on, wtf. Why didn't they show him showering ??? *faints at thought*

Yeah I wasn't happy with csim last night. Ryan's parts seemed like they just squeezed him in there like a lab tech. OH he did get to question the guy but he did that test and came out neg, and it was wrong. Of course they have him do it and look bad, eh.

Here are a few caps I grabbed for those that don't have good isp and slow puters that can't watch the vid...
OH God naked men in my face!

God this acting job sucks!

my agent hates me!

look in their eyes not at their ....

I hope I get that job on csi Miami and no more of these commercials!!

Shorts!!! Legs!!!! *faints*
Ah i know, the episode last night barely had him in it, most likely due to the fact it was more about Horatio.
And since they cut that episode off the next episode probably will be the same, unless of course they decide to put more Ryan in there.

I mean that episode last night barely had Calleigh in it.

That lime green blazer, oh man.... They must like the lime green on him. I didnt mind the sweater but that blazer must not ever make an appeance. But for some odd reason i think it might due to the way the other episode just ended.

Thanks for posting htat video. thats hilarious.

Twiztid4Togo haha i totally agree with you.. Every other man is naked aside from togo. I'm starting to think he's doing this on purpose.
Thanks for posting that link and the caps. I wish last night did have more Ryan, byt at least he was in it. Man Togo. shirtless would have been a great early bday present.
Oh man Sue - those are great caps. I must say that Jon with longish wet hair is very nice!!!
Kat, your so right about the long wet hair. I almost fainted when I first started watching it. I was like Holy Cow he's getting undressed "YEEEEEEEESSSSS" :devil: and naked men. OMG he's going to get naked "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS" :devil: then he didn't :(

I bet that was the worse acting job he ever got. He read the script and probably cried.
A while later, I get along and I have to ask who this Justin-guy is you keep talking about. x3

And I really liked that vid, it was funny xD
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