Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away Either

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Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Sorry it's taking me a bit longer with the update. a little writers block mixed with a math exam coming up on Friday, and a dash of theatre life. I'll d my best to try to have something up on Saturday, more than likely after work. :)

Keep voting for Ryan and Greg in the elimination game!! Woo!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

I find out when I have the surgery Tues. after next. (a.k.a., Oct. 16.) I see the orthopedic dr. then and we decide on a date for my surgery.

However, I have been thinking... I can't watch CSI: Miami or CSI: while I'm in the hospital. (So I may have to think up a story while I'm in there.) I already know I'm gonna be in a sling for about a month, recovering, and I can't write, cuz the surgery's on my right shoulder (and I'm a rightie) and I have to move my arm to write on a desk (or my lap; I sit in a chair in the back of the class for one period) but hopefully my therapy will strengthen my shoulder to where something like this won't happen again.

Maybe my story could be about Greg or Ryan... OOOH, BRAINBLAST!! *scribble scribble* [I'm cold.]

I'm thinking about adding a chickfight to the story, lol.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

No prob wolfesgamergirl, I'm patiently waiting. *taps finger on desk* No seriously, take your time and good luck w/ the math exam. I'm looking forward to greg's private lessons from ryan.

Neelie, good luck w/ your surgery and recovery. I hope if you do write a fic you post it here for us to read. A chic fight, interesting thought. I'm drawing a blank on that one so good luck with coming up with a good story for it.

Katbug, they have that cute factor about them that just makes them so iresistable. They have a sweet innocent look, but ya know they aren't so innocent when they are together, well when we put them together. oh and they are so damn sexy.

Hey Gutterville has been pretty empty lately. Where is everyone? Irma, Shadow....hellooooooo I miss you guys.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Whew I did it here's part 4. :)

The coffee shop date long forgotten, Ryan and Greg headed back to Ryan’s apartment to order take out and enjoy a more private venue. With the menus spread out across the coffee table it was a matter of seconds before Chinese was the chosen food, both sets of hands on one paper was quite the subtle hint. When the phone call was made, Ryan went back to his seat on the couch next to Greg where he was met with a slightly uncomfortable silence.

Greg was biting his fingernail when Ryan returned, having lost some of the confidence he had at the gun range, perhaps it was the non neutral place or the fact that he had a slight crush on the man to his right. Greg knew he was different when he couldn’t totally fall in love with any of the girls he had dated, even if they were together for years. He always knew there was something different about him and Ryan seemed to fit into the empty place.

Ryan could tell Greg was a bit uneasy and he was feeling the same way. He was attracted to the other man but couldn’t figure out why, he never had feelings for another guy before. But there was something special about Greg that pulled Ryan in and caused him to stare at the older man. The only sound that broke the silence was the phone to let them know that the delivery person had arrived with the food. Greg wordlessly handed over his share and Ryan made his way to the door, paid, and thanked the person. He returned back to the coffee table with the bags.

“Point me in the right direction for plates and such.” Greg said a bit on the softer side, he wanted help not just sit there and look like a lump on the couch.

“Plates are in the cabinet over the coffee maker and the forks are in the drawer left of the sink.” Ryan responded as he pulled a plastic table cloth from the closet next to the front door.

It looked like a mini picnic when they were finished dressing the coffee table. Ryan spread the food out around the plates and Greg placed the sodas off to the side just incase they got a bit rambunctious and needed some room.

“I can’t help but think how different this vacation would have been if I didn’t get up the courage to message you the other night.” Greg commented in between bites of noodles.

“How so?” Ryan has a quizzical look on his face as Greg continued to chew and think.

“Well I wouldn’t have been forced to get out of bed and try to find something that keep my mind occupied until the afternoon. Then by some sort of luck you’re in the one place that I choose to go to.” Greg slyly smiled at Ryan, who almost chocked on his soda when he made eye contact with the other man.

Greg had been staring at Ryan the entire time they had been eating, it was a wonder any of the food and beverage had made it into his mouth and not all over his shirt. There was quite the magnetic attraction between them, though neither man would be bold enough to admit that. Ryan had felt the eyes upon him and was scared to look up, but when he did there were the eyes that he couldn’t move from, not that he really wanted to.

“I think it was lucky that my other job fell through. I would have had to wait longer to find someone as interesting as you to share my time with.” Ryan answered softly as he slowly moved the plates, food, and silverware that was placed in front of them to either side of the coffee table.

Ryan leaned across his side of the table while Greg leaned over the other, finally meeting in the middle. Ryan’s hand was on Greg’s cheek pulling him closer until their lips finally met and each man felt an electric charge shoot through their bodies. Neither man wanted to pull away but oxygen was greatly needed.

