Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Eheh. I watched an "If you were gay" CSI video too except it was Nick as Rod, Greg as Nicky and the guy he "met at the subway" was Grissom. :lol:

I had this thought that the two knew each other when they were little (probably 7-8 years old). Ryan was the "why should I smile when the world is like this" type of kid and Greg was the happy go lucky, make friends with everyone, kid. He tried to make friends with Ryan, trying to tear down the walls around him, following him around, and Ryan found it very annoying. Eventualy, he opened up to Greg and the two became
"the bestest friends" doing everything together and they became inseperable. Unfortunately Ry had to face an angsty issue, probably a family problem, and he had to build up his walls all over again. Greg tried his best to help Ryan but he snapped at him for getting into his business. They stopped talking and avoided each other for days. Then Ryan's family dcide to move away a few days later, and Greg rushed to see Ryan off. We get a cute/sad goodbye scene with Greg telling Ryan that no matter what they'll always be bestfriends and before Ryan could say something back, before he had the chance to appologize, his mom pulled him away because they were in a hurry. *sniff* And Greg just watched as the one he cares about the most be pulled away looking back sadly at him.
They meet years later in the crossover. If there's a crossover.
There should be a crossover.

Woah, that was long!
Hey - we are less then 40 posts from a new thread. We should start thinking of a thread title.

That is a cute little scenario Sakura Kiss. TPTB - listen to us. We MUST have a crossover!!!
I agree about the crossover, especially the scene that Sakura Kiss suggested. :D :censored: :drool:

Hmm titles...well we've had Flordia and now Nevada...what meeting in the middle?

Something to the effect of Let's Meet in the Middle, OK? OK as in Oklahoma because it's about as middle as I could get with a state abrevation that worked. :p :guffaw:
Hey! This is kinda of topic but I have to share it;

My classmate read my R/G fanfiction, and aside the fact that she doesn't like SLASH, she doesn't watch the show too, but she actualyy squeed. That's right, I actually heard her squee as in "these two are the cutest couple ever squee". She wasn't supposed to enjoy it but she did.

Moral of the story: Ryan and Greg's chemistry can lead anti-slashers and over to the dark side
Cute idea for a fic, Sakura_Kiss, and I love that your friend liked your fic. :) Guess there's just something about the two of them together that has that effect on people.

I'd like to see CSI Chicago. they can cuddle up in the wintertime when it's cold, and go to the beach when it's warm.
Hey - you should share your fic with us! Most of us adore reading Ryan/Greg fic!

Great idea Missie! Chicago is a great town. They could hang out in Boy's Town after hours. :p
awwww we landed on page 2 again. Where are all my fellow gutterville residents?

So - with all this rain we have been getting lately....what do you think our guys would do during it? Go out for a nice drink and dinner, catch a movie, go clubbing or just stay in for the evening? I posted a Greg/Ryan icon in my LJ that may not be boar appropriate. Go check it out if interested. I know a few of you have already seen it.
You mean the icon you made me? Pfft I've seen worse on here than that...I think we should all sport the Ryan/Greg icons. Show some support. :D

I suggested a title up there...but no one else seems to have any. So I dunno what we could do about that...

Hmm rain..despite the fact that it gets annoying, especially with humidity and all that. But it would be nice to having them dancing in the rain, soaked t-shirts and jeans. :drool: Then go clean up and having a nice dinner out at a place with huge windows where they can sit and watch the rain. Then home for some dessert. :censored: :evil:
Hey I thought this thread was dead!! YAY for the revival!

Oh any fic with Ryan and Greg together is a great fic. I think they are just so cute together and seem to be capatible. Opposites attract. They will balance each other out. Greg's craziness will pull Ryan away from his ocd maybe.

I'm having a rainy day now and I just can't think of anything good to do on days like this, but stay in bed:drool::censored:

mmmm icon...I do love it Kat!:p
You mean the icon you made me? Pfft I've seen worse on here than that...I think we should all sport the Ryan/Greg icons. Show some support. :D

No it wasn't yours! It is the Greg one with closed eyes and the words he is speaking to Ryan! :lol::brickwall:

we could all use Ryan/Greg icons or banners.....I think there are enough made for all to use!

*edit* LOL I see you are using the icon! woohoo!
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I would sport a ryan/ greg banner. I might have to go hunting for one!! Or make one..hmmm

But right now i'm in loveeeeee with my icon and won't be giving that hottie up any time soon. Thanks to Kat for the total hottness icon!:drool:

I never thought about them playing in the rain, getting all wet. Tight wet jeans sticking to their bodies and tight wet t shirts also sticking to their nice chest...:drool: now my thoughts are them going back to bed!:censored: I sure do use that smiley in here a lot, huh?
Umm..yea you made that one for me too. :p

I just changed it, showing the support ofr Ryan and Greg. :D

So thread names? Any ideas?
awww Sue you are making me blush :alienblush:

Well Sue the only banner I have is this one


you are free to use it but it is not that good. I may need to make another one to use.

ok Sara suggested as a thread title Let's Meet in the Middle, OK?

Any other thread title suggestions?
wow thread names lets see. Sadly my mind is truly in the gutter right now so be ready!

Lovers in the rain...hmmm :drool:

MMMMMMM Ryan and greg :p

opposites attract :confused:

Welcome to Gutterville..:wtf:

dancing in the rain

csi's with spunk

sorry thread names is not my speciality!

Sara suggested as a thread title Let's Meet in the Middle, OK?

It's funny cause I had that in my head while thinking and couldn't think where I heard that before..Duh, having a brain leak again, sry

oh nice banner, btw
It's alright about the brain leak, Sue. I suggested it a while back and no one said anything then either. Perhaps it's the way it's meant to be or no one way paying attention! :lol:

So I've been doing my best to get another fic off the ground..but the new harddrive didn't come with a word program. *listens for the screams* so I have to go out and buy one...ouch! But when I do I will be working on some hot, steamy, :censored: Ryan and Greg fics. Plus the one I was working on and another that is in my head.

I think the idea of them in the rain has promted something in my head.

Two hot guys in the rain = :drool::drool::censored:
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