Recent Purchases

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I recently bought a dress for a wedding I have to go to, which is a big thing seeing as it is the first dress I have worn since I was 3 or 4 :D
--a ticket to see 'the ant bully' with my younger cousin at the movies
--lunch, which was chicken fajhita quesadillas and a mint chocolate chip ice cream sundae, and a shirley temple
--scrapbooking supplies
a Motherboard/CPU from a sexy guy, buying it from him really cheaply.(hopefully :p ) And 256MB graphic card for my computer which was about £35 then I bought a silver case which was about £15. Then an external hard drive of 160GB which was £40. Overall, spent over £200. :p Worth it though! :D

And I just bought a can of diet coke/candy sticks.
-surfboard wax
-lisence plate that says KATHERINE to put on the back of my motor scooter (yes i know, sooo touristy :D)
-nail polish
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