Road Trip - CSI:Miami - "Crazy Eights"

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Horatio: *tilts head to the side* ...Alena? What are you doing in here?

Alena: *crawls out from table, crying, hugs Horatio*

Horatio: *picks up Alena*
Sympathetic, super duper mommy H is baaaaaccccccckkkkk! *jumps up and down*
Horatio: *places Alena on table, leaves*

Kayeligh: *smiles*
HE JUST LEFT HER THERE??!!??!?!?!?!?!??!??!?!!!?!??!?!?!? What??????????
Kayleigh has Alena and Jess is nowhere to be found? How could you leave me like this?? Why did H leave her there if he knew where Jess was? She had already told him....what the hell is happening geni I'm brething faster please please don't kill Alena or Jess but you can kill Kayleigh...kill her Geni don't just leave me here!
If anyone good dies...
And why didn't H get to do his superthing in the Big Apple?
uPDaTe sOOOOooOOoOoOOoooOOoooOOOOn.:.:>..:>?/^&#*%^$*(@^#
HORATIO how could you leave Alena with that Evil Woman! ACK! Wow, Jess, when did you become a mod? I feel like I've missed out on part of my life! Good job Geni! Oh,and letting JC and me babysit is definately a bad idea.
Great updates, Geni!!! It was sure a heart pounder (ha, heart pounder...ironic...) for me...And what the heck is up with Jess? What has Kayleigh done now?

I have to say, kudos to Speed for staying true, although I have apparently gone cuckoo for cocco puffs. Oddly, I knew that all that insanity in the first six RTs was going to catch up. All said , I really hope I come back with a little sliver of sanity ;). Again, big ups to Speed for telling Katie ( although, he's pretty much depressed about the state of his life) to basically Stop while she was a head. BUT...I could see a little of that old magic in their interactions. *putting hands together* please let Speed stay true, please let Speed stay true , please let Speed stay true.... Ah, what am I talking about, this RT, anything can happen.

Anything like Horatio giving that psycho Aleana. I wonder if he has something up his sleeve, because, Psycho bitch doesn't strike me as the 'lets go to the park and wait this out' type of chick. I sure hope that H has it all under control...Wait, this from a guy who chased seagulls out into the ocean in pursuit of his SOJ's... Poor Alena... j /jk. Waiting patiently for more!!

As always, awesome, Geni!!
Colton AND cotton do look similar, lol. I guess I'll have to leave the cotton out and put in some more Colton. ;)

Welcome back Missy. :) I haven't seen you in a while.

:lol: Anni, you make me laugh. I love your reviews. I'm not sure if you'll escape with some sanity, but we shall see. Also, even though Katie seemed to be a giant biatch, there was a hint of what they had before. *sigh* Young love.

Except...Not. Because Speed's HAPPILY married. :p


Warehouses, Miami

Colton: I came as soon as I heard.

Delko: Heard what?

Colton: ...You guys found Jess?

Delko: We didn't find her.

Colton: Someone said you did.

Delko: That someone didn't know anything.

Colton: ...Well can I help?

Delko: Where have you been?

Colton: Well I was staying at Calleigh's place and I was doing a giant puzzle with a thousand pieces and I guess it became addicting because when I walked outside, the sunlight burned my cornias.

Delko: ...

Colton: It was insane.

Delko: As are you my friend.

Colton: Hey!

Delko: We didn't find Jess but we found the victim from another crime scene that Carly and H were investigating.

Colton: Who's the victim?

Delko: Annette Spacey. She lives in Coconut Grove Condos.

Colton: People should just stop living in Coconut Grove.

Delko: Tell me about it.

Colton: Okay so this second crime scene, what was so significant about it?

Delko: Calleigh's badge was found there. I think it was to lead us to Todd Casey, to lead us away from Kayleigh. It's too bad Kayleigh lost her money and needed a plan B so she called Josh.

Colton: Who's Tood Casey?

Delko: Carly's ex-fiancé.

Colton: Wow, she's had an active life.

Delko: Yeah well now that you're caught up, you mind helping me with this crime scene so we can find Jess?

Colton: Sure.

Hospital, psych ward

Speed: *walks into room*

Anni: *laying on bed*

Speed: Anni?

Anni: *humming*

Speed: *places flowers in vase* I brought these for you.

Anni: *sits up, runs over to counter*

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *sniffs flowers, smiles* Good.

Speed: *nods* How are you feeling?

Anni: *runs to window*

Speed: Anni.

