Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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Orlando, two days later

Horatio: *looking down at cellphone*

Calleigh: We were already here once, right?

Horatio: Correct.

Delko: Let's not go back to the Animal Kingdom.

Calleigh: Bad memories?

Delko: I ate some chicken food.

Calleigh: *places hand on Eric's chest, walks way*

Delko: *nods*

Horatio: *walks ahead*

Hospital, Miami

Speed: *walks over* You called me and said it was urgent?

Doctor: We recieved her tests back yesterday, I apologize for not contacting you sooner but someone called a Code Blue and I was occupied.

Speed: What is it?

Doctor: We found a mass in her brain.

Speed: So a tumor.

Doctor: It was beginning to press on her temporal lobe, so we were forced to remove it this morning without your consent.

Speed: I'll sign all the papers, whatever you need. Is she alright?

Doctor: She's recovering right now, but...It's too early to tell if there's any permenant brain damage.

Speed: Can I see her?

Doctor: You may.

Speed: *walks into room*

Hospital room

Speed: *sits down*

Anni: *opens eyes*

Speed: How are you feeling?

Anni: *smiles* ...Thank you.

Speed: *lifts brow* For what?

Anni: For not givin' up on me.

Speed: *grabs Anni's hand* No problem.

Anni: *smiling*

Speed: *looks down at floor* ...Something happened in New York and uh...I don't know whether it was because I was attacked with a taser, or something else but...My heart's fine.

Anni: ...You're kidding.

Speed: No. I'm fine. And now you're okay too.

Anni: I guess we're just meant to be.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: Come sit on the bed with me, I'm cold.

Speed: Demanding, aren't we?

Anni: *laughs* Didn't you know it was your job to follow my orders?

Speed: *smirks* I must have missed that line in the marriage contract.

Anni: Nah, I got it written on the inside of your ring so now I own your soul.

Speed: *lays in bed, next to Anni* You're an amazing woman, you know that?

Anni: *rolls eyes* Yeah well hold the compliments until I can fly through the air wearing nothing but tights and a cape. Well...I'm assuming I'll be wearing some kind of top, too. I want to be a politically correct superwoman.

Speed: *smiles*

Anni: *sigh* ...And my magical back to health-ness just doesn't quite compare to that smile.

Speed: *kisses Anni's cheek* I love you.


Horatio: Alright, let's check around this parkinglot for the van. Tyler ran the GPS of the money bags and it was traced here.

Calleigh: They could have re-painted the van.

Horatio: Look for a van, all colors please.

Calleigh: *walks away*

Near other cars, down the parkinglot

Delko: *looks through windows of van*

Calleigh: *walks over* Hey.

Delko: Hey.

Calleigh: We'll find her Eric.

Delko: I want to believe that.

Calleigh: We'll find both of them.

Delko: I just....I know how the families of the victims feel. I never really...Connected to it before. I actually understand their frustration and need for us to work just a little harder and then work a little harder after that.

Calleigh: We're doing our best.

Delko: It's not good enough! We should be screaming on the tops of our lungs and desperately knocking through obstacles, but instead we're browsing through a parkinglot looking for a vehicle. If she's not in the vehicle, it's not going to help. They're not going to leave her there.

Calleigh: Okay...Eric, you need to calm down.

Delko: Why? Why do I need to calm down? This is my wife and my baby girl we're talking about. I don't give a rat's ass that you want me to calm down. I will do whatever it takes to get them home.

Calleigh: Eric, sometimes that can cause mistakes to happen. Now, we don't make mistakes often, and that's because we remain objective and thorough on cases. If you can't stay objective, then you shouldn't be here.

Delko: I want to protect my family and you know what? They come above the job. I am a father and a husband first. Then I'm a CSI.

Calleigh: Then you need to go back to Miami. I will tell Horatio that you're not fit to work this.

Delko: I'll do this on my own if I have to, off the clock.

Calleigh: Alright, I'm tellin' you this because I'm your colleague, and I am your friend. You need to let this one go, before you cause even more trouble for yourself and your family. You could end up doing something you regret, or you could get yourself hurt and I know you don't want that.

Delko: If it keeps them alive.

Calleigh: Can you think like a CSI for just five minutes and listen to what I'm sayin'?

Delko: No.

Calleigh: *sigh* Horatio is going to say the same thing, and it's to leave.

Delko: *frowns*

Calleigh: I'm not going to lie to him.

Delko: *nods* Fine. I'll go back to Miami.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Delko: Tell H that I'm taking a few days.

Calleigh: I will.

Delko: *walks away*

Calleigh: Whew.

Oh, Speed. you're such a bug hunk of love when you get down to it! *huggles Speedy* *huggles Geni*
Loved the update. I'm too lazy to write a big huge funny review but that was great! I loved Cal and Eric's dicussion, I loved Speed and was great. thanks for the update! :D
*huggles more*
Horatio: *looking down at cellphone*

Calleigh: We were already here once, right?

Horatio: Correct.

Delko: Let's not go back to the Animal Kingdom.

...You mean animal kingdom as in the movie Lion King? :lol:

Doctor: We recieved her tests back yesterday, I apologize for not contacting you sooner but someone called a Code Blue and I was occupied.

Speed: What is it?

Doctor: We found a mass in her brain.

