Recent Purchases

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i bought a bunch of new tops yesturday from jacob. i start a new job in a week and momma thought the shirts i have already were too sexy. i told her its her fault for giving me boobs no shirt can cover :lol: anyhoo, lots of pretty shirts that leave a little more to the imagination :D
Had a very good day in Singapore on Friday... bought a whole lot of stuff. I don't have any Singapore dollars left now. :p

The Growing Pains of Adrian Mole $18.90
True Confessions of Adrian Albert Mole $18.90
Adrian Mole: The Cappucino Years $20.95
Eldest $26.20 I've been wanting this book for ages....

Other then that:
Sketch Pad - $2.10
Pencils -$22.00 Yes, I'm crazy.
Caligraphy Practice Book - $0.90

And the highlight of the whole day:
Dead Poets Society Special Edition DVD - $33.95
went ikea monday bought shelves, mugs, hanging thing for kids room,
also went into town and got
crickets, mario worms, mealworms, vanilla scented candles, car tidy, football, suncream, big bag of monster munch, and some sports drinks for hubby.
never get chance to clothes shop cos hes always playing sports, am gonna go next weekend tho
Two spoonbaits by Kuusamon uistin

Räsänen 70/20 blue (grass)

I bought beer a few days ago. I went to look for Kilkenny. But there was only 4-pack and I didn't want to rip it so I saw Fosters 6-pack and you got nice glass with it so I bought that... *sighs*
The Wallflowers - Rebel Sweetheart $13.99
Oasis - (What's The Story) Morning Glory? $13.99
Dasani water - $1.21
Bubble Yum - $0.84
CSI: Miami - Heat Wave $6.99
DaWacko said:
I bought beer a few days ago. I went to look for Kilkenny. But there was only 4-pack and I didn't want to rip it
Gawd.. I just love Kilkenny.. my friend's last name is actually Kilkenny.. and everyone's like "ahhh as in the beer!" :lol:
JayneEmilysRealm said:
DaWacko said:
I bought beer a few days ago. I went to look for Kilkenny. But there was only 4-pack and I didn't want to rip it
Gawd.. I just love Kilkenny.. my friend's last name is actually Kilkenny.. and everyone's like "ahhh as in the beer!" :lol:

I actually tasted it first time a while ago. Never got into Guinness so I thought I try Kilkenny.
Then I always get into stupid moments, when I feel people think I'm drunk or something.
Beers/ciders and sodas are usually in same place in stores. So last time, I had my Kilkenny and one Saku and I was looking where's my fave soda. So one man comes to ask, where he can find a certain type of beer. I pointed out and thought "man... this is so sad. I know where the all beers are here"
20 fags, fruit scone with butter on, canadian ham crisps, hayfever tablets for my daughter
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