"Redrum" Discussion **Spoilers**

iluvEricSzmanda said:
Not the best. Im actually ashamed to admit this, but I found myself wanting to change channels more and more as the episode went on. *dodges flying debris*

Your not the only one......... :)
A silkworm? I know nothing of bugs, so I will take your word for it, but does that mean anything significant?

Raw_Alex said:
Worse, to have the entire thing fall down because they guy who demanded it didn't do his part of the job is just classic.

I loved that. I thought it was awesome how, once the team worked together, they brought the baddie to justice. I also liked that it was Warrick who went to talk to Brass and how crushed he looked when he saw Keppler there. SO nice to see him for more than 30 seconds.

I felt for Cath in this case. You could tell how torn she was. The only part that really bothered me was that she tampered with the evidence to Sara's case and compromised the lab tech in the process (he could be a single parent, for cripes sake!). ;)

Brass was solid, as usual. "You waiting on a drumroll?" He looked pretty conflicted about handing over those pancakes.

Oh, and Hodges was so funny. He wants to be one of the gang. His comment about Grissom being a champion for the little guy was priceless.
i loved this episode, much better than last weeks.

and yeah, keppler is here to stir crap up. he is and its working. yes catherine could have insisted on including the team, but then it wouldnt have turned out right in the end.

for me, thats the best way the episode could have ended. the rest of the team finds out and the conspirators plan fails. it was more satisfying to me that way.

loved the digs at catherine (no offense to anyone!) again, she could have fought for the team but didnt, and this was the more interesting way for it to turn out.

nick obviously took this very personally. it will be interesting to see how that plays out. but then again, that would be continuity which the writers dont seem to like :lol:

i am very optimistic about where the rest of this season is going
Catherine, Keppler, and Brass did what they had to do. They flushed out Simon as intended. The Undersheriff didn't do his job. He didn't tell the DA.

It was the Undersheriff who approved the operation, Keppler merely suggested it. Keppler can't approve anything. Catherine had no choice but to go along with it, even though she made clear her reservations in proceeding. The Undersheriff told her it wasn't her call.

Let's try to be fair to Keppler. We don't have to make him out to be a bad guy here. He was just trying to catch a killer. You don't have to agree with his methods, but he's human just like anyone else. He has flaws.

I didn't take Sara's "dig" as malicious. For lack of a better word, I would consider both Sara and Cath to be friends. Sara obviously doesn't like Keppler, therefore, anything she wants to say to Catherine she would like to do in private. Most friends who have a conflict with one another do talk in private, if necessary. That's not a dig, that's just courtesy.

Honestly, I don't feel bad for Nick. I mean, I feel for him. I would be hurt, just like the rest of them, but I felt Warrick understood Catherine's hands were tied. He even said as much while discussing the glass evidence from the car with Nick. I'm not trying to hate on Nick, but his brooding shtick is starting to eat at me.

As for the episode, it kept my attention. Mostly because I had a feeling something was going to go wrong. And on a lighter note, Hodges IA betting pool was great comedic relief.
I love the episode. I'm glad Keppler's plan back fire. I know Catherine want to tell her team about it.

Nick and Sara are going to be hard to retrust Catherine again, especially Nick, he won't let it go. I'm glad Warrick is on the whole episode instead of 5 second or later. I'm sure Nick will forgive Catherine later, he just hurt right now. sound like the Rage is coming out of him soon.

Greg is right about one thing, Catherine should have trust the teams instead of lying.

Brass is right about one thing, how the undersheriff is going to the sheriff about his screw up? He didn't tell the DA.
Toots said:I wish I could e-mail Nick and gently but firmly insist that he grow some hair on his kiwi-fruit looking head. He looks really bad without a decent head of hair.


Nice to know that there are other people out there who miss his hair.......... :lol:
Rowan said:
Toots said:I wish I could e-mail Nick and gently but firmly insist that he grow some hair on his kiwi-fruit looking head. He looks really bad without a decent head of hair.


Nice to know that there are other people out there who miss his hair.......... :lol:

the reason george shaved his head is because he thinks people care too much about looks ;)
NicknGrissom said:
I love the episode. I'm glad Catherine's and Keppler's plan back fire on their butt. I know Catherine want to tell her team about it.

Uh, it was Keppler's plan. Not Catherine's. Being hopelessly in love with her, I feel I have to step in and make that correction clear before everyone jumps on the "I hate Cath for going along with it and lying to the team" bandwagon. Or maybe a lot of people have already done that. I don't know, I haven't really read the entire thread yet.

Anyway. Keppler. Not Cath. Keppler's plan. ;)
Toots said:
Somebody wanna tell me what the tree branch means

I thought it was a butterfly coccoon, but I'd have to re-watch it in slo-mo again to be sure. Isn't there something in GSR lore that equates Grissom and Sara with some kind of a butterfly connection? My head will burst if I think too much about it. :rolleyes:

Ya, it was a coccoon on a tree branch. As soon as I saw it, I was like "Ah, Grissom." :lol:

I think the GSR shippers started the butterfly trend after the ep "Butterflied".
Okay, It was Keppler's idea, undersheriff like his idea. Catherine don't like it but she got no choice because undersheriff said, it wasn't her call. I take it, Brass don't like it either.
i dont think anyone meant 'catherine and kepplers plan' as a bad thing, just that they were the ones in on it.

and i thought this episode would make me really mad at cath, but it didnt. it played out the way it needed too. sure she was snippy with them and the team could have helped (nick made the connection that solved the case afterall) but having the secrecy and the rivalry made the episode more interesting.

in all honesty, it probably would have been a boring predictable episode if everyone was in on it. and, if the writers actually deal with it, they have set up some long term consequences. the other characters may have been able to let it go faster than nick, but it doesnt mean theyve forgotten. and im sure catherine will never forget how she made the team feel. unless of course the writers drop this storyline and we never hear about it again :lol: now thats more likely
To be honest, I wasn't really clear whether Brass hated the idea or not. During that whole exchange, he seemed rather upbeat and willing, with a few comments that might have suggested he wasn't thrilled about it, but he was somewhat okay with it? I dunno anymore. I'm confusing myself.

I guess what I mean is, Brass seemed to be on the fence for most of the episode.
allmaple said:
i dont think anyone meant 'catherine and kepplers plan' as a bad thing, just that they were the ones in on it.

Well, when you put it that way, I feel sorta like an a**. Sorry if I jumped the gun. I get rather protective of my fav character, as I'm sure others do of theirs. No hard feelings, I hope?
Honestly, I don't feel bad for Nick. I mean, I feel for him. I would be hurt, just like the rest of them, but I felt Warrick understood Catherine's hands were tied. He even said as much while discussing the glass evidence from the car with Nick. I'm not trying to hate on Nick, but his brooding shtick is starting to eat at me.

I'm sure that a lot of the things that the characters do eat at all of us.

Now one person wrote that it would be a while before Nick and Sara are in Catherine's good books again, however, I think it is the other way around.

Catherine seemed to enjoy this little game tonight. It was like someone cheating on their Weight Watchers diet and then having to face the scale every week before your meeting.

Then afterwards she gives a contrite apology, dismisses Nick's feelings and then wants to be the big hero in a murder case that Nick himself solved. Then she goes out and rewards herself with a drink with Keppler. She put her team through major stress of making them feel as if they were being set up by IAB. And then acts like nothing happened at all.

If she ever hopes to be the next Grissom, she better think again because she messed up majorly this time. Grissom will let her get away with it no doubt, but she's lost the respect of her team for sure. Sara and Nick in particular.