:lol: I wouldn't want to be responsible for making y'all crazy.
Thanks for the reviews.
Miami Lab, next morning
Yelina: *walks over* You look tired.
Ryan: I didn't get much sleep.
Yelina: Got a brake on the case. I managed to get a hold of our victim's cell phone records.
Ryan: Yeah?
Yelina: He called 9-1-1 at 9:30 pm.
Ryan: Gives us an approximate time of death.
Yelina: He also called this number. *hands over paper*
Ryan: *grabs paper* ...Thanks Yelina.
Interrogation room
Ryan: *sits down*
Josh: *frowns*
Ryan: Ernest called you last night, around 9:30.
Josh: So?
Ryan: Did you know he got out of prison?
Josh: No.
Ryan: He called you, you must have known.
Josh: I must not have been around.
Ryan: He called your cell.
Josh: I left it in the garage. That's what happens when you're taking care of children, things get misplaced.
Ryan: Even your car?
Josh: *lifts brow*
Ryan: You own a Chevy Impala, correct?
Josh: Yeah.
Ryan: Dark blue?
Josh: Your point?
Ryan: We found evidence of dark blue plastic with silver flecs. I checked the stats on the new Impala. The paint used for that model has a highly reflective silver tone.
Josh: *stares at Ryan*
Ryan: *looks down at file* Says here you worked undercover for narcotics before.
Josh: I'm not a cop anymore.
Ryan: I know that. Must have pissed you off, leaving your life behind for him and coming back to nothing after he screwed you over.
Josh: I'm not that kind of person.
Ryan: *reading file* You got into a 'brawl' with a bunch of local men at a gay bar downtown, beat a guy in the face. *lifts head* But...You're not that kind of person.
Josh: *leans back in chair* I do what needs to be done.
Ryan: Does that include vengeance?
Josh: No.
Ryan: But it's okay to beat innocent people.
Josh: I was looking for Ethan. You wouldn't understand that.
Ryan: You're right, I probably don't. But it doesn't explain why you don't seem to have an alibi.
Josh: You didn't ask for one.
Ryan: Where were you last night around nine?
Josh: Shooting up in a back alley.
Ryan: *frowns*
Josh: I was putting my kids to bed.
Ryan: So why was your phone in the garage?
Josh: I had groceries in one hand and a kid in the other so I left the phone out there and forgot to go and get it.
Ryan: So you wouldn't mind if I checked your car.
Josh: I would.
Ryan: I can get a warrant.
Josh: Then get the warrant.
Ryan: *nods* ...Are your kids here?
Josh: Cait's here. Ethan's at school.
Ryan: Mind if I speak with her?
Josh: Go ahead.
Ryan: Thanks. *stands, leaves*
Interview room B
Ryan: *sits down* Hi Cait.
Cait: *stares at Ryan*
Ryan: Your dad's here.
Cait: *nods*
Ryan: I just wanted to ask you a few questions about last night. You were at home?
Cait: Yup.
Ryan: About what time did you go to bed?
Cait: I didn't.
Ryan: What do you mean?
Cait: Dad put Ethan to bed. I went in my room but I didn't go to sleep.
Ryan: Why not?
Cait: I wasn't tired.
Ryan: Was your dad home all night?
Cait: No. I looked out my window and he was outside.
Ryan: What was he doing outside?
Cait: Talking to a man.
Ryan: Do you know who the man was?
Cait: ...He shot him.
Ryan: *stares at Cait* Who shot who?
Cait: The man shot daddy.
Ryan: ...Could you sit tight? I'll be right back. *stands leaves*
Ryan: *runs in* Alexx, tell me our victim isn't gone yet.
Alexx: No, why? What's wrong?
Ryan: Did you process the body?
Alexx: For what, exactly.
Ryan: GSR, fibers, that kind of thing.
Alexx: Oh honey that's your job.
Ryan: I need to see him and his clothes right now.
Alexx: Sure. *walks over to drawer*
Ryan: Did you take any X-rays.
Alexx: I always do before I start an autopsy. I was going to call you last night about it and this morning I got three more bodies.
Ryan: What did the X-ray say?
Alexx: A mouthful. Five broken ribs, broken leg, fingers and dislocated hip.
Ryan: Consistant with a crash...There was no blood pooling at the scene.
Alexx: Not uncommon, the bullet went in but didn't come out the other end. Skin snapped back, causing minimal bleeding.
Ryan: Yeah but he could have died somewhere else.
Alexx: He could have.