Speed: So a tumor.

I WAS RIGHT. Even thought i was hoping i wouldn't be... :(

Anni: Come sit on the bed with me, I'm cold.

Speed: Demanding, aren't we?

*winks* ;) That was quick.

I'M KIDDING I'M KIDDING! I know i know....

Delko: I just....I know how the families of the victims feel.

Ah yes. First hand experiance. :( Just like cops haing to be tazered to get the job. Looks like Speed already went though that...even though he passed out.....

Calleigh: *sigh* Horatio is going to say the same thing, and it's to leave.

I'm afraid she's right Eric. Horatio will say the same thing.

Delko: *nods* Fine. I'll go back to Miami.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Delko: Tell H that I'm taking a few days.

Calleigh: I will.

Delko: *walks away*

Calleigh: Whew.

Horatio in Heaven, thank God.

Let's just hope that Eric doesn't do anything stupid and drastic. Like making a deal with Kayleigh to get Jess back.

And no Horatio/Stetler stuff yet. *settles back down in chair* I'll wait...oh i will wait....

Thanks for the update Miss C! *huggles*
*huggles for all* :D


Miami, Next day

Delko: *sitting in Trace Lab*

Carly: *walks in*


Carly: ...I left my pen in here.

Delko: Oh. Have at it.

Carly: You seem tense.

Delko: H and Calleigh have been in Orlando forever and they haven't called.

Carly: Maybe it's just taking a long time.

Delko: Yeah right, maybe they all died or Mickey cornered them near the gift shop and they're stuck working as ACTION FIGURES IN DISNEY LAND!

Carly: Um...I don't think that actually happens.

Delko: It could.

Carly: No it wouldn't.

Delko: What if they start getting attacked my dreams and happiness? THEY WON'T HAVE TIME TO RESCUE MY FAMILY!

Carly: ...Are you on drugs?

Delko: No, I'm just...I don't know.

Carly: Yeah that's how I'd describe it too.

Delko: *sigh* I wish they'd call me. At least let me know what's going on.

Carly: Well they called me this morning.

Delko: And when were you going to tell me this?

Carly: As soon as I got my pen. I had to write down the message but then realized I forgot the pen in here so I came back and here we are. So I don't think I should give you the message now since you were yelling at me.

Delko: I wasn't yelling at you, I was yelling NEAR you. It's not the same thing.

Carly: I was thinking of organizing a Hummerhome trip soon, would you be interested in going?

Delko: Not until I get my family back and they're going with us and then I'll just keep them caged in the back of the Hummerhome so I can keep an eye on them. OH! I know what I'll do, I'll just put cameras everywhere and then attach beepers to them and little bells around their necks so they can't get away and even if they do, I'll be able to track them no problem.

Carly: You've had a lot of time to think about this, haven't you?

Delko: Just a bit, yeah.

Carly: Well that's great and everything but I don't think it's very healthy to be that insane over something. I don't think Jess would appreciate cameras everywhere around her.

Delko: She'll feel like an actress, it's alright.

Carly: Yeah except it's all live footage and you're the only one with access to it. More like a porn video if you ask me.

Delko: Nonsense. I'm not that immature.

Carly: Yeah you are.

Delko: No way!

Carly: Yes way.

Delko: *throws pen*

Carly: OW! That ink stings when it gets in your eyes you know.

Delko: Yeah that was the point.

Carly: *frowns* Meanie.

Delko: Thank you.

Carly: So are you really okay?

Delko: No...I just...I don't know what's going to happen and I guess I want to just..Revert back to some kind of normalicy for a while.

Carly: I hear ya.

Delko: Have you ever been in this situation?

Carly: I've had a dark past, but I've never lost two people at the same time.

Delko: *nods*

Carly: Anyway, I wanted to give you the message. They found Alena.


Carly: *backs up* In a dumpster.

Delko: WHAT!

Carly: *laughs* I'm kidding, but you should have seen the look on your face.

Delko: *frowns* That's not funny.

Carly: Okay, I know. I'm sorry. They found her in the middle of Disney Land near the ferris wheel with a note on her that said "watch your back"

Delko: That's terrible.

Carly: I know, but Calleigh's bringing Alena back here so Horatio's staying to find Jess.

Delko: Good.

Carly: So are you a little less psychotic now?

Delko: A little.

Carly: You'll get to hold your daughter in your arms tonight.

Delko: *sigh* Thanks, it helps. It really does.

Carly: See? Things get better.

Delko: You're right they do.

Carly: *smiles* It's because I'm always right.

Delko: You are not.

Carly: Am so.

Delko: Are not.

Carly: AM SO!

Delko: ARE NOT!

Carly: Ha well we'll see about that Delektorsky.

Delko: I hope my daughter never learns to pronounce that.

Carly: *laughs*

Delko: *sigh* Thank God she's okay.

Carly: Yeah, it could have been a lot worse.

Delko: I hope Jess is okay, I don't know what I would do if she got hurt.

Carly: Cry?

Delko: Besides that.

Carly: Go on a killing spree.

Delko: ...Nah that's more of Speed's thing.

Carly: ...Sit in a dark corner by yourself rocking back and forth?

Delko: ...No that's still more of a Speed thing to do.

Carly: Then I don't know, I don't know you as well as everyone else.

