Awesome rent icons guys! I love the light my cnadle song, take me or leave me and la vie boehem is still my 2 favorite songs. But light my candle comes in at number 3.
OMG ForensicRedneck your avatar is SOOOOOO good!! I'm in love with it! You're so talented!
Oh I hate you guys, you're so lucky! lmao xD just kidding.. you really are lucky, though.
My dad just came back from the US and I got the dvd and the soundtrack! I can't stop listening to it! :D

Alright, my sister converted me into Rentism so here I am. I actually dislike musicals very much but she literally forced me to sit and watch it and now I'm in love with it.

So, just telling you all that I have joined the love for this and that my favorite song is actually "Tango: Maureen".
My favorite song is the last 4 (movie, deleted scene) minutes of "Goodbye Love."

Other than that? "Another Day," "Finale B," "Out Tonight," "La Vie Boheme," the list goes on...
stripforensics said:
My favorite song is the last 4 (movie, deleted scene) minutes of "Goodbye Love."

If you mean the one that Mark sings in the cemetary, it's called "Halloween". ...It's one of my favourites too. :D
I currently have "Out tonight" stuck in my head. BUt any other time its "Take me or Leave me." I watched this movie again yesterday. Just when I think I"m pulls me back in!

Athena....where did you get that woohoo icon?
speedmonkey2 said:Athena....where did you get that woohoo icon?
hmmm I don't remember. I have a bunch of them saved at photobucket. Some of them are pretty funny too.

A little local play house here is reenacting song from a bunch of different plays and I heard that they will be doing "Take Me or Leave Me!" I love that songs
I can't wait to see it.