"Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

I don't think its a matter of trust, it could be a matter of what you don't know won't come back at you.

See Catherine is told you tell no one, because we don't know who the leaks are. (not a direct quote), Now she has two choices, do as she is told and keep her mouth shut, or secretly tell the team, in which if any info leaks out it comes back to bite her cause then they have to be looked into. -- Now the team could claim not to know but the problem there is if the undersheriff find out she did tell and something got leaked to which would catch them in a lie and still get Cath in trouble, as well as the rest of the team.

But I have another theory that could turn out to be all wrong but I like to look at both sides of the coin and flip it. -- What if Cath does tell the team? and they make it look like they are turning against her because she lied to them and couldn't be trusted. That promo after last weeks ep could be a cut from another part of a scene, which they are good for.

But anyway thats just my thought.
I'm really looking forward to Redrum. As a huge fan of Catherine, I'm looking forward to seeing the decisions she makes and the development of her character as well as the interactions she makes with Keppler.

Also, we're watching Stephen King's the Shining in my Cinema as Literature class, so having the 'Redrum' as a title is really cool! :D
I'm not sure what knowing him personally has to do with anything. That's like saying you won't follow the advice of your cardiologist until you've taken him out for dinner and drinks first.

The man's an experienced CSI with (presumably) good references that is, unless I'm misinterpreting things, expected to take the day shift once Catherine's familiarized him with the job. He's worked cases like this before and he's used this tactic before -- with success in Philadelphia, if not necessarily in Baltimore.

If the investigation's stalled and the usual tactics aren't working, I don't see why they wouldn't listen to his advice. After all, that's what they hired him for.
Go to CBS.com, the Redrum is out on youtube. I read other board. Nick ask Catherine, "What in the file?" And she told him, "Back off."

That how Nick become mutiny, Whatever that mean?

Nick, Sara, Warrick and Greg not the only one that don't trust Keppler, Lab Trace don't trust Keppler either. Bobby doesn't trust him, neither is Hodges.
NicknGrissom said:
Go to CBS.com, the Redrum is out on youtube. I read other board. Nick ask Catherine, "What in the file?" And she told him, "Back off."

That how Nick become mutiny, Whatever that mean?

Nick, Sara, Warrick and Greg not the only one that don't trust Keppler, Lab Trace don't trust Keppler either. Bobby doesn't trust him, neither is Hodges.

Like others have said, it's hard to draw conclusions from promotional materials but it seems to me that by the time of that clip of Nick questioning Catherine he's been fishing for information for a while. That tone is definitely accusatory.

Whatever made him suspect Catherine's already happened. You have to wonder what's happened to Nick to make him suspect a coworker he's known and trusted for years is up to something illegal...

And didn't I hear somewhere that there was a possible scene in a future episode in which Hodges invited Keppler out for drinks? Guy can't be all bad. ;)
I don't know but, boy, I hope it does. I'll quite literally die of cute.

*loves Hodges and, um, is kinda fond of Keppler too, as is likely obvious*
i hope that scene still exists. could be funny to see keppler have some drinks with hodges as scenes with hodges tend to be quiet amusing
Catherine is a little rough around the edges and her communication with others is as such.

However, what bugs me is that they are pulling this, "do this or we'll do what we did with Grissom in Strip Strangler" deal with her knowing that she will agree because she doesn't want to lose her job because a. it's her career and b. she's a single mom and she will be royaly screwed if she gets suspended or fired.

So in my opinion, Catherine, due to her lack of communication skills, gets her team's back up and they automatically assume this is another 'Last Laugh' situation again only this time, she's got Keppler on her side.
It on youtube, not innertube.

Really, Hodges invites Keepler out to drink. Which episode was it? I like to see that. Probably won't.
AureliaPriscus said:
Actually, what I meant to imply was that -- while she might feel hurt that Grissom was freezing her out -- she wouldn't have supported any "rebellion." She certainly wouldn't have concluded that they "can't trust Grissom". She knows the man too well to think he'd be behaving like this without just cause.

It's just a shame her team doesn't seem to believe in her.

agree with that 100% ;)
I have to admit, I'm not really sure what to think of Catherine's behaviour. Catherine isn't exactly unethical, so I think she must really believe in whatever it is she's doing. I really think that Catherine knows what she's doing, and I agree with AureliaPriscus and Josoyjo - I wish the whole team would trust her (difficult though it may be when it looks like she doesn't trust them). I don't think we can really judge Catherine before we see the episode - sometimes the previews can be quite misleading. (Not saying that this one isn't, just that we need to keep an open mind.) Either way, I can't wait for Thursday so we can finally see what's up.

I'll take my soap box and go now.