Delko: Why?

Carly: Well we never really get to talk.

Delko: We talk all the time.

Carly: Um not really.

Delko: Sure we do. I could have sworn we spoke a lot to each other. Even in the Hummerhome?

Carly: Nah, not much.

Delko: Come on, you're one of the popular girls. I would have talked to you.

Carly: *giggles* I'm popular?

Delko: Oh yeah pretty popular. I mean, now that Katie's out of the picture.

Carly: What do you mean?

Delko: She's just not as cool as she once was. She has no man by her side.

Carly: She's still popular...I think anyway.

Delko: Yeah well you keep thinking that. OH MY GOD WHEN AM I GOING TO GET MY WIFE BACK I'M GOING INSANE! Is this what crazy people feel like all the time?


Delko: THAT'S RIGHT! I should have known that. But don't crazy people not know they're crazy?

Carly: That's why the crazies aren't crazy. It's more of their phrase.

Delko: OH...Well now that you put it in a different perspective, I WANT MY WIFE BACK!

Carly: So then get her back.

Delko: I would if I could but I can't so there.

Carly: Stop reading dr. Seuss.

Delko: *sniff* He's Alena's favorite author.

Carly: What about Jess?

Delko: I don't think Jess reads.

Carly: Gee what a caring and supportive husband you are. *phone rings* Excuse me. *opens phone* Yeah? ...What? ....Stay right there. *closes phone* I have to go.

Delko: Where?

Carly: Calleigh's Hummer was run off the road.

Delko: ...Was Alena there?

Carly: *nods*

Delko: *stands* I'm coming with you.

Carly: You should stay here.

Delko: No damnit I'm sick of waiting around. *leaves*

Carly: ...*looks down at nails* ....*scratches head*

Delko: *walks back in* Where are we going again?

Carly: Thought so.

*takes huggles, huggles back* We sure do a lot of huggling. And all the way from LA to Canada! I've come out of my lazy shell so here's a decent review.
Delko: Yeah right, maybe they all died or Mickey cornered them near the gift shop and they're stuck working as ACTION FIGURES IN DISNEY LAND!
NO! MICKY, DAMN YOU! Dammit, stupid Disney... *waits for SWAT to come in on behalf of Walt*
Delko: She'll feel like an actress, it's alright.

Carly: Yeah except it's all live footage and you're the only one with access to it. More like a porn video if you ask me.

Delko: Nonsense. I'm not that immature.

Carly: Yeah you are.
Yes you are, Eric. Good idea though...very sneaky... :devil:
Carly: Yeah you are.

Delko: No way!

Carly: Yes way.

Delko: *throws pen*

Carly: OW! That ink stings when it gets in your eyes you know.

Delko: Yeah that was the point.

Carly: *frowns* Meanie.

Delko: Thank you.
You're welcome, meanie pants.
Carly: Anyway, I wanted to give you the message. They found Alena.


Carly: *backs up* In a dumpster.

Delko: WHAT!

Carly: *laughs* I'm kidding, but you should have seen the look on your face.

Delko: *frowns* That's not funny.
*frowns* I have to agree with the idiot on this one, Carly (RT Carly) you're an asshole.
Carly: Go on a killing spree.

Delko: ...Nah that's more of Speed's thing.

Carly: ...Sit in a dark corner by yourself rocking back and forth?

Delko: ...No that's still more of a Speed thing to do.
You are TOO funny Geni! That is SO a Speed thing! :D
Carly: That's why the crazies aren't crazy. It's more of their phrase.
HEHE. :lol:
Delko: I would if I could but I can't so there.

Carly: Stop reading dr. Seuss.
Good one!
Delko: No damnit I'm sick of waiting around. *leaves*

Carly: ...*looks down at nails* ....*scratches head*

Delko: *walks back in* Where are we going again?

Carly: Thought so.
...of course. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
What is this, 'Going Under?' Make it GREAT, like this one, Geni! Man, you don't like the Delkos very much. :D
Great update. I'm going nuts, so UPDATE SOON! Please. :)
Hmm, so they found Alena, but they didn't find Alena...ok, I know that doesn't really make much sense, but it does to me...I mean, they found Alena but something else happened to them :eek: (theres the wording I was looking for :lol:)

Poor Eric...but that whole "The crazies aren't crazy!" conversation was hilarious!
Delko: Come on, you're one of the popular girls. I would have talked to you.

Carly: *giggles* I'm popular?

Delko: Oh yeah pretty popular.
Hee! Haha, thats hilarious, I'm actually popular in the RT :lol: not so much at school though...though here it's not really about popularity and such...everyone knows everyone...but I still wouldn't say i'm popular...not in the slightest.

Delko: Yeah well you keep thinking that. OH MY GOD WHEN AM I GOING TO GET MY WIFE BACK I'M GOING INSANE! Is this what crazy people feel like all the time?


Delko: THAT'S RIGHT! I should have known that. But don't crazy people not know they're crazy?

Carly: That's why the crazies aren't crazy. It's more of their phrase.
Haha, THE CRAZIES AREN'T CRAZY! :lol: Oh man, I still use that all the time...seriously, one of the best lines ever. Like the whole "STOP BEING GAY!", it will forever live in RT folklore :lol:

please update soon!

