Recomended Merchandise

Posted by IHeartEric:
If I had to recommend anything to do with CSI it'd be the CSI Companion book. It is really something. And you don't need to have watched the show to have understood what the cases were about.

Cathleen x

My friend just ordered that. Glad to know its worth getting. I will, of course, be borrowing hers at some point. :D
They are good over in the UK about getting TV series DVDs out pretty soon. It'll be a few months till it's out here though. The first season of CSI: NY is still being shown.

Cathleen x
Either the DVDs or the books, because they're both totally awesome. Especially Cold Burn in the books, 'cos its got Geeklove and YoBling!! :D :D
I would reccomend the DVD box sets and books, as well as the X-box game.

I have season 4 on DVD and I've read the first 3 books. the X-box game is really fun. I'm trying to save my money so I can buy all the box sets, the rest of the books, and the CSI companion.
I would recommend the latest CSI: LV book, Binding Ties its probally the best realesed so far and a good read.
Also the DVDs are great :D
I really want the CSI companion books :( does anyone know retail prices for them ? ... feedback please
The suggested retail price for the CSI Companion is $24.95. has it for $16.50, but there is free shipping here in the United States if you order over $25.00 at one time. They also list used copies from some of their associated dealers from $6.05 and up.
Any reviews of the XBox game? I have an XBox, and was disappointed years ago with the XFiles playstation game, so I've hesitated in buying the CSI games due to that...
The Xbox version is full of bugs as well, without the benefit of patches. :-(