Rikki's Coming Back! (formerly Bring Rikki Back!)

I'm happy that she will be coming back. I loved her character and I think that she did a good job and I loved the chemistry between her and Danny...Sorry Dantana fans...lol
Oh, I definitely worry that the baby thing could be done badly. I just suspect it's the route they're going to go, and it does make sense in a thematic way of offering Danny some sort of redemption on Ruben's death. Not that another child could ever replace Ruben, but the whole something good coming out of a tragedy way. I could be wrong, so who knows. I'm just thrilled they're bringing her back. :D
One can only hope that TPTB have learned their lessons on bad stories and if they do go this route, that they will do a good job at it. While having another child doesn't replace the one lost, it does do a world of good. I had a cousin who died at the age of 7, her sister was 4, and a year later my aunt had another child. It happens quite often. So I see Rikki coming back pregnant as a good thing. I'd love to see Danny with a baby. His life is full of drama. Just let the man have a happy loving wife and baby of his own.;)
Yeah, my only concern is how TPTB will handle and write out the storyline. I have no doubt Carmine and Jacqueline will act very well whatever plot TPTB has in store for Danny and Rikki, so it's the writing that'll determine how good or bad things can go.

Even if Rikki really does return pregnant and Danny and Rikki settle down together, it won't necessarily take up a lot of on screen time at all. Like in Criminal Minds, one of the main characters, Hotchner, was married and his wife had a baby somewhere between seasons one and two. That show has seven main characters and yet, the writers were able to balance the cases, investigations and the personal lives of all the main characters, including scenes of Hotchner's family life.

So, Rikki returning pregnant =/= Soap opera. Just a matter of how it's handled. And yeah, I still stand by my opinion that I really, really do not want TPTB to drag the DL mess into whatever will take place between Danny and Rikki. It would be such a waste of a great character like Rikki. She's wonderful and would do her own storyline much justice!

1csimfan said:
I'd love to see Danny with a baby. His life is full of drama. Just let the man have a happy loving wife and baby of his own.;)

That would be so sweet. :) I think ovaries across the world will explode just seeing Danny cuddling a baby, much less his own. :lol:
Yeah, my only concern is how TPTB will handle and write out the storyline. I have no doubt Carmine and Jacqueline will act very well whatever plot TPTB has in store for Danny and Rikki, so it's the writing that'll determine how good or bad things can go.

I agree. We've all seen how Carmine does with bad writing. He has the talent to actually make whatever it is very good. Jacqueline is the same. She'll rock the house with it. Then the chemistry they have together...yeah, they'll make it good. Let's see how TPTB and writers handle it, especially long term, that's my main concern/question.

So, Rikki returning pregnant =/= Soap opera. Just a matter of how it's handled. And yeah, I still stand by my opinion that I really, really do not want TPTB to drag the DL mess into whatever will take place between Danny and Rikki. It would be such a waste of a great character like Rikki. She's wonderful and would do her own storyline much justice!

Amen! Lindsay is only peripherally involved in the Ruben sitch, so she should only be involved in Rikki's return peripherally.

Although, part of me would love to see Lindsay find out, and then have a meltdown that ends her association with Danny for good, freeing up to be with Rikki, I just would rather not go there.

1csimfan said:
I'd love to see Danny with a baby. His life is full of drama. Just let the man have a happy loving wife and baby of his own.;)

That would be so sweet. :) I think ovaries across the world will explode just seeing Danny cuddling a baby, much less his own. :lol:[/quote]

Yes! Danny with a baby would be cute. Any baby.
Plus, you know it'd be magnificent the learning curve, him having a baby and learning how to raise him/her.
You know, IF Rikki does come back pregnant, it makes me wonder if the writers were trying to get Danny to that place all along. Trying to get him in a situation where he'd end up being a father. It's an interesting possibility.
Shytownmofo said:
Lindsay is only peripherally involved in the Ruben sitch, so she should only be involved in Rikki's return peripherally.
A good point there! TPTB actually had many chances to directly link what was going on between Danny and Rikki with Lindsay, but they didn't. As mentioned before in this thread, Danny could have brought up Lindsay as a reason for him using sex to ease Rikki's pain as bad, but he never did. In fact, not once did he ever mention Lindsay whenever he was with Rikki or vice versa, which supports the likely possibility there was never a relationship between Danny and Lindsay past friends or friends with benefits.