Anni: *climbs up onto counter* BIRDS!

Speed: *walks over* Can you get off the counter please? *reaches out hand*

Anni: *grabs Speed's hand, jumps down*

Speed: How are you feeling?

Anni: *smiling* Tim! *hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Anni* I guess you're feeling alright then.

Anni: Not crazy.

Speed: I know you aren't.

Anni: *lets go, points to head* It hurts.

Speed: ...It's called a headache.

Anni: No. Inside.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: Not crazy.

Speed: I know that.

Anni: *frowns* NO! Like...Big...*presses hands together slowly* Big.

Speed: I don't know what you mean.

Anni: Inside.

Speed: You think something's wrong with your head.

Anni: *nods*

Speed: That's why you're here.

Anni: NO! You were here!

Speed: *blank stare*

Anni: You! Here! Place like this!

Speed: That wasn't the same thing.

Anni: You NOT crazy!

Speed: No, I'm not.

Anni: I'M NOT!

Speed: Do you know what happened to you?

Anni: I'm here.

Speed: Do you remember what you were like before?

Anni: Huh, not crazy.

Speed: Yeah.

Anni: *starts to cry*

Speed: Anni? What is it?

Anni: *crying* Not crazy!

Doctor: *walks in doorway* Detective.

Speed: Yeah.

Doctor: She needs rest.

Speed: I'll see you later, okay?

Anni: *nods*

Speed: *leaves*

Anni: *wipes eyes*


Speed: Is she getting worse?

Doctor: I can't tell. I don't know what she has. It would seem to be a case of psychotic break, but even if her motor skills have been impaired, her brain seems to be otherwise in perfect condition.

Speed: What do you mean?

Doctor: I mean something's not right. Most patients we get in here, don't understand complex sentences, or sometimes simple sentences. They understand words and pictures, now those are the severe cases. Your wife seems to understand extremely difficult phrases, tasks, and information.

Speed: So it's like something's not wired properly.

Doctor: There are a few things that can cause this. Now, one of the most common diseases would be a tumor. It could be causing intracranial pressure which prevents oxygen from circulating in the brain. It also shuts off or supresses certain areas of the brain, such as cognitive thought, or emotional control.

Speed: The other doctors said she was just under stress.

Doctor: Well once we get a CT scan, we can rule some things out.

Speed: What happens if it's a tumor?

Doctor: Well depending on the growth and where it's placed, we'll be able to remove it. I should tell you that there is always a risk of damage during brain surgery.

Speed: And if you don't find anything or can't remove the tumor if there is one?

Doctor: We'll pass that bridge when we get to it. But for now, we're going to take some preliminary tests.

Speed: *nods* Okay.

Doctor: I'll call you in a few hours when we're finished.

Speed: Great, you have my number.

Screaming is heard from behind the walls

Doctor: What the...*walks into room*

Anni: *screaming*

Doctor: Anni, can you calm down for me? We want to help you.

Anni: *pushes rolling counters toward doctor*

Doctor: *grabs counter* Anni, let go.

Anni: NO! *slamming counter into doctor*

Speed: *runs in, grabs Anni*

Anni: *screaming*

Doctor: *grabs syringe from pocket*

Speed: What is that?

Doctor: A mild sedative.

Anni: NO! NO! Please NO!

Doctor: *looks at Speed*

Speed: Anni...If you can understand me, you need to calm down. Okay? No one's going to hurt you. Trust me, he only wants to help.

Anni: *nods*

Speed: Okay?

Anni: Okay.

Speed: Good.

Doctor: *puts syringe away*

Speed: *lets go of Anni*

Anni: *sigh*

Speed: Alright, they're going to take you for some tests now to find out what's wrong.

Anni: *nods*

Speed: Okay, I'll be back later. *leaves*

Miami Lab

Carly: Hey you needed to see me?

Horatio: Todd Casey seems to be connected with Kayleigh, so I think he might have Jess.

Carly: You find the victim?

Horatio: She's with Alexx right now.

Carly: ...Todd works at the supermarket. Maybe he took Jess there.

Horatio: Did he have any history of mob relations?

Carly: One in New York....Oh. What do you know...

Horatio: And you didn't mention this because...

Carly: I didn't think it was imporant.

Horatio: Every detail about a suspect is important.

Carly: Lesson learned. So what do you want me to do?

Horatio: I want you to find Todd. *walks away*

Carly: ...Could he get anymore vague?

Horatio: Come on, let's go.