(Oh and Jessie, don't feel bad that you've been kidnapped, at least people are looking for you...remember when I was kidnapped and no-one even bothered looking...except for Jessie and Joshie *shakes fist at Horatio and Speed*...ah, that seems like so long ago :lol:)
Oh God! Alena! That's horrible! Poor Eric, *hugs Delko* It'll be okay. Jess isn't dead and Alena will be okay, I'm sure of it. Geni, you're great!
Geni, you really know how to make a girl happy! Yesssssssss! No more tumor! And Speed is okay! And I'm back to my insane ( good insane, I should say) self! And the scene at the loved it! I just have to do it:

Anni: Nah, I got it written on the inside of your ring so now I own your soul.

Speed: *lays in bed, next to Anni* You're an amazing woman, you know that?

Anni: *rolls eyes* Yeah well hold the compliments until I can fly through the air wearing nothing but tights and a cape. Well...I'm assuming I'll be wearing some kind of top, too. I want to be a politically correct superwoman.

Speed: *smiles*

Anni: *sigh* ...And my magical back to health-ness just doesn't quite compare to that smile.

Speed: *kisses Anni's cheek* I love you.

Oh my god, I think I'm going to go into a diabetic coma, that was so sweet!

You know, I really love Eric all edgy and stuff. Puts another spin on the spin cycle of Eric's lunacy. Hate to really see him go completely bonkers... watch out world!

And what he said:

Delko: I hope Jess is okay, I don't know what I would do if she got hurt.

Carly: Cry?

Delko: Besides that.

Carly: Go on a killing spree.

Delko: ...Nah that's more of Speed's thing.

Carly: ...Sit in a dark corner by yourself rocking back and forth?

Delko: ...No that's still more of a Speed thing to do.

I thought I was going to laugh up a lung! I couldn't stop laughing at that, because seriously, it's the truth!

As always , great updates Geni!!! :D
YAY! The forum was down for a day, and I thought that I was going to pass out from RT deprevation. I can't wait for more!
Then wait no more. ;)



Anni: *walks over smiling* Hey you.

Speed: *smiles* Hey.

Anni: *wraps arms around Speed's neck* How are you?

Speed: Aren't you supposed to be at home recovering?

Anni: I've had enough best rest, it wears me out.

Speed: I'm sure.

Anni: So um, what are you planning on doing today?

Speed: *sigh* Besides working?

Anni: *smiling* Yeah.

Speed: Oh I don't know, taking my lovely wife out for lunch maybe.

Anni: Let me know when you find her.

Speed: *laughs*

Anni: *kisses Speed*

Colton: *walks over* Am I interrupting something?

Anni: *steps back* What? No. No, of course not.

Colton: Um, alright. So welcome back Anni, I didn't know you were going to be back so soon.

Anni: You have to get back sometime.

Colton: Great, well I'm working a case and everyone seems to be MIA so would you mind helping out?

Anni: Not at all.

Katie: *runs over* ANNI! *hugs Anni*

Anni: AH! *falls back against wall*

Katie: You're back!

Anni: I never left.

Katie: Well you're back from insanity. *lets go* So what have you been up to since you got out of the looney bin?

Anni: It wasn't a looney bin and I was at home.

Katie: Oh what a coincidence, so was Tim.

Speed: I was staying with her to make sure she was okay.

Anni: *smiles*

Speed: *smirks*

Katie: Uh huh so you wouldn't mind if I say, went over to your place and bunked there for a while right? Because well Carly's getting tired of me and I think Josh is about ready to punch a hole in the wall.

Speed: So why would we want you?

Katie: Because I'm such a pleasure to be around.

Anni: The apartment's full.

Katie: No, Carly's house is full.

Anni: Why don't you just find an apartment?

Katie: Yours?

Anni: No, not mine.

Katie: It's going to take forever and I need a place to stay in the meantime. What do you say Tim?

Speed: Absolutely not.

Katie: Why?

Speed: I think you've already waived your privilege to stay at our place.

Katie: How?

Speed: You are not staying with us.

Colton: You can stay with me and Calleigh.

Katie: EW. *slaps Colton*

Colton: Ow. *rubs arm*

Speed: Colton, I'll help you out on your case. Anni still needs some time.

Colton: Cool, thanks man.

Speed: What's the case?

Colton: A woman was sliced in half by a falling billboard.

Speed: ...Are you kidding me?

Colton: Miami gets more strange every year.

Speed: Evidently.

Colton/Speed leave

Katie: *shoves Anni against wall* Dump him.

Anni: ...Dump who.

Katie: Tim.

Anni: *laughs* Um I don't think so.

Katie: He's going to hurt you.

Anni: No he's not.

Katie: He's a monster.

Anni: No he's not.

Katie: Oh yeah? Oh yeah? Then what's THIS! *pulls out object*

Anni: ....That's a flower. Were you in my hospital room?

Katie: Yesterday. See? He's trying to poison you with roses.

Anni: I'm not allergic to roses, I'm allergic to poinsettias and he knows that.

Katie: The thorns could kill you.

Anni: Is that why your hands are bleeding?

Katie: AH! *drops rose* Okay well then explain THIS. *takes out object*

Anni: ...The keys to my car? Oh my God you were in my apartment?

Katie: Uh huh.

Anni: When!