So yeah, if TPTB involved Lindsay only peripherally in this situation throughout the latter half of season four, there's the chance it'll be the same in season five. *crosses fingers*

Top41 said:
You know, IF Rikki does come back pregnant, it makes me wonder if the writers were trying to get Danny to that place all along. Trying to get him in a situation where he'd end up being a father. It's an interesting possibility.
Oh, it certainly is an interesting one! :) Way back in June 2007, Carmine already hinted at Danny 'looking elsewhere' relationship-wise as well as 'seeing Lindsay isn't who he thought she was'. Moreover, before episode 4x17, he was already hinting at a 'baby'. Granted, it was in reply to what might happen with DL (and interestingly, he also hinted that DL could end completely), but he didn't know what was going to happen after episode 16 and beyond at the time.

I won't be surprised if TPTB decided that Danny would have a baby with Rikki instead as far back as that point in time. The fact Carmine even mentioned a baby implies that the writers may have been already considering that particular story line for Danny by then. In terms of timeline, it's actually perfect if Rikki's the one who becomes the mother of Danny's baby. If she returns within the first ten episodes, it'll be a little over two months since she and Danny slept together. That's the usual amount of time needed for a woman to confirm a pregnancy. ;) Just speculation there ...
Thanks for the link, vegaslights! :) Hopefully we may get info on CSI:NY and Rikki's return soon.

It's pleasantly surprising to see positive comments in the comments section of that page asking about Rikki. :) Thank you for them, whoever you guys are! They are definitely appreciated. :D (Heh, the negative ones don't surprise me though. Interesting they're similar to excuses posted in this thread why Rikki shouldn't come back. And I'm certainly glad we've put that case to rest. ;))
I'm really curious in what kind of role TPTB put Jaqueuline Pinol in.
In my country they just showed All In The Family and it was awesome.
Both Carmine and Jaqueline was great and totaly beliveable.
Makes me wonder how Lindsay will react to the news that Danny "cheated" on her.
We would probably be sumitted to her blank stare but if that helps Lindsay to be a character on her own and let Danny be happy with Rikki I would be happy with that.
Yep, we finally have CSI:NY news!

Check back later this week for more CSI: NY scoop from Veasey, including what's ahead for a certain couple whose fans keep threatening me with bodily harm if I don't tell them something -- anything -- soon. Good thing I like my body.
Wow, just wow. I doubt anyone has to take a second guess who these 'fans who keep threatening Ausiello with bodily harm' are. Way to make the fandom look bad. :scream: Humor or not, the fact he even mentions it says a lot already.

At least now we know we'll be getting new spoilers soon! I'm optimistic it'll be about Rikki, since Pam Veasey did write episode 4x16, after all. ;)
I'm also very optimistic! I posted a comment in the comment section there, and hopefully he'll listen to the positive Rikki comments, as well as those at TPTB (if they read them).

I recommend people sending in some positive feedback about Rikki, at the link provided by Kimmy. :)
I posted my kudos in the comments section too, for the "Flack's sister" storyline, and of course for the return of Rikki. :thumbsup: Looking forward to any further tidbits Mr. Ausiello can toss our way... (erm...well, I'm looking forward to any tidbits that actually make me happy, anyway... :lol: not so much the other kind, though!)
Well, Ausiello may not have dished any new info yet, but Matt Webb Mitovich from TVGuide has!

Jacqueline Pinol returning to CSI:NY is the best news ever. Is Rikki going to come back with Danny's bun in the oven? — K.C.
Any news for us (disappointed) Danny/Lindsay fans in the face of the return of Rikki? — Gaelen K.
Do with this information as you will, you warring 'shippers: Pinol is back for more than one episode, and perhaps as many as four. That would sound to me like Rikki and Danny have a lot to catch up on. (Look at me swat the hornets' nest!)

Well, well, well. :eek: Can it possibly be that a certain speculation may be correct?!
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Very cool news indeed! I have a feeling the crux of that first question is something they're going to try to keep under wraps until the season starts. IIRC, the writers are back at work this week or next, so we should be getting more spoilery details soon, hopefully! :D