Recent Purchases

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oh warning

dont buy patio gas its just a big fat con for the companies to make more money. all it is is propane with a new name and is more expensive. stick to regular propane
I purchased a new hair cut! Cut off 12 inches, got two colors in my hair and waxed my eyebrows! Total price: $25!!! :eek:

My friend's mom is a professional and she doesn't like charging friends or family very much, because in a salon that would have run you over $80 easy! So, I gave her a large tip, because she's so cool! :D
- Black Mead fat 'lil notebook
- Bubble Yum bubble gum
- Hawaiian Punch
- Diet Lipton Green Tea w/ citrus
- Denim jacket
- Brown jacket
- Pair of khakis
- Brown t-shirt
- PJs
- Black wool jacket-thing
- Random t-shirt
- Red tank top
- More songs off iTunes
- Bulletin board
- The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover poster
- Another poster (plain)
- Walk the Line poster
An MP3 player. It's my 4th one actually. I broke the first two and lost the third one. Im gonna take care of this one like it's my baby. :)
- diet coke
- hotdogs
- buns
- croissants
- biscuits
- crisps
- popcorn
- chewing gum

Is it too obvious I'm home alone?? :lol:

- credit for mobile phone
- very pretty tanktop to sleep in
:eek: I forgot: I bought a new toothbrush too.. the ultimate flexible and whitener kinda one :p My brother and I always compete in who has the coolest and funkiest looking toothbrushes :rolleyes:
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