They had separated from the kissing for a bit and cleaned up the mess on the table, even pausing to do the dishes together. Little touches here and there were the unspoken topic of the afternoon. Ryan would lightly graze down Greg’s arm with a finger and Greg would respond with a kiss to the other man’s neck. When the touching had finally reach it’s peak, Greg made the next move and pulled Ryan down to him, sparks started to flow again.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

"Greg slyly smiled at Ryan, who almost chocked on his soda when he made eye contact with the other man."
:lol: That made me laugh.

Awwie it's so cute. Keep writing, it's great so far. ;)

Hope the surgery goes well, Neelie. :)
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oh YAY more story for me...picnic on the couch, doing dishes together, KISSING...OMG *faints* Great story you know I'm so loving this. Now ya got me wanting more....
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Oh yay I'm so loving this story. I love how they had the subtle touches and kisses. And that Ryan made the first move. More please..
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Greggo is doing well in the elimination gam, please go vote so he can win!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Where do I find this elimination game?? Sounds intreiging
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

If I knew how to do it...
Ah, well, I'll go and do something first and then go to the forums.

Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Alrighty I appologize that part 5 of Close Encounters of the Odd Kind is a bit short...I got the writing bug at school(and I feel a bit dirty about righting this at a public education institution) and then the big left me. So if it suck please throw something soft. Like a Ryan or Greg plushie doll. :D :devil: Anyways on to the story.

The kisses had been perfect, nothing like he had ever experienced before. Cuddled up to the other man was intoxicating, breathing in the scent sent charged shivers up his spine making him turn his face upwards. Ryan had never experienced anything like this before.

Greg was in heaven after the make out session, it had been a while but he finally got Ryan to open up and participate in mutual petting as they kissed. Heightened sense of touch was something that turned Greg on even more, having the cute younger man on his shoulder was also a big plus.

“So now what do we do?” Ryan asked sheepishly as he moved closer to Greg, almost in his lap.

“Whatever we want to.”

Ryan smiled and quickly moved towards Greg’s mouth and planted a long kiss on his lips. Greg’s hand immediately went to the back of Ryan’s head, while Ryan pushed Greg backwards so that he was now laying on the couch and Ryan was on top.

Greg was pleased that Ryan was making the moves instead of it being all on him, he picked up that Ryan was a quick learner. Wiggling underneath the younger man as the kiss intensity increased cause Ryan to push further down on to Greg.

Suddenly a light went off in Ryan’s head and he realized what was happening between the two men and he wasn’t sure if he, or Greg for that matter, were ready to go to that step. Ryan used the side of the couch to pull himself up as Greg let a moan escape his lips.

“I’m...I’m sorry. I don’t think that I’m ready for whatever might be happening between us.” Ryan stammered as he wobbled to the bathroom.

Greg lay on the couch a bit mystified at what just happened. He knew that the kissing, petting, and laying on the couch had been mutual but what could have happened next wouldn’t have been that easy. He got off the couch and followed Ryan, this was the time to make sure that everything was on the correct side of the fence.

Ryan sat on the toilet slumped towards the sink with a washcloth covering his face, he didn’t hear Greg come in the door but he soon knew someone else was there when Greg ran his foot into the bathtub.

“I don’t know what came over me. It’s like there was this fire inside of me and the only way to put it out was to be all over you. Don’t get me wrong I love that feeling, but where everything was headed was too quick for me to comprehend in such a short time.” The voice was rather muffled as Ryan spoke but Greg understood everything.

“It’s alright. I never had the intention for anything to happen today but have coffee and talk. This has taken me by surprise as well. A very good surprise at that, look I know things got a bit out of hand but I wasn’t about to jump into having sex with you. We’re in a very awkward place right now and hopefully we can change that.”

Ryan slowly too the washcloth away from his face and smiled. “I’d like that very much.”

“Good, then let’s go back to the living room and really get to know one another.” Greg flashed a smile and helped Ryan off the toilet, then both men proceeded back to their favorite couch.
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

Hi fellow gutterville fans. I see we have a new present! Wonderful chapeter. Love the interaction! :devil:
I see that firearms training can come with a bonus. Nice job!
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

THUD *falls off computer chair* Thanks Sara, you should have put a totally hott warning sign on that before I read it. :devil: What another great part but man what a tease Ryan is...no seriously I love the fact that he stopped it because he got scared it was going to fast. Come on not on the first date boys...what the hell am I saying..NO go for it. I'm just playing I think it's great and love this story completely. Please write more and fast. I can't believe how quickly you wrote from that one line then BOOM all this ...
Re: Ryan/Greg #2- Nevada Isn't That Far Away, Either

LOL perhaps I'll put up a warning if it is needed. Hehe :devil:

Thanks everyone for the compliments. It's good to know that people are liking it...I thought it would flop and I would have to hide forever.

I'm slowly working on Part 6, but my writing bug seems to be off sunning itself on my porch...jerk! lol jk Will post as soon as I have enough.
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