Katie: Last night.

Anni: *grabs keys angrily* Katie, get lost.

Katie: You should really get new locks, I can pick them too easily.

Anni: What the hell were you doing in our apartment?

Katie: Whoa geez Anni I was just conducting investigative work.

Anni: On what!

Katie: Speed.

Anni: Why!

Katie: You shouldn't be married to him. He's a scary guy.

Anni: He has been nothing but supportive and caring.

Katie: Yeah until you get him mad.

Anni: What are you trying to do?

Katie: I'm trying to save you from him.

Anni: Why, so you can have him?

Katie: No.

Anni: Katie, you two are done. Just face it.

Katie: Oh come on we all know he shouldn't be with you, he should be with me.

Anni: *crosses arms* Excuse me?

Katie: You two never would have even met if it wasn't for me.

Anni: What's your point?

Katie: He should be mine!

Anni: You blew it! You're the one who broke it off with him so don't you dare make this seem like you're the victim!

Katie: Yeah well I know you guys are all in love and all that crap but it'll change, it always does. This is just the calm before the proverbial storm. And then once you two have a fight, it's over.

Anni: We're both mature adults, we can work it out.

Katie: Are you saying I wasn't mature?

Anni: You know what? I get it. You're bitter and you're jelous. I don't need to take this from you.

Katie: Well one day he'll slip through your fingers and you'll be sorry. *walks away*

Anni: *frowns*

Highway, Florida

Carly: *snaps pictures* This is a little out of our jurisdiction isn't it?

Horatio: *places hands on hips* It's our case.

Carly: So where's Calleigh?

Horatio: She's on her way back to work. Eric's with Alena, they're driving back to Miami.

Carly: Is she alright?

Horatio: She's fine...*tilts head* She's perfectly okay, take a look at this. *points under Hummer*

Carly: What is it?

Horatio: It's a trigger wire.

Carly: A bomb?

Horatio: Mhm, and look where it's placed.

Carly: Near the tires.

Horatio: Near...Near the tires. *kneels*

Carly: Calleigh said a car ran her off the road. It was dark...Maybe she thought someone did because of the force. We never found another vehicle.

Horatio: *reaches under Hummer*

Carly: You find something?

Horatio: *pulls out object*

Carly: What is it?

Horatio: It looks like some sort of device.

Carly: ...What do you mean device?

Horatio: *presses button*

Lights start to blink, numbers appear and start to count down

Horatio: *stands*

Carly: Is that another bomb?

Horatio: ....

Carly: You started up a bomb.

Horatio: No worries.

Carly: No worries? In case you haven't noticed, I don't want to blow up.

Horatio: *fiddling with bomb*

Carly: Please don't get us killed.

Horatio: *presses button*

Carly: *closes eyes*

Numbers and lights stop

Carly: *opens one eye* ...Are we dead yet?

Horatio: No we're not dead.

Carly: *opens other eye* Why?

Horatio: This was a backup device, it's supposed to be the plan B in case the real fireworks didn't start.

Carly: Someone was really out to get Calleigh.

Horatio: Correction, this is Eric's Hummer. Calleigh was driving it which means they weren't targetting Calleigh.

Carly: Kayleigh was targetting Eric.

Horatio: He has his daughter, and we have yet to find Jess.

Carly: Why would she plant a bomb?

Horatio: Kill two birds with one bomb.

Carly: *lifts brow*

Horatio: I think I know where she'll hit next and I know where Jess is. *walks away*

Carly: ...Um...It would help if you filled me in too! *runs*

Apartment, 5pm

Riley: *walks in, throws purse* Ugh you will NOT believe the day I had today.

Speed: ...Why are you here?

Riley: The door was unlocked.

Speed: No, why are you here, in Miami.

Riley: Well I was supposed to be back in California yesterday, but see the thing is I got to the airport and then I realized uh, I couldn't go.

Speed: And this is why you busted into my apartment.

Riley: Actually I didn't want to bother Carly and Josh again. *looks around* Where's your wife?

Speed: She's asleep.

Riley: Oh, she must be getting older than I thought. She has great skin though, I have to tell ya. I don't know what kind of cream she's using but have you seen her shoulders? Amazing.

Speed: But...Y-

Riley: I need a place to stay and I figure you're since you're related to me, you have to take me in.

Speed: I don't have to do anything.

Riley Yeah but...I have nowhere else to go.

Speed: Yeah you do.

Riley: Where?

Speed: California.

Riley: Very funny. I don't have any money and my plane ticket isn't good. You want me to hitch a ride with a stranger?

Speed: No. You could get hurt.

Riley: Are you saying that because you're a cop, or because we're related?

Speed: It's a cop thing.

Riley: You know, mom's a lot cooler than you.

Speed: I'm sure she's a prize.

Riley: She'd probably drive me there herself.

Speed: And why is that?

Riley: She loves me.

Speed: Then why hasn't she driven you?

Riley: I didn't ask.

Speed: Go ask.

Riley: Why can't I ask you?

Speed: Because I can't leave my wife here alone while I go galavanting around the United States to drop you off in Beverly Hills or Hollywood or wherever the hell it is you used to live.

Riley: Frezno.

Speed: Whatever.

Riley: Are you mad at me?