Ryan: *looks down at body* What are these markings?
Alexx: I found that after I removed his clothes. Looks like a rash or a burn.
Ryan: Like rug burn. *tilts head* They move across his stomach and across his arms.
Alexx: Bruises didn't come up until this morning.
Ryan: That looks consistant with ligature. So he was tied up yet he was in some sort of crash or endured trauma of some kind.
Alexx: You have any suspects?
Ryan: I think so. Thanks Alexx.
Josh's house
Ryan: *opens car door, shines flaslight*
Lilly: *walks over* You got the warrant?
Ryan: Yeah.
Lilly: So this is his car.
Ryan: *looks around* Nothing out of the ordinary in here.
Lilly: Well, besides the chipped frame down there near the tire.
Ryan: What?
Lilly: *points*
Ryan: *kneels* I would have seen it.
Lilly: Better late than never I guess.
Ryan: *frowns*
Lilly: So he killed him.
Ryan: *stands* Cait said Josh was shot.
Lilly: He looked fine when I walked by. Although he was holding his shoulder.
Ryan: We need to take a look at the front of the house.
Front lawn
Ryan: *looks up* Cait's bedrrom is above us, allowing her to see the events down here so we're in the right place.
Lilly: *looks around* Muddy footprints everywhere. Looks like a scuffle took place.
Ryan: Okay you stand here where these prints are. *pushes Lilly* I'll be Ernest.
Lilly: Sure.
Ryan: Alright, so I just got out of prison, probably hackled with some lawyers and looked pretty in front of a judge. I come by here, why?
Lilly: Maybe you wanted to apologize for stealing the kid.
Ryan: This is supposed to be realistic.
Lilly: Fine. Maybe you came over here to finish the job, take the kid.
Ryan: Alright so you go back to the garage to get your cellphone because that's where you left it and you see me outside. What do you do?
Lilly: Well I'm a former cop and you're a convicted pedophile just released from prison who happened to find my new home and harass me on my cell, so I grab my spare gun.
Ryan: I have a gun too.
Lilly: So it's fair game. Why do you shoot me?
Ryan: Maybe we have an argument, I get angry and I shoot.
Lilly: And what are you doing while I'm bleeding everywhere?
Ryan: *looks down* Footprints lead up to the house. I run inside...To take what's mine?
Lilly: Ethan.
Inside house, up stairs
Ryan: *looks around* Muddy footprints lead up here to Ethan's room.
Lilly: *nods*
Ethan's room
Lilly: Wow. Talk about a fight.
Ryan: Glass everywhere. Were there any framed pictures in here?
Lilly: I don't see any evidence that there was.
Ryan: *walks over to window* Glass over here.
Lilly: Blood spatter on the wall.
Ryan: So I run up here to grab Ethan, I turn around and you shoot me point blank in the head. You're not going to bother running to me, you just fire.
Lilly: Explains the distance.
Ryan: So I fall out the window and land down there, breaking bones and dying. *looks at ground*
Lilly: So how did he get across town?
Ryan: *looks at Lilly*
Interrogation room
Lilly: *sits down* You were trying to protect your children.
Josh: *looking at table*
Lilly: What I don't understand is what happened after he fell out the window. Most people call 9-1-1.
Josh: I did. From his cell but it died.
Lilly: Why didn't you drive him to a hospital?
Josh: I shot him in the head and he fell two storeys. What was a doctor going to do?
Lilly: You could have gone back inside and called the police. Like any cop would do...But you weren't thinking like a cop. You were thinking like a father.
Josh: I grabbed him and tied him to the roof of my car.
Lilly: So you wouldn't leave any evidence on the inside because blood can wash off of metal but not out of fabric so well.
Josh: It was dark, I figured no one would see him.
Lilly: Where were you going with him?
Josh: I don't know. I was barely thinking straight. I just killed the guy.
Lilly: You hit a pot hole.
Josh: Yeah. The rope came loose.
Lilly: You didn't go back for him.
Josh: Well it wouldn't exactly make me look innocent if I was standing over a dead guy in the middle of the street with bloodied rope hanging off my roof.
Lilly: *closes folder* Okay.
Josh: So what now.
Lilly: You're free to go.
Josh: ...I murdered someone.
Lilly: No. It was self defense, he even shot you.
Josh: I tried to get rid of the body.
Lilly: As far as I'm concerned, you tried to get him help. Nothing more.
Josh: ...
Lilly: An officer will drive you home.
Josh: Thanks.
Lilly: *nods*
Josh: *stands, leaves*