"Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

I know that part. Carol said in the last season interview, they will explained why Catherine lost it, but they never delivering it.

Nick is happy again working back with Grissom.
Alyssa said:
AureliaPriscus said:
Alyssa said:
See, I want to throttle Keppler, right now. I mean, his actions may lead to the capture of the badguy, and that's all great, and everything; but there are a lot of other factors here. The undersherrif, Brass, Cath and Keppler all know. I don't think it'd hurt to tell the rest of the team.

I'm interested that you're willing to throttle Keppler for something that everyone's mostly agreed is the fault of the "higher ups". Sure, it was his (admittedly unorthodox) idea, but there's no evidence to suggest that he's twisting Catherine's arm that I've observed.

All four people at that table agreed to it. Would you pin this all on Brass, too?

Oh my gosh, it's an opinion. I wasn't trying to start a brawl, here. I feel like I shouldn't even say anything in this thread because people are going to jump in and attack.

Look, I don't like that Keppler said they should keep it from the others. Catherine tried to tell him that it wasn't a good idea, but the undersherrif went with Keppler on it. That bugs me. It's going to bug me because I love my team, and I would hate it if I were in that position.

Also, in terms of Catherine fighting harder, I wish she had fought a little harder. My opinion. That's all. I mean, I don't like her lying to the team. I don't think she's Grissom. That's the pleasure of this show is that all the characters are unique and different. But, as often as Catherine has gone behind people's backs to do what she thought was right (test DNA, give Gil information about Sam's limo size, get 1,000,000$ for Nicky's ransom), she's usually fairly upfront with her team. I get that she doesn't like the idea, and that's fine. I just wish she'd fought a little harder, maybe gone behind the backs of "The Man." Just my opinion.

I am looking forward to this mutiny. It's what I'm looking forward most in this episode because I do want to see what pushes Nick so far. I mean, he stood up for her against Adam Novak. He was her right hand man, there, letting Novak know the problem was HIM, not Catherine. What did Catherine do that pushed Nick so far? What did she do that her team mates would sneak around? I mean, there are times when information isn't shared, but something goes terribly wrong, just as the foursome at the table said it might. If the whole mission is compromised because the team went mutiny on Catherine, who was lying to them in the first place, I'm not sure where the blame will lie, and it'll probably depend on the fan and their individual character preference. It's a tough situation, and it's dirty, and it's not easy, and that's fine. I like that there's going to be a lot of grey in this episode. I like that it's not all black and white and right and wrong.

Cath and Keppy are doing what they think will help catch a badguy. Nick, Greg, Sara and Warrick are worried that they're being lied to, that something isn't on the level, and they want to make sure that everything is... So, they take things into their own hands. Something could go terribly wrong, and if it does, I hope there's some continuity with it in the future.
Politics! It's all stinkin' politics! Some of this I understand why SHE would have to do it, but coming up with it in the first place just doesn't make any sense. Like my sig says, "You try to figure out th world with commeon sense, it doesn't work."
And second- how will Grissom respond to this whole thing when he gets back? :confused:
VaveAma92 said:
- how will Grissom respond to this whole thing when he gets back? :confused:

I was wondering about that, too. Will it all have blown over by then or will he notice Nick (or whoever) still holding a grudge? If I hadn't read the recent GSR spoilers, I'd say that Sara would give him her POV of the whole shebang, but now I'm not so sure.
Hope this doesn't add any more ammunition to Nick maybe leaving Vegas...remember his comments after the 'Pig' incident in Fannysmackin' about maybe he was in the wrong city?

*bites nails and hides under the covers* Mommy!
^I was thinking the same thing, but rumour (and that's all it is) has it that GE did sign up for next season.

I just hope that this isn't TPTB of getting rid of GE.
I agree with Brass_live and Alyssa or other girl said it too about Grissom.

How he is going to react about his teams been upset with Catherine? Will he side with her or he don't?

They better not get rid of GE? He is very popular on the show.
McStokes said:
Hope this doesn't add any more ammunition to Nick maybe leaving Vegas...remember his comments after the 'Pig' incident in Fannysmackin' about maybe he was in the wrong city?

I thought that was just TPTB's way of showing how much Nick has changed since CSI first began. He's much more jaded than he used to be. Have you've heard something from an official source? If not, I really wouldn't worry about it. He's got a big fanbase, like NicknGrissom said, and he's certainly got the chops to carry an episode when they need him to.
McStokes said:
Hope this doesn't add any more ammunition to Nick maybe leaving Vegas...remember his comments after the 'Pig' incident in Fannysmackin' about maybe he was in the wrong city?

*bites nails and hides under the covers* Mommy!

According to an interview George Eads gave while in Australia last year he is signed up for seasons 7 (of course :lol:) and season 8. He and Marg were the first 2 to actually say that they were there through season 8.

NicknGrissom said:
I know that part. Carol said in the last season interview, they will explained why Catherine lost it, but they never delivering it.
According to David Rambo, Catherine is still a supervisor. He stated that in his reply to a fan letter. Unfortunately I can't show you the exact stuff he wrote because it's not my letter. Eh, guess there's some conflict among TPTB themselves? :p
Maybe Catherine might have a good reason for mocking a crime scene, but why couldn't she let the rest of the team know? It says on the promos that they're trying to flush out a killer, but why couldn't Catherine tell everyone what she was trying to do? It's not like one of them is the killer. In my opinion, it almost seems like an insult to the intelligence of the team. They're seasoned CSI's, they can recognize something that was mocked with a spray bottle over real bloodspray. Catherine should know that they would find out, and now because she thought she could get away with it, everyone is turning against her because they don't think they can trust her anymore. I'm not saying Catherine was stupid for doing this or thinks too much of herself or anything, I just think that it was a really awkward managing move that can lead to a really sticky situation.

Hopefully they can all laugh it off at the end, and we can all laugh with them.
^ You can watch the diner clip again if you like. Catherine does tell the Undersheriff and Keppler that the other CSIs won't be fooled. She knows very well that they'll find out eventually. So I really don't see why she would think that she'd get away with it. I also think that she feels guilty for having to deceive her team because when Keppler tells her no one will remember what it takes to get the job done, she says she'll remember.
EricaSJ said:
^ You can watch the diner clip again if you like. Catherine does tell the Undersheriff and Keppler that the other CSIs won't be fooled. She knows very well that they'll find out eventually. So I really don't see why she would think that she'd get away with it. I also think that she feels guilty for having to deceive her team because when Keppler tells her no one will remember what it takes to get the job done, she says she'll remember.

She does definately seem guilty about decieving them. But I just saw the commercial, and Nick asks about it, and she basicly tells him to back off. Why couldn't she just pull them all aside and tell them instead of letting it get out of hand?

I don't think I've watched the diner clip. Can someone please give me the link? It would be a great help.

Well, I guess I'll just have to wait... seven minutes... to find out what happens!
To me, it looks like Catherine really didn't have much of a choice, it's kinda like being the outcast if she didn't agree to it, not to mention the guy hounding them for anwers, I don't know.....I guess we'll have to watch to find out.