Recent Purchases

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Well, for my best friends birthday I got him 4 movies on amazon, used. He asked for them used so he could get a couple more. I bought myself the Monopoly PC game, on amazon used.
Keane album 'Under The Iron Sea'. :D
2 pairs of tracksuit bottoms, just for lazing around the house in.
Quorn sausages
Kerrang magazine
well, this technically isnt a 'recent' purchase because it hasn't happened yet, but tomorrow morning, I'm going to the shops to buy some food for a school excursion! :D
ooo, i bought some lunch from the canteen today :D

ummm, thats pretty much it that i can remember...
ooo, I bought a card for a friends birhtday!
some legal documents from the city hall
harddisk case for my laptop hd
wristbands (for sports and stuff)
white socks
t-shirt to sleep in
sport bra's
Baggy jeans
other jeans
o'neill sweater

I believe that's it!
DaWacko said:
I bought beer a few days ago. I went to look for Kilkenny. But there was only 4-pack and I didn't want to rip it so I saw Fosters 6-pack and you got nice glass with it so I bought that... *sighs*

Poor you. That is such a shitty beer brand. :p

Elakelaiset top and silver water-holders like cowboys have...Yep.. :rolleyes: Not for me!
This is a strange thread, but I'm bored....

4400 Season 1 DVD (really cheap on!)
memory card for my camera (going on a trip next month, gotta stock up)
kitten food
cat treats
Digital Camcorder (panasonic GS59, for my trip)

I'm broke now! :(
bought kfc family bucket for dinner last night. was very nice
fags - again, must stop smoking
blank cd-r's
mmmmm cant think
ice cream and bottle of diet coke
a new toothbrush!
It's orange this time... no, it has nothing to do with World Cup
then shampoo and conditioner and

...some food
i really hate food shopping.
there is nothing worse than pushing a trolley full of food and then having to queue for ages to pay,as for parking i wont go there.
am going to buy some new jeans tomorrow, need some new ones so i think i will treat myself
You know what my mistake is? I always look at the list and think I survive with basket and then in the end all food is dropping on the floor and I need to rearrange basket 10 times so I survive to pay the stuff :lol:
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