Real Beauty

I am really glad so many people have looked at that ad and thought about this! That's all we really need, awareness, a big wake up call that shouts


i think alot of my views of others stem from my unhappiness from myself, i'm normally a small or a 8-10 but i still hate my body. people always tell me i've got a hot body or whatever, but i just dont see it. i hate it, and all i want is to loose weight. i play sport 5 days a week, and go to the gym 3 days a week, i'm always active and i eat right, i'm healthy and all, but i still hate my body. its quite annoying actually lol.

i wish i could be more like you gals, loving yourself, i've never liked myself, always hated myself, ended up in hospital from attempted suicide because of it on more then one occasion, and one time when i was really ill (mentally) i tried to cut my stomach off... thank god i dont scar or i would be like scared all over like edward scissorhands lol (cept he is a cutie haha)

so cudos to you all for being strong enough to love yourselfs!!! i admire that and wish i could be like that!
Aw Heart I am so sorry. I wish I could do more to make you feel better but I know it is out of my hands.

Are you getting help?
This isn't something that might make you all happy, but I read that 50% of 10 year olds in America are on diets at any given time. 50%! :shock: What would a 10 year old need a diet for is anyone's guess - at such a young age, they shouldn't be excessively obese or thin anyway.

Anorexia nervosa
Research suggests that about one percent (1%) of female adolescents have anorexia. That means that about one out of every one hundred young women between ten and twenty are starving themselves, sometimes to death. There do not seem to be reliable figures for younger children and older adults, but such cases, while they do occur, are not common.

Bulimia nervosa
Research suggests that about four percent (4%), or four out of one hundred, college-aged women have bulimia. About 50% of people who have been anorexic develop bulimia or bulimic patterns. Because people with bulimia are secretive, it is difficult to know how many older people are affected. Bulimia is rare in children.

^ I don't know about you guys, but looking at that really disturbs me. 1 in every 100 women starve themselves to look good?

I know for a fact that all this talk, and even showing them the ads wouldn't move some people. You've got to find it within yourself, you need that acceptance. Because all it takes is a single accident and you can lose all your physical beauty. Now, if you don't have self-acceptance, you will have a difficult time adjusting to your new way of life, if you should Heaven-forbid be involved in an accident and lose some body parts or disfigure your face, lose some teeth, shed hair...etc. What you carry with you is your acceptance of yourself. No one can teach you how to love yourself, one can only love you and hope that it shines some light on your true beauty.

At the end of the day, the one person you cannot avoid is the only person you need to please. Yourself.
I don't know about you guys, but looking at that really disturbs me. 1 in every 100 women starve themselves to look good?
The problem is, they do not look good when they do that. Eating too little makes your face look pale, you whole body getting weak, resulting in tiredness