Kayleigh: Don't touch me.

Horatio: You knew I'd find you, it was only a matter of time so get in the room.

YEAH. OH BURN. IN YOUR FACE. Nice comeback H. ;)

Kayleigh: ...A kid is not going to get me to tell you where she is.

Horatio: No, but a pair of handcuffs and 25 years in a six by nine cell might.

Kayleigh: *frowning*

Alena: *staring at Kayleigh*

Kayleigh: *looks at Alena*

Alena: *smiles, giggles*

Kayleigh: ...

Horatio: So where is she?

Kayleigh: ...That kid really is hers?

Horatio: Yes.

Kayleigh: ...She's in a warehouse near the docks.

Horatio: Is she alive?

Kayleigh: Yes.

Horatio: Okay, you're going to go with some officers and you're going to tell them where she is.

Kayleigh: And after you find her, I'm going to kill her daughter.

Horatio: ...I beg your pardon.

Kayleigh: *laughs* You don't think that I would just let her sink through my fingers would you? She has my money.

Horatio: No one here has your money.

Kayleigh: Well gee that's just too bad, isn't it?

Horatio: You want an exchange.

Kayleigh: Give me the kid, I give you the mommy and then you have 24 hours to find my money. If you miss the deadline, she dies. Sound like a fair deal?

Horatio: And if I don't give you the child?

Kayleigh: Warehouses can get pretty hot in Miami, right? I figure her blood will start to boil in about a half hour.

Horatio: *frowning*

Kayleigh: You'd better get down there.

Horatio: *places Alena on table, leaves*

Kayeligh: *smiles*

WHAT? Don't give her Alena! GOD I HATE THAT BITCH KAYLEIGH! Just wanna... wanna... *strangles thin-air*

Horatio: *frown fades*

Kayleigh: *looks around* What is that?

Horatio: *tilts head to the side* ...Alena? What are you doing in here?

Alena: *crawls out from table, crying, hugs Horatio*

Horatio: *picks up Alena*

AWW! HE'S LIKE DADDY! #1, the frown fades! #2,'s just a great scene! Alena hugs Horatio! Oh i bet Stetler is hanging himself now... well. i'm not betting. I'm hoping.

Speed: She gave us bad directions?

Horatio: No, she gave us wrong directions, so let's keep searching.

YEAH. KEEP on searching! Don't give up H!

Anni: *lets go, points to head* It hurts.

Speed: ...It's called a headache.

Anni: No. Inside.

Speed: *lifts brow*

Anni: Not crazy.

Speed: I know that.

Anni: *frowns* NO! Like...Big...*presses hands together slowly* Big.

OMG! You a tumor? *cries*

Speed: What happens if it's a tumor?

Doctor: Well depending on the growth and where it's placed, we'll be able to remove it. I should tell you that there is always a risk of damage during brain surgery.

Speed: And if you don't find anything or can't remove the tumor if there is one?

Doctor: We'll pass that bridge when we get to it. But for now, we're going to take some preliminary tests.

OMG I MIGHT BE RIGHT. I don't wanna be right right now. *cries*

Horatio: I want you to find Todd. *walks away*

Carly: ...Could he get anymore vague?

Yup. :D

Great updates Miss C!

I like you icon, i remember you requesting it. I can't do it cuz' i can't do animated ones... :D
Carly: ...Could he get anymore vague?
Oh, I bet he could ;)

There's some interesting stuff going on in here. *huggles Jess* I'm sure they'll find you... soon... *huggles Anni* Aw. Poor crazy girl :p

Great job, Geni :)
poor Anni, poor Alena, poor Jess,poor Speed, poor Delko *huggles all round* alive but WOOOO Horatio :D and Katie *raises eyebrow* what are you up to hun??? *tut tut tut* (but I'm so jelous-ripping open his shirt *draws mental image....::p: nice )

as ever-LOVE YOU GENI...update asap :D
Oh, poor Anni! You have it pretty rough girl.
and Carly, I'm sure that Horatio could be more vauge, this is H-man we're talking about.
Glad to be back Geni!
Technology and me don't get along that great, so if I only show up every couple days you'll have to excuse me. Actually this time it was my desperate job hunt that kept me from my new favourite pass time. It sucks being unemployed. T_T Great job Geni, you are truly brilliant. Hope Anni gets better, I don't think she's crazy. And major backstory on Carly. Ah, the tension, the drama! I love it.
No worries Chris, you don't have to be here all the time. TalkCSI should always take a backseat to Real Life. ;)

I just said that? :eek: :lol:


Miami Trace lab, two hours later

Horatio: *walks in* Carly, status.

