Renewed/Canceled/Info shows


I thought it would be good to make a thread wherein we can post about shows that are being renewed or canceled. Maybe one of the mods could edit this first post whenever it's made official if a show is renewed or canceled. This way you'll have a nice oversight about what's happening to your shows. What do you all think about it? Anyway, I'll make to start already:

Bones for a 3th season
House M.D. for a 4th season
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

From TV Guide Entertainment News blog:

"NBC has renewed its veteran drama series Las Vegas (Fridays, 9 pm/ET) for a fifth high-rolling season through 2007-08, it was announced today by Kevin Reilly, president of NBC Entertainment.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

Bones for a 3rd season
Heroes for a 2nd season
House M.D. for a 4th season
Las Vegas for a 5th season
Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit for a 9th season
My Name Is Earl for a 3rd season
The Office for a 4th season

Maybe Tinkerbell or WillowsWannaBe can make this a sticky so that people can find this easily to see whether there is word on the fate of their favourite shows :D
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

I hope I allow to do this. I know O.C. last for a while, so it Reba. They are serious season, mean Cancelled.

Cancelled shows

Re: Renewed or canceled shows

This is kind of going way back, but ESPN had this show called "Playmakers." It was my favorite show by far, but was cancelled after one season because the NFL hated the image it gave the league. I bought the season on DVD, I loved it.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

I heard Dexter will return next season for a 2nd year.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

mrb105 said:
This is kind of going way back, but ESPN had this show called "Playmakers." It was my favorite show by far, but was cancelled after one season because the NFL hated the image it gave the league. I bought the season on DVD, I loved it.

The NFL especially hated it because it was too damned true to life at times--they just took a lot of the typical troubles a number of high and low profile NFL players had and put them all on ONE TEAM!!!

The NFL basically told ESPN that if the show wasn't yanked, that ESPN and any of its related networks and media would be forbidden from doing ANY COVERAGE of the NFL at any time. Imagine no NFL Score updates, game coverage, MNF on ESPN or ABC; nor any sports talk about the NFL allowed on ESPN radio! It would have put ESPN and ESPN radio out of business and done a huge blow to ABC and Disney. ESPN isn't stupid, so of course they tossed that show.

It just goes to show you how powerful the NFL is, even if SOME (not all) of its players are crack addicts, wife beaters, man-whores, closeted gays (not that there's anything wrong with it), thugs and other unsavoury characters. The show was popular though, no two ways about it. I never missed an episode. I'm suprised the NFL didn't block the sale of the DVDs too.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows


Ya I was aware of why the pulled it, I thought it was so dumb though. There are way worse shows on TV. ESPN just annoys me so much sometimes though. All they do is cover east coast teams; Yankees, Red Sox, Patriots, NY Giants, etc. They also have some of the worst analysts, some people that never even played sports talking like they know what they are talking about. It was such a good show, with great storylines and good characters. I'm sorry they had to let it go.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

Cancelled: Joey. I was so angry with NBC when I heard they were going to cancel it :mad: I really liked it, although I liked Friends more.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

Bones for a 3rd season
ER for a 14th season
Heroes for a 2nd season
House M.D. for a 4th season
Las Vegas for a 5th season
Law & Order: Special Victim's Unit for a 9th season
My Name Is Earl for a 3rd season
Stargate Atlantis for a 4th season
The Office for a 4th season
The Shield for a 6th (and final) season

Stargate SG-1
The O.C.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

Meh, they should have end ER :( Seriously it's been on a wrong track for a few seasons already. End when there's still some... dignity.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

On ER it looks like Gorgan Visginic will not be a regular anymore but might be on for a few episodes like Noah Wyle. And James Caan and Nikki Cox will no longer be on Vegas

Yeah I agree that ER should have been done this season but aparently NBC likes to beat dead horses.
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

Aw, Reba is getting cancelled? I never really watched any of the new episodes but when i did catch a few of the newer ones they made me laugh. Did they give a reason why its going to get cancelled?
Re: Renewed or canceled shows

I believe that the show "The Closer" is renewed, Kyra S. Just signed a deal that would extend her for another season and more money. (I posted that in the "Closer" thread a while back).