Speed: You can't just do this. You can't barge in here and demand that I take you in, you're an adult. You should be able to get out there on your own.

Riley: I'm sorry if my parents sheltered me all these years but that's all I know. I can't make it out there by myself, even if I had a job. They got it for me. They bought my car, they chose my friends, and where I went on the weekends.

Speed: You're spoiled.

Riley: I know. And I've tried to do things on my own, but it scares the hell out of me and I just need some support right now. I've been dropped in the middle of nowhere and left to swim.

Speed: So go see Katie.

Riley: No, damnit I need a father!

Speed: ...He's in jail.

Riley: I'm your flesh and blood, not his! You're my father!

Speed: Go talk to Katie.

Riley: ...*laughs* Well you're a real piece of work. You hate your kids that much.

Speed: I didn't say I hated anyone.

Riley: What are you so afraid of? That I'll get hit by a bus? I'll fall off a building? I'll get shot?

Speed: You need to leave.

Riley: No I'm not going anywhere until I get some answers.

Speed: Get out of my home.

Riley: So what, you're going to call the cops on me or something?

Speed: You have to start doing things on your own because even if the world seems like it's going to jump up and eat you, it won't. You were a spoiled brat, and now you're going to learn to become a successful young woman. And yeah, you're going to fall flat on your face and you'll stumble along with everyone else.

Riley: I can't. I need help.

Speed: I'm sure Katie's helped you.

Riley: Actually she told me to get a job at a club somewhere and become a stripper because apparently it pays the big bucks. She's a great mom but she has lousy taste.

Speed: *nods*

Riley: ...How did you feel when I was born?

Speed: *lifts brow* Why are you asking?

Riley: I'm curious.

Speed: ...I was...Scared to death at first. But Katie handled almost everything with you, so it all worked out.

Riley: So how about when you thought I died?

Speed: ...

Riley: *stares at Speed*

Speed: ...I thought I'd never see your smile again or...Um...*clears throat* ...Or hold you in my arms...

Riley: It must have been hard.

Speed: Still is.

Riley: *nods*

Speed: You can stay here one more night if you want.

Riley: *smirks* Nah, gotta leave the nest someday right? I'll uh, call you when I become that successful young woman I've been hearing so much about.

Speed: Good.

Riley: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Riley*

Riley: See you around, dad.

Speed: You too.

Riley: *lets go, leaves*

Speed: *stares at door*


I'll have another chapter very shortly. ;)
YEEEEEEEEE RT is back!!!!awwwwww Speedy and Riley...hes not a monster-

KATIE-*tut tut tut* but GO ANNI GO ANNI....(sorry about the capitials-am a little excited about RT and talkcsi being back :D :D

YEEEEEE update sooooooooooon Geni :D
Ok i'm back after a while. I couldn't access the site on 3 different computers for some reason. :(

Carly: I was thinking of organizing a Hummerhome trip soon, would you be interested in going?

Road trip! *grabs pillow*

Carly: OW! That ink stings when it gets in your eyes you know.

Oh my God...ANOTHER substance in the eye?? *gets list out*

Carly: Anyway, I wanted to give you the message. They found Alena.


Carly: *backs up* In a dumpster.

Delko: WHAT!

Carly: *laughs* I'm kidding, but you should have seen the look on your face.

Delko: *frowns* That's not funny.

No it is not! Carly, don't take advantage of Eric at this time please!

Carly: Go on a killing spree.

Delko: ...Nah that's more of Speed's thing.

Carly: ...Sit in a dark corner by yourself rocking back and forth?

Delko: ...No that's still more of a Speed thing to do.

DOUBLE TRUE! Oh, good one Geni! :lol:

Everybody remember a while back when he beat a guy with a pipe? :lol: That part was in one of the earlier threads....

Carly: Calleigh's Hummer was run off the road.

Delko: ...Was Alena there?

Carly: *nods*

Delko: *stands* I'm coming with you.

OMG!! Alena!!

WHOA! HOLD UP! ....Calleigh has her OWN Hummer? Whoa!

Anni: *walks over smiling* Hey you.

Speed: *smiles* Hey.

Anni: *wraps arms around Speed's neck* How are you?

Speed: Aren't you supposed to be at home recovering?

Anni: I've had enough best rest, it wears me out.

Speed: I'm sure.

Anni: So um, what are you planning on doing today?

Speed: *sigh* Besides working?

Anni: *smiling* Yeah.

Speed: Oh I don't know, taking my lovely wife out for lunch maybe.

Anni: Let me know when you find her.

Speed: *laughs*

Anni: *kisses Speed*

Colton: *walks over* Am I interrupting something?

Anni: *steps back* What? No. No, of course not.


Speed: What's the case?

Colton: A woman was sliced in half by a falling billboard.

Speed: ...Are you kidding me?

Colton: Miami gets more strange every year.

Speed: Evidently.


Katie: You shouldn't be married to him. He's a scary guy.

HE IS NOT. Even thought he can be a little moody and extremely grumpy sometimes...

Carly: *snaps pictures* This is a little out of our jurisdiction isn't it?

Horatio: *places hands on hips* It's our case.

FINALLY. HORATIO. IS BACK. :lol: those hips hun.... :devil: ;)

Horatio: *presses button*

Lights start to blink, numbers appear and start to count down

Horatio: *stands*

Carly: Is that another bomb?