Carly: I checked into Todd's records, there was nothing that stood out.

Horatio: You check his police history?

Carly: Yeah but there isn't much that can help us find him.

Horatio: Tell me what you have.

Carly: *looking at folder* Uh...

Speed: *looking through scope* You dated the guy and almost got married and yet you don't know anything about him.

Carly: *looks at Speed*

Horatio: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *peers up from scope* What?

Horatio: Let's stay on the task at hand please.

Carly: *flips folder page* He was a special ops technitian for four years.

Horatio: What does that mean?

Carly: He flew helicopters, and did some ground surveillance.

Horatio: Wait a minute, helicopters. Did he fly them himself?

Carly: Yeah he was trained to.

Horatio: I'm thinking there was a reason he needed Calleigh's badge.

Carly: ...It wasn't used to present to the victim before he shot her?

Horatio: I think he was in the lab.

Carly: We thought that too, but someone would have seen him right?

Horatio: Speed, tell me about the Trace that was collected from the condo.

Speed: It's a high end lubricant.

Horatio: ...And?

Speed: Well it was found near the master bedroom in a condo, I'd get into details but...

Horatio: Give me other uses for lubricant than that Speed.

Speed: ...I don't know how without making it sound suggestive.

Horatio: Carly.

Carly: If it's industrial, then it could be used for-

Horatio: Speed, don't.

Speed: *closes mouth*

Carly: *frowns* For engines.

Horatio: Like helicopter engines.

Carly: Why would he need to adjust an engine?

Speed: Does he have any hobbies where he used...*clears throat* Any hobbies?

Carly: *frowning*

Speed: I'll just shut up.

Carly: He built model planes, are you happy?

Horatio: Model planes...Some of those can be built with motors right?

Carly: I guess.

Delko: *walks in* H, I have some bad news.

Horatio: Go for it.

Delko: One of the Dade-County choppers are missing.

Horatio: Well that is some bad news isn't it?

Delko: Why?

Horatio: Jess is on that helicopter and it's being flown by remote.

Delko: I also found something else in the hangar. *places item on table*

Horatio: That...That is a wire.

Delko: A wire? From like a bomb?

Horatio: Eric, we need to find her.

Carly: Well we can't find her unless we find Todd. Piloting something by remote has be done near the actual object.

Horatio: How far away?

Carly: A hundred feet, maybe. Depending on how strong the signal is.

Horatio: So he stole the badge to get the chopper, adjusted the chopper somewhere and put a bomb in it. Where would someone need to be to pilot this thing?

Carly: Somewhere high so the signal doesn't get jammed by other radio signals which can be caused by nearby buildings. You know, places with wireless internet or cellphone towers.

Horatio: I think I know where to look. Eric, Speed, you're with me.

Four Seasons Hotel Miami

Horatio: *opens roof door, draws gun*

Delko: You sure about this H?

Horatio: Tallest building in all of Florida, he'll be here if he wants maximum output on the chopper.

Delko: *draws gun*

Horatio: *grabs cellphone* Speed, do you have a signal?

Hummer, on the road

Speed: *looks at laptop* Not yet. No helicopters in the vicinity.

Horatio: Go further.

Speed: You got it.


Horatio: *walks around slowly*

Delko: I don't see him.

Horatio: *looks around*

Delko: ...I suppose this would be a bad time to mention that I'm afraid of heights.

Horatio: Duely noted.

Metal sound is heard few feet away

Horatio: *turns corner, extends gun* Todd...

Todd: *looking at laptop*

Horatio: Todd, turn around slowly.

Todd: *turns around*

Horatio: Where's the chopper.

Todd: Doesn't matter, it's going to blow in five minutes.

Horatio: Is the bomb signal connected to the laptop as well?

Todd: *smiles*

Horatio: Disable it right now.

Todd: Nah, I don't think so. What Kayleigh wants, Kayleigh gets. And she wants her dead.

Horatio: Why does she want her dead?

Todd: Listen man you'll have to ask her that yourself. But I hear she left the country with a little girl.

Delko: *frowning*

Horatio: Whether you disable the bomb or not, rest assured that I will.

Todd: Good luck.

Horatio: Step aside.

Todd: You're going to have to kill me.

Delko: Don't worry, that can be arranged.

Horatio: *brings phone up near mouth* Speed, do you have the signal.

