Recent Purchases

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Just purchased...

- Food for the Heart on DVD
- Velocity Trap on DVD
- Bringing Down the Horse by The Wallflowers (CD)
- Happy Songs for Happy People by Mogwai (CD)
- CSI: Snakes Eyes by Max-Allan Collins
- Lab Coat
- Other crap for my classes
- 4th Season of the Simpsons
- 8th Season of the Simpsons
- Volume 1&2 of Family Guy
- Arrested Development Season 3
- 6th Season of the Simpsons
- 2nd Season of LOST
- Death to Smoochy
- 2 Waters
- A lock
Hmm, okay.

- Sugar thingie, it's called a 'suikerspin' in Dutch.
- ticket for rollercoaster
- ticket for thingie, almost similar to the London Eye, it's a bit different though.
- ticket for some thing, where you're weightless in.
- ice cream for me
- ice cream for my friend
- candy
Um...a book and some stuff for uni. I'm trying to spend as little as possible cos I'm not getting paid anymore :( and I'm supposed to be getting a car soon.
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