Nope Anni, you didn't miss anything.
That storyline is kind of a spur of the moment thing.
Fingerprint Lab
Horatio: *walks over* You process?
Carly: Yeah. The print was completely destroyed.
Horatio: We need something else.
Carly: Well how about the body? We haven't found that.
Horatio: Take Katie and Anni with you.
Carly: Um...They're not around.
Horatio: What do you mean not around?
Carly: Katie's at my place and she's a little under the weather, and I haven't seen Anni all week.
Horatio: How about Eric?
Carly: He's in New York with Josh.
Horatio: ...Speed?
Carly: He called in sick for the rest of the week and he's using his vacation time.
Horatio: Well we can't have Calleigh working the case.
Carly: Colton's not in either.
Horatio: Where is he?
Carly: I don't know.
Horatio: Why is everyone gone?
Carly: I tried calling him five times. He's not answering his cell.
Horatio: JC and Missy?
Carly: They're busy taking care of Alena.
Horatio: It seems everyone has something to do these days.
Carly: ...There is one person I know who's available until at least the end of the week.
Horatio: Who?
Carly: Riley.
Horatio: She's not a CSI.
Carly: She's mature and she's confident. She could come along as an observer. The lab does this kind of thing all the time.
Horatio: I don't feel comfortable having her help with an officer involved case.
Carly: She'll be fine, H. I'll make sure nothing goes wrong.
Horatio: ...Alright. But if she makes one mistake, just one, she's out.
Carly: Got it.
Horatio: Head to the crime scene.
Carly: *grabs kit, leaves*
Crime Scene - Condo
Carly: *hands over latex gloves* Put these on.
Riley: *grabs gloves* Remind me why I'm here at 7 in the morning?
Carly: You're going to help me.
Riley: It smells in here.
Carly: That's blood.
Riley: See ya. *turns around*
Carly: *grabs Riley* It won't hurt you so get back here.
Riley: Why can't you get mom to help?
Carly: She's sick.
Riley: She seemed fine this morning.
Carly: She was hanging over the toilet bowl.
Riley: Ah well we've all been there right?
Carly: See if you can find anything out of place.
Riley: What, besides the pile of blood?
Carly: Yeah.
Riley: *looks around* It's a condo. What do you want me to say?
Carly: *swabs blood*
Riley: How do you people do this job?
Carly: Someone has to do it.
Riley: *sigh* This place is gross.
Carly: We haven't even found the body yet.
Riley: ...We're going to find a body?
Carly: *looks at Riley*
Riley: Sorry.
Carly: Think of this as life experience.
Riley: I think the entire
state of LA is life experience in itself.
Carly: Well then this is a different perspective.
Riley: Y'all should turn on the lights in here when you work.
Carly: We use flashlights instead. That way it's easier to spot things with a concentrated beam of light.
Riley: Yeah but won't you be able to see the entire room with the lights on?
Carly: Not really.
Riley: *turns on lights*
Carly: *frowns* I want to keep the scene the way it was.
Riley: What difference does it make? The room won't disappear once you turn the lights on.
Carly: Turn them back off.
Riley: No.
Carly: Riley, turn them off.
Riley: No.
Carly: *sigh* I'm in charge of the case.
Riley: You want a medal or something?
Carly: *narrows eyes*
Riley: *crosses arms*
Carly: It's an order.
Riley: I'm sure it is.
Carly: Are you always like this?
Riley: *smirks*
Carly: I should have known. *throws flashlight* Take that and scan around the room.
Riley: *clicks on flashlight*
Carly: *places on more gloves, kneels*
Riley: What are you doing?
Carly: I'm going to see if there's anything else in the blood.
Riley: Uh why?
Carly: Because there may be evidence that will lead us to the killer.
Riley: *tilts head* Or the body.
Carly: *looks at Riley*
Riley: *looks around*
Carly: *digs around blood* Alright well it's clotting, so we know it wasn't planted.