From cellphone

Speed: There's a jamming frequency, everytime I try to get into his system, it kick-

Crashing is heard

Horatio: Speed...Speed, can you hear me?

Todd: Looks like he ran into some trouble.

Horatio: Disable the bomb right now, let's go.

Todd: It's a long way down lieutenant.

Horatio: Todd...

Todd: *runs to edge*

Horatio: Don't do it!

Todd: *jumps over edge*

Horatio: *runs to edge* ...

Delko: He just killed himself.

Horatio: Eric we need to disable this bomb and find the chopper.

Delko: How?

Horatio: I'm not sure. *looks at laptop*

Middle of street, Brickell Avenue

Guy: *shoots gun*

Speed: *jumps out of Hummer, grabs gun*

Bullets hit Hummer driver's side window

Speed: *ducks*

Guy: *shoots gun*

Speed: *stands pulls trigger*

Windows on large brown van break

Guy2: *shoots gun*

Speed: *runs to back of Hummer*

Guy3: *jumps out of van, shooting machine gun*

Speed: *flinches*

People on the sidewalks screaming, running

Little girl is seen standing on the sidewalk

Speed: Hey! Kid! Move it!

Little girl starts to cry

Guy2: *shoots gun*

Speed: *stands, pulls trigger*

Bullet hits Guy2 in the arm

Speed: *runs over to sidewalk, grabs girl*

Bullets whiz by, hit store windows, little girl screams

Guy: *pulls out bazooka gun*

Speed: *turns around*

People on other side of the street running and screaming

Guy pulls trigger

Speed: *picks up girl, runs*


Roof of Four Seasons Hotel

Horatio: *typing*

Delko: Do you have it?

Horatio: The chopper's over the causeway.

Delko: Can you land it?

Horatio: Right now we need to defuse the bomb. *typing*

Delko: H, she only has a minute left.

Horatio: I have the bomb configurations.

Delko: Can you turn it off?

Horatio: There's security codes, I'm trying to get past them.

Delko: You actually know how to do that?

Horatio: Not the time Eric.

Delko: Just hurry you have 45 seconds left.

Horatio: *typing*

Delko: What are you doing? It's blinking. What's happening?

Horatio: It has to be shut off manually.

Delko: You can land the chopper, right?

Horatio: Not in under 40 seconds.

Delko: We have to do something!

Horatio: *staring at laptop*

Brickell Avenue, inside bank, rubble settles outside

Woman: What's going on out there?

Little girl: *crying*

Speed: *looks at gun* Damnit.

Woman: What? What is it?

Speed: I'm out of bullets.

Woman: You're a cop, you can't be out of bullets.

Speed: Do you work here?

Woman: Yes, I'm one of the tellers.

Speed: Take her.

Woman: *grabs little girl* What now?

Speed: I'm going to rob you.

Woman: ...Are you kiddin' me?

Speed: No. I need four bags full of money.

Woman: Why?

Speed: Just do it.

Woman: *runs over to counters*

Speed: *looks outside*


Delko: Five seconds.

Horatio: I see the chopper, it's down there.

Delko: *staring at chopper*

Horatio: *staring at chopper*

Helicopter swerves, then explodes

Delko: *closes eyes*

Horatio: *looks down at ground*

Delko: ...

Horatio: Eric, we tried.

Delko: ...

..........................Where is Alena? Where did she go? Ugh, I knew having a daughter would bring nothing but trouble lol. And she's a Delko, she's stubborn and knows what she wants, so Kayleigh better not hurt her.

Oh wow, so they think I'm dead huh? How much you wanna bet that I'm not on that helecopter. That's my first thought since things never turn out the way they seem hahaha. I hope everything turns out alright though, man, Horatio sure didn't do too great a job protecting the Delko family, I imagine Delko would be pretty touchy around anyone involved. hmmmmm we shall see I guess, great update Geni, you always keep us on our toes! UPDATE SOON! :D
O_O Woah....but was Jessie on that helicopter? I agree, things aren't always as they seem ;)...but where is poor little Alena? She didn't get taken to Columbia did she? Woah, that would be really bad...(eh Colton? ;)) Well, poor Jess if she is dead...and poor Delko, having your child kidnapped by a crazed Speedle, and your wife may or may not die. Hm.

And ok jeez, what is it with me and attracting the crazies? I'm starting to feel like Katie :)p). yet another crazy to add to RT me's list. To the best of my recollection, that makes it 2...or so :lol:

please update soon! *pokes*
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