Recent Purchases

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Had to get a new printer...bum city.
Had to get ink for new printer...not too bad.
Upside.....came with some free software!

Got some hair coloring too....not too sure how that will pan out! :D
cigarettes.. my last package.. honestly I need to quit, I don't even like the whole taste anymore, it grosses me out.. I need a healthier addiction.. and preferably something that doesn't cost me as much.
Hmm, Jayne? Maybe uhm, chocolate? :) That's my last purchase. :) And I have another addiction, though. Free to watch, with internet connection. :D It's someone.
my mom says we all need to eat healthy so no chocolate anymore for me cause my mom doesn't want to buy it..

my last purchase is a CSI: Miami book..Cult Following..
those plastic trays where you put your in and outgoing mail in (hey I wanna look cool as a student :p)
Notebooks for school
Cola light (I know I'm not supposed to but at least it's light)
iwantboromir said:
I just bought plane tickets to Chicago for Xmas break. I love that city!

Same here, I love Chicago too, sadly I've only been once. It was to see relatives who aren't my favorites.

I recently downloaded two songs on iTunes.

1. Louie, Louie bu The Kingsman
2. Let it Rain by Eric Clapton.

I don't know if you would cvall it a purchase but I got two DVDs at the library.

One dvd is of Motley Crue music videos, and the other dvd is The French Connection's sequil.
RoosCSILover said:
Hmm, Jayne? Maybe uhm, chocolate? :) That's my last purchase. :) And I have another addiction, though. Free to watch, with internet connection. :D It's someone.
No. No chocolate, I'll gain weight then, and I don't want to.. I think I'll stick to chewing gum and walking around with a pencil between my fingers :p
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