Riley: *looks up*
Carly: Doesn't appear to be anything in the blood so far...
Riley: *looks down* What's that around the blood? It looks like splatterings. When people die, the blood just pours, it doesn't splatter, right?
Carly: ...Yeah.
Riley: Kind of like when you spill the milk, it makes that kind of pattern. But this looks like it was slow because only some of the outer edges seem to be like that...Like something was dripping.
Carly: Gravitational drops.
Riley: *looks up* And there's a piece of cord hanging from the ceiling by the way.
Carly: *stands, looks up*
Riley: Oh hey there's stairs that lead over to this position over the blood. *runs upstairs*
Carly: *rolls eyes* I thought you didn't want to be here.
Riley: Now you've got me all curious. *shines flashlight onto floor* There's blood up here and over the railing.
Carly: So they were bleeding.
Riley: And then hanged.
Carly: *nods* Manner of death could have been asphyxiation, or the wound which caused the blood. And since dead people don't bleed, I vote for that injury.
Riley: So it was a coverup.
Carly: Pardon me?
Riley: Well you don't kill someone and then hang them. You hang them to kill them, so whoever dangled the victim was trying to make it seem like they died from the hanging. Except...Why not clean up the blood...
Carly: *smiles* Getting into this?
Riley: *leans closer to railing* There's something shiney on this railing.
Carly: We'll get it to Trace.
Riley: Who the hell is Trace?
Carly: *laughs* It's a department at the lab.
Riley: And what happens to this when it gets sent to Trace?
Carly: You really want to know?
Riley: ...If you don't mind.
Carly: Not at all. I'll explain everything when we get there. But first we need to collect the cord and then figure out where it came from, swab it for DNA, and th-
Riley: Why?
Carly: Why what?
Riley: Why are you swabbing it for DNA?
Carly: Sometimes when you hold something and it slides through your hand, skin cells slop off onto it leaving DNA. It's great when we're looking for a killer.
Riley: *nods* So you can find out whoever touched the cord.
Carly: Exactly.
Riley: Man you guys do this for a
Carly: Yeah.
Riley: That's pretty cool.
Carly: It gets better. You should see the neat machines we get to play with.
Riley: Like what? *runs downstairs*
Carly: Well, there's the GCMS. That stands for Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer. We process Trace evidence in it, and it gives us the results. There's also the centrifuges which are used for Trace and DNA testing. They're kind of neat to use too. We also have AFIS, IBIS, CODIS, NIBIN and a few others to tell us things about fingerprints, DNA, shoe treads, and bullet casings.
Riley: So what happens if the victim was shot?
Carly: We'd find the bullet, and then the gun. Then we'd compare the bullet pulled from the victim against a sample one from the gun.
Riley: How?
Carly: We shoot a reference.
Riley: Like...In a firing range?
Carly: Well there's one in the ballistics lab. Then we look at both bullets under the scope to see if they match.
Riley: Have you done that before?
Carly: My department used to be DNA. So, I'm not a certified ballistics technitian but Calleigh or Katie usually does all of that for us. We don't work in every department.
Riley: Where does everyone work?
Carly: Well like I said, Calleigh is in ballistics and she's also our weapon's and tool impressions expert. Eric works with tread impressions like tires or shoes, and he's also out underwater recovery specialist.
Riley: What does that mean?
Carly: *laughs* He recovers evidence under water. He's a real asset for us, you know, since a lot of Miami's potential crime scenes can be under water.
Riley: Who works in Trace?
Carly: Tim's our Trace analyst and also the fingerprint and crime scene reconstruction specialist.
Riley: So you guys are like a team.
Carly: *smiling* You could say that.
Riley: Can I see these places?
Carly: Sure. You might even get to try a few techniques.
Riley: Really? Me?
Carly: Unless you don't want to.
Riley: No, I want to.
Carly: Great, come on.