Horatio: ....

Carly: You started up a bomb.

Horatio: No worries.

Carly: No worries? In case you haven't noticed, I don't want to blow up.

Horatio in Heaven woman! He was in the freaking bomb squad!

Horatio: Correction, this is Eric's Hummer.

But...what.... *is bewlidered* Where's MY Hummer?!

Horatio: Kill two birds with one bomb.

OMG i read the FUNNIEST comic strip about 'killing 2 birds with one stone'! It was so funny... sorry. Off topic. *sheepish grin*

Riley: No, damnit I need a father!

Speed: ...He's in jail.

Riley: I'm your flesh and blood, not his! You're my father!

Speed: Go talk to Katie.

Riley: ...*laughs* Well you're a real piece of work. You hate your kids that much.

Speed: I didn't say I hated anyone.

Well there's Kayleigh....

Speed: Good.

Riley: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Riley*

Riley: See you around, dad.

Speed: You too.

Riley: *lets go, leaves*

Speed: *stares at door*

Aww.... *has the urge to hug somebody. finds nobody. hugs Geni*

Thanks for the updates!
*hugs Hunter* :)


Miami Lab, next day

Horatio: *walks in* Eric, where's Alena?

Delko: She's at Carly's place, why?

Horatio: I know where Jess is.

Delko: You do? Where is she?

Horatio: Follow me.

Delko: Is she in the lab?

Horatio: *walking*

Delko: H, is she in the lab? She's in the lab isn't she.

Horatio: Kayleigh's hiding her in plain sight.

Delko: Where?

Horatio: Have you spoken to Alexx today?

Delko: She's in the bahamas with her family, she's on vacation. Wait a minute, are you saying she's in the morgue? Is she dead?

Horatio: She will be if we don't get down there.


Horatio: *pulls out gun*

Kayleigh: *smiles* H, nice of you to show up. *leans against morgue drawers*

Horatio: *points gun at Kayleigh*

Kayleigh: *sigh* Cowboys and their guns. When are you going to learn that violence isn't the answer?

Horatio: Kayleigh, open the drawer.

Kayleigh: *laughs* You know, the last man that gave me an order ended up dead and thrown into the river. I was kind of going for the whole "swimming with the fishes" bit but it seemed a little cliché. Don't you think?

Horatio: You tried to kill my CSI.

Kayleigh: No, no, I didn't try to kill anyone. The bomb did. *laughs*

Horatio: Well he's fine, and your bomb ran my other CSI off the road.

Kayleigh: You think I'm stupid enough to kill your team? No. That bomb was designed to throw them off the road. Whatever happens after that isn't my fault.

Horatio: It was a distraction.

Kayleigh: I know how much you love your precious team. You'd do anything to make sure they're safe first. It's too bad you couldn't help Jessie.

Horatio: What did you do to her?

Kayleigh: She's here.

Horatio: In the drawer.

Kayleigh: You hear that ticking? Tick..Tick...Tick. *laughs*

Horatio: Another bomb.

Kayleigh: Well mister bomb expert, looks like you'll have to defuse it. Of course I'm not moving and you have ten minutes left. I gave you a bonus because you're going to run into some trouble first.

Horatio: What trouble?

Kayleigh: *smiles* If I revealed all of my secrets, I wouldn't be half as mysterious.

Horatio: You're not mysterious, you're insane.

Kayleigh: Now that hurts. It really does.

Delko: *walks in*

Kayleigh: Oh it's daddy dearest. How's the kid?

Delko: *frowning*

Kayleigh: It's okay, I didn't hurt her. I took her someplace fun to keep her mind off of things and I fed her.

Delko: Now why would you do that? You could have killed them both already.

Kayleigh: You're right. I could have.

Delko: Why didn't you kill them?

Kayleigh: One of the wonders of life I guess.

Delko: Kayleigh, we know you're not a bad person. You care about children, and you haven't killed Jess. You can get help.

Kayleigh: I'm afraid you underestimate me. I didn't kill them because I didn't kill them. It's my choice, it's not because I've suddenly turned into a nun. Maybe I just want to screw with you.

Delko: I don't believe that.

Kayleigh: Well believe it. Your wife isn't leaving that drawer, either way.

Delko: Is she awake?

Kayleigh: No. She's been poisoned. Oh, I probably should have mentioned that. I think she has about five minutes left before she goes into a coma.

Delko: *frowning*

Horatio: What do you want?

Kayleigh: I want Josh dead. I want Tim dead. I want their kids dead. I want their wives dead. I want every trace of their name dead.

Horatio: So that justifies killing other people's families.

Kayleigh: Whatever it takes to get what I want.

Horatio: How about we make a different deal. You let her go, and I don't shoot you.

Kayleigh: I don't think so.

Delko: *looks behind Kayleigh*

Kayleigh: Four minutes gentlemen.

Speed: *points gun to Kayleigh's head*

Kayleigh: *smirks* Your timing is impeccable, Speed. That is what they call you right?

Speed: Open the drawer.

Kayleigh: You didn't ask nicely.

Speed: Do it or I'll put a bullet in your brain.

Kayleigh: Now what kind of a brother are you?

Speed: I don't even know who you are, but you aren't my sister.

