"Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

pabzi said:
The reason for just putting his name like that is because in the episode "Unbearable" he played "Sam Tracy" prior to that he played Henry Andrews.
In May of 2005 CSIFiles reported for this season (2006/2007) "Jon Wellner Joins Recurring Cast Of 'CSI'" in which it states, Actor Jon Wellner recently penned a deal to join the recurring cast of CSI next season as toxicology expert Sam Tracey., So what I did not sure who he will be I put in both names until the ep airs and we know for sure.
he cant be sam tracy again! everyone allready knows him as henry andrews, the toc tech. that has to be who he is now. it was really confusing that they brought an actor that they had used as a bad guy on to be a tech, but now that he is a tech, he needs to stay a tech, no?

Yeah, that kinda threw me. Jon's been "Henry Andrews" since late Season 5, if I remember correctly (I'll have to check IMDb). The baddie zoo staff guy was a one-off in "Unbearable".
I found the "Unbearable" Ep at IMDB, in which he played "Sam Tracy", and then I found the article here about him signing the deal to protray Sam Tracy as a recurring status. Maybe this was the only role he felt comfortable with, I don't know.
But Sam Tracy would be in jail surely? He was part of the illegal hunt which led to a man's death. I think it's more likely to be a mistake and he's playing Henry still.
Okay, I'm deeply confused.

From the clips, it looks like the mutiny a-brewin' has led Nick and the others to conclude that, in the face of the secrecy surrounding Keppler's "reverse forensics" operation, they can't trust Catherine and they can't trust Keppler.

I can buy that they wouldn't trust Keppler because he's new and is, frankly, a little weird, but Catherine? They've worked with her for years! Wouldn't it have occurred to someone, somewhere, that just maybe there was a reasonable explanation for her secretive and bizarre behaviour? What do they think she's doing, anyway?

It'll likely depend, at least in part, on how Catherine responds to their concerns in the episode, but nevertheless watching Nick lash out in the promo videos without (I feel) any visible just cause is making me... twitchy, particularly in light of that recently posted spoiler that this could turn into a lingering grudge.

I mean, seriously -- have a little faith, man. This is Nick we're talking about, here. Of all the people to overreact...

Any spoilers I might've missed to explain this?
I think this whole 'situation' is an attempt on TMTB's part to drum up some interest. Season 5 was CM's big soapy season which didn't go over well and I think we're seeing a repeat this season. When will she learn? Oh, maybe when she gets her head out of Melrose Place or any of those other idiotic 80's prime time soaps. I'm sure somebody with some ability to focus will mitigate the damage - I hope! I really don't like seeing strong women played as complete saps or b**ches!

How about a strong woman who gets the job done? That's one you never see on network TV.
I think you're probably right that this is, really, just the TPTB trying for attention (with promotional material blowing it even further out of proportion), which is frustrating because -- with Keppler in the mix -- the show has the potential to be interesting enough without an extra hit of forced ZOMGDRAMA.

I really will be interested to see how Catherine handles "Redrum," even if it looks like Nick's going to be a disappointment. For all her flaws, I've always had a lot of respect for her character. Eh. We'll see.

You have to wonder, though:

If Grissom had been the one involved in Keppler's "reverse forensics" scheme, would the others have behaved the way they did?

Honestly, even if she wasn't "in the know" I think Catherine would have squashed any rebellion before it even got started.
i think if it was grissom instead of catherine who kept something from the others they would just say "that's kind of what he does..." and wouldn't react like they'll do in redrum
AureliaPriscus said:
Honestly, even if she wasn't "in the know" I think Catherine would have squashed any rebellion before it even got started.

cathwillows said:
i think if it was grissom instead of catherine who kept something from the others they would just say "that's kind of what he does..." and wouldn't react like they'll do in redrum

i agree with both of you...
if Cath were in the ohter side she probably would be very very upset that Grissom did that...
that´s why probably she´ll understand the motivation of the "rebelion"..

but she said in the video that the team can´t be fooled... and then in the end she said: "i´ll remember".. she kinda knows that it will end badly....
yes of course she knows! she knows that the others will feel betrayed
and that's why she doesn't want to do it in the first place...
but i think she hopes that they know better and will forgive and forget, sooner or later
Josoyjo said:

i agree with both of you...
if Cath were in the ohter side she probably would be very very upset that Grissom did that...
that´s why probably she´ll understand the motivation of the "rebelion"..

but she said in the video that the team can´t be fooled... and then in the end she said: "i´ll remember".. she kinda knows that it will end badly....

Actually, what I meant to imply was that -- while she might feel hurt that Grissom was freezing her out -- she wouldn't have supported any "rebellion." She certainly wouldn't have concluded that they "can't trust Grissom". She knows the man too well to think he'd be behaving like this without just cause.

But I think you're right that she's going into this warily. She believes in her team.

It's just a shame her team doesn't seem to believe in her.
She does know the team won't be fooled and she tells Keppler she'll remember what she has to do to get the job done. Looks like she knows this is going to cause trouble. Yeah.

I don't think the younger CSIs would turn their backs on Catherine just because she doesn't tell them the truth. I think their hostility towards her probably really comes from the hurt of (they think) not being trusted by someone they respect and trust. And the fact that Catherine seems to be teaming up with Keppler, a new comer they barely know, probably fuels the flame. For that reason, I can understand it if Nick ends up being the one who doesn't let go considering he and Catherine have always been close.

As for Chatherine going along with the plan, I agree with those who say she has no choice. The Undersheriff does tell her "it's not your call." And frankly, I'm really tired of seeing people comparing her with Grissom. They are different persons. It's unfair to either one of them.
I agree too guys. Personally, I think Catherine's arms are tied behind her back. Plus, i think the undersheriff would not have pulled something like this with Grissom. Not trying to sexist here, but Cath is a woman. I think she is being railroaded to do something she doesn't want to do.

I think the comment she makes about I will Remember...is the fact that she will remember keeping her team in the dark, and she doesn't like that. She feels she is betraying them even though its not her choice. Plus, she knows they will figure it out--they will eventually find out. Which gets me to the point of when she was kind of abrupt with Nick...advising him to follow her orders because she is the acting supervisor. I think she is worried about if the team catches on...what kind of trouble they could get into for not listening to her. I guess we will have to see...
If I remember correctly, Nick hate be lies to. Catherine is force to lie to her team and they did find out about it, that cause Nick to be angry at her for lying to them. I can understand if Nick is not letting it go.

I would said he would be verge of having a breakdown soon.
***Not shipping here really***

But this goes with a point I'm about to make. But why is it that Nick is the one who gets the most bent?