Ryan/Jon #17: Ryan, where have you gone?

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He was procesing evidence in a car when **gasp** H actually had a hand with a flashlight looking in the car with him.

That was :eek:!!!

I was hoping we would see more of a preview for next week. I would love to see him in a t-shirt again!
I'm definitely liking all the t-shirt discussion. It's time for the blazer to take a little break (not that we don't like the blazer, of course).
*thinks back fondly to Shock and Curse of the Coffin*

I saw the little glimpse during the preview for next week, too. Looks promising.

By the way CSI Kat, your icon is awesome! It's very intense. I love it.
I saw the pics for this week's episode - that is a beautiful colour on him! He looks so tanned and dark and yummy. :p It's certainly an improvement on last week's, but I've still got a sneaky affection for those quirky outfits.

So I've finally got that icon small enough to use. *looks left* It wasn't what I really wanted to do - I had to cut some stuff out. This is the one I wanted to use.
Tnanks WolfeWhistle. When I saw that scene Monday - that face screamed icon! I was so glad there were caps of that.

Ali - that icon will work here - it has to be under 60kb .gif but it won't work over at LJ - that needs to be 40kb .gif. They are both great!

t-shirt pics.....hmmm
with Hummer

You're right! I had it in my mind that it had to be under 35kB. Maybe that's sig banners. :confused: Oh, I'm happy now! :D
There you go Ali! It is great! I love it!

Ok Sara - Is that a hint???

Here is me trying to learn to cap. This came from the season 5 DVD - his interview with MDPD. I did not crop this one....but I thought you might want to see this.

me not knowing how to cap yet.....
I saw that Youtube thing with him in it..........I gotta say WOW........thats sad........what a way to loose ur reputation.
I read about the CSI Miami season 5 DVD's and Jon comments an episode (or maybe more than one?).
I have to wait such a long time till I can buy them, so does anyone know to which episode(s) Jon adds his opinion?

I also read about the feature with Jon.
Want to see it NOW. :D
CSINYMIA000 said:
I saw that Youtube thing with him in it..........I gotta say WOW........thats sad........what a way to loose ur reputation.

Are you talking about the mini-show thing? I think its funny, very funny but definetly unprofessional for an actor like him. But I dont really mind, because its hilarious and he's cute as always and he totally danced! He's got some mad ballerina spinning skills. You should watch it :lol:
Oh and apprently his girlfriend Diana Gettinger? (Something like that) is in the 4th episode.

If this wasn't what you were talking about, sorry! :lol:
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