Kayleigh: Oh but I am. You know what dad taught us.

Speed: He didn't teach us murder.

Kayleigh: Yeah, because beating me and Josh and leaving you unharmed definitely qualifies as a completely different lesson.

Speed: He let me have it after you guys were safe.

Kayleigh: I never felt safe. Especially after you left us.

Speed: Look, I know what he did to you but killing someone else isn't going to fix things.

Kayleigh: You don't know a damn thing.

Speed: Why did you fake your own murder?

Kayleigh: To get away from him....I just wanted to kill him for what he did.

Speed: You got your wish, he's dead.

Kayleigh: ...Then why am I still angry? I used to be so happy. I used to...I used to be good.

Speed: I know.

Kayleigh: ...I've killed so many people for nothing. I've turned into him.

Speed: No you haven't. He didn't care who he hurt, you do.

Kayleigh: I just want this to end.

Speed: Then end it.

Kayleigh: I can't. *elbows Speed in the stomach*

Speed: UGH!

Kayleigh: *grabs Speed's gun, points it at Horatio*

Horatio: Kayleigh...Drop it.

Kayleigh: *shakes head* No.

Horatio: Kayleigh...

Kayleigh: *puts gun to head*

Horatio: Kayleigh!

Kayleigh: *pulls trigger*

Click, click

Speed: *grabs Kayleigh, shoves her to the floor*

Kayleigh: LET ME DIE!

Speed: Get your hands behind your back right now.

Kayleigh: NO!

Speed: *grabs Kayleigh's hands*

Horatio: *runs to drawer, opens it*

Delko: *runs over*

Horatio: *pulls drawer out*

Delko: Jess?

Jess: *sits up*

Delko: *hugs Jess* Are you okay?

Jess: *starts to cry*

Delko: *hugs tigther* You're safe, we have you.

Horatio: There's no bomb.

Delko: She lied?

Horatio: It seems that way Eric. Get Jess out of here.

Delko: *grabs Jess*

Delko/Jess leave

Speed: Stand up.

Kayleigh: *stands*

Horatio: Anything else we should know about?

Kayleigh: *shakes head*

Horatio: Okay, I'm going to check Jess. *walks few feet away*

Kayleigh: Tim...

Speed: You're under arrest.

Kayleigh: *leans head on Speed's chest, starts to cry*

Speed: *wraps arms around Kayleigh*

Kayleigh: *crying*

Hummerhome, CSI Garage

Missy: Okay let's take 'er for a ride.

JC: I don't think that's the smartest thing to do.

Katie: Nonsense, let's get out of here.

Megan: No I think we should wait. Horatio doesn't want us doing this.

Katie: Horatio's not here. *turns key*

JC: Where are we going?

Missy: Oh let's go to England!

JC: NO! Let's go to Africa!

Katie: NO! No God no. Never suggest that again.

JC: Africa.

Katie: *screams*

JC: Africa.

Katie: *screams*

JC: AfriCA!

Katie: *screams*

JC: *laughs* Hey this is fun.

Missy: Knock it off. Okay, let's go camp out on the beach.

Katie: No that's boring. Let's go to Kansas.

Missy: Why?

Katie: It's random and I've never been there.

Missy: I think we should go see some kind of landmark.

JC: Oh let's go to the four corners of the world!

Megan: Wasn't that five corners?

JC: You can't have five corners.

Megan: Yes you can, it makes some kind of gone. Like hexagone or heptagone or...Fivagone.

Katie: I don't think fivagone is the word.

Megan: Well it's a word now.

JC: Let's go see the 8 wonders of the world!

Katie: No, because then I'd have to get a map and plan it out and it takes too long.

Megan: Well what do you guys usually do when Horatio's here?

Katie: Uh I'd rather not try to get us killed thank you very much. I just want to have some fun...*rubs chin* Hmm....Some drunken fun.


Katie: What?

JC: Let's go to a club somewhere or OH a hotel.

Katie: An expensive hotel?



Megan: Is that a real place?

Katie: *looks at brochue* Well we could go to Pensylvannia, they have some weird castle hotel thingy now.

Megan: Sounds good to me.

Katie: And hey if all goes well, I'll become the Queen of Pensylvannia.

JC: I thought you were the Queen of the Spider People.

Katie: Damn the Secret Cloud Police are onto me now.

Megan: I don't know, I don't think that castle thing sounds very fun.


Megan: No, no. No ghosts.

Katie: Oh man we're GENIUSES!

Missy: I'm going to cry. I don't like ghosts.

Katie: Off to the haunted castle we go!

Castle, Pensylvannia, 6pm

Katie: Oh it's just like I had imagined!

Megan: ...A Holiday Inn?

Katie: No, the haunted part.

Megan: It doesn't look haunted. It looks like a cheap renovation.

Katie: Where there are renovations, there are ghosts.

JC: What do you mean?

Katie: Well once a place starts to be tinkered with, the spirits of the ones who died while the building was being built get angry.

JC: Who died while it was being built?

Katie: We *puts on shades* Are about to find out.

They took the hummerhome??????oooooo they are in BIG trouble!Why didn't they come to England....theres tons of quality stuff here...*starts searching for welcome stuff in hope*

Katie is becoming Horatio :lol: plllllllllease more soon Geni :D
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