Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Acutally, marriage hasn't crossed my mind. :p Call me the DA, but honestly, I can't see it. Though, that's probably me because I have the most difficult time wrapping my head around the concept of marriage outside of the preface of being a legal institution, which is neither here or there...

My only exception is more of a variation that has nothing to do with Ryan. :)

Hmm...I don't know if there would be more of a "who's the wife" kind of thing. With their professions, it may just be who's available to do what. And while Ryan may be a bit more anal retentive, I can see them both helping around.

"Afternoon Delight"? Lol, I don't even know the song, Twiz, and I'm getting "bad thoughts"...you're extremely contagious.

See, as soon as I get out of the habit of visualising Ryan in the sweatervests (still love them), then I can go into other articles of clothing like aprons, lol.
Soooooooooooo don't agree in the whole marriage thing? What about children? If the two would start a family I think a daughter would be perfect for them.

I would love to see them freaking out on first crushes, first dates, and feminine things.
Lol, well don't let my cynicism get you down. You know, you could always write what you think their marriage would entail. *not so subtle hint hint*

But alas, the same thing goes for me with children. It's just hard for me to imagine in general. Though, I'm not saying it can't be done, but I'm just weird like that. :p

However, the idea of any parent (especially Ryan and Greg) freaking out about their child growing up is always something appealing. :)
I just found this thread like a month ago and have been too afraid to post... I am so glad that other people think greg and ryan belong together.
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I feel bad - I have neglected this thread! Anza - thanks for posting that link...I don't mind. In fact - it is a good reminder that it needs to be updated.

Marriage? children? sounds like good fic material to me! *COUGH*

Afternoon delight! :drool: :censored: My thoughts are racing!

Welcome to all the newbies to this thread! I love seeing you all here. We have a few that write fan fic and I try to make Ryan/Greg fanart. This is a great group!

here is a banner
and an icon
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Welcome, MyMutantRomance. :)

Oh, don't be afraid to post. And here's where I would say something about us not biting, but there's nobody here, lol. So please do post to your heart's content.

And don't feel bad, Kat...you're definitely not alone in that aspect. ;)

About that marriage fic - I'm waiting for Sakura_Kiss to write it. :rolleyes:
Me? right a fic? :guffaw:

Well ok if you want to see something so bad that would make you want to shoot yourself. Seriously I can't make up one decent story.

But if it'll convince you that G/R would be good with children I'll give it a shot.
Hey, wow peeps are back in full and posting, YAY! *throws confetti*
Welcome to the thread, MyMutantRomance. :beer:
Be prepared to get naughty!!:censored:

Ok, for the q's about marriage. I have never thought about it since it's not legal. BUT headline news on Yahoo today said this :

SAN FRANCISCO - In a monumental victory for the gay rights movement, the California Supreme Court overturned a voter-approved ban on gay marriage Thursday in a ruling that would allow same-sex couples in the nation's biggest state to tie the knot. Domestic partnerships are not a good enough substitute for marriage, the justices ruled 4-3 in striking down the ban.

SO, now the ball is rolling and I'm guessing other cities/states will follow. But till then looks like Ryan and Greg will have to go to California to get married. I bet this has all the Plot Bunnies hopping up and down for joy!!!!
oooooooooooh I can see a spin off happening! CSI San Fransisco starring our 2 guys! That would be great! They could get married! Woohoo!

So shall we talk about the wedding they could have or the honeymoon? :devil:

Sakura Kiss - if you wrote the fic I would read it! There is never enough R/G fic out there.
Greggo and Ryan's homemoon, wow that would be one hot night. I think Ryan would want a more traditional wedding. I really don't think Greg would go for traditional.
OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH never thought about a spin off!! CSI San Francisco..hehehee too funny!! Oh the story lines they could have! OH wait this is on CBS and not Showtime..:censored:

I say we start on the honeymoon, but then again we have that problem with :censored: SO for the wedding I could see them both dressed in white tux with those cute shiny top hats, like the monopoly guy wears lol.. The tux would have that long tail or back...Ok am I really thinking this??

Honeymoon...hmmm somewhere with a beach so they can take long romantic walks side by side holding hands, but of course they never make it to the beach!! :censored: :drool: at that thought!
Sakura Kiss said:

Well ok if you want to see something so bad that would make you want to shoot yourself. Seriously I can't make up one decent story.

Well, each journey begins with a single step (metaphorically speaking, of course). :) And don't even get me started with the crap I wrote not too long ago. But you're probably not giving yourself enough credit, anyway. :p

Spin-off? Honestly, I was expecting Ryan to move to Vegas a long time ago. With the recent events of season eight of CSI, Ryan moving to Vegas - regardless of how absurdly random it is - would certainly make this one happy.

Especially with the
increasing probability of Nick getting involved with some random waitress

But anyway...a spin-off would work nicely, too. Or maybe a completely AU CSI where Ryan came in during season three of LV and he and Greg became friends and then some...like totally disregarding the series' history for the sole purpose of rewriting Ryan into canon. Because he would be a cop - not unlike Nick (sorry :p) - turned CSI, who became friends with Greg and helped him transition from lab tech to CSI, during which their relationship...grows.

Yeah...I could definitely do that.
I think a spin-off starring Greg and Ryan would be awsome. I would love to see these two work on cases together and it'll be great to see their realtionship, not necessarily a romantic one, outside work.

The all new CSI: SanFrancisco

Starring: Eric Szmanda and Jonathan Togo.

Since their the reasons why I got into their shows in the first place, I would definately watch this. XD

Btw Anza, I'm starting on that marriage fic.

Wish me luck.
I would so watch that! I'm sure it would be the best of all the csi shows too. Even if they weren't "together" on it, just friends would be great. Greg could teach Ryan to surf and Ryan could teach Greg how to decorate his apartment!! Ryan could also teach Greg how to shoot a gun. Since he worked at the gun range I think Ryan would be the best to teach him.
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