Recent Purchases

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Diamond and Amethyst bracelet (erm, using my birthday money of course :p ).

Two theatre tickets to see the Jungle Book :D

Cinema ticket


DaWacko said:
You know what my mistake is? I always look at the list and think I survive with basket and then in the end all food is dropping on the floor and I need to rearrange basket 10 times so I survive to pay the stuff :lol:

That is way I always take a cart! unless I only forgot one item or somthing. then a basket will usually hold the things I tend to buy after all... :cool:
I bought two tickets to a Def Leppard concert today, the concert is in late September. If I can afford it, there's an Aerosmith/Motley Crue concert a few days later which I'm trying to get tickets to.
i just purchased my first pair of converse all stars shoes. they're apple green with pink 'blossoms' embroided on them. i love them so much! they're so girly!
A watch from Next. :D
My weekly Kerrang magazine (I should really just subscribe to it, it would make it easier just to get it in the post. :rolleyes:)
A System Of A Down poster from Ebay. :D
A note pad
A pair of earphones for my ipod, I've totally wrecked the original ones. :eek:
That's about it.
Bought new speakers for my computer- since I spend half of my life on here, I should get new ones. :D this is my new pretty speakers- cant wait for it to come in the post! :D

Also bought: Pantera- Cowboys from Hell
Arch Enemy- Wages of Sin
Apocalyptica-Plays Metallica by four cellos- been trying to get this for over a year. :D great that Ive got it now!
Ok... I need to buy a black and a color cartridge because my printer has eaten all :p
I wonna buy rollerblade, because I need to lose some weight. And I love roller blading :)
Lots of lovely plum coloured ribbonn to wear in my hair for prom. :)
I've done nothing but spend money over the past few weeks :eek: on the following things:

Train tickets
Souveneirs (from London)
Theatre tickets
A proper lunch bag that keeps my lunch cool
TV guide magazine
Tickets to a couple of attractions in London (going next week)
A DVD and a book on steam trains for my Dad's birthday :rolleyes:
Bottle of water

I think I need to slow down a bit before I go broke :lol:
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