Rock/Alternative music

you HAVE to be the second person that like the same bands as me :p....only one other guy likes the same stuff as me, all my friends are Hilary Duff fans :confused:
Anyone heard of a band called Kasabian (sp?) - I was listening to 'Club Foot' the other week. Think they may be starting to grow on me
*sticks hand up* Yes, I’m also really starting to like Kasabian, I loved 'Processed Beats' another one of their songs appeared in Miami on Tuesday (I’m not too sure of the name of the song).

I’m thinking of buying the album. :D Does anyone else own their album?
Aye, i've got Kasabian's album, its really good. "Reason is Treason" and "Cutt Off" are the best tracks on the album!
I think I may have to add that to my christmas list then! :lol:
i've heard of Kasabian. Are they very good? you guys seem to like them. are they harder rock are just sort of mildish?
Best bands ever:

-Green Day (their old stuff.)
-Fall Out Boy
-Lucky Boys Confusion

Awesome songs:
"Good Riddance (Time of your life)" -Green Day
"Shes the Blad" - Sugarcult
"Sugar, We're Going Down" - Fall Out Boy
"Dance, Dance" - Fall Out Boy
"Mr.Wilmington" - Lucky Boys Confusion
"Hey Driver" -Lucky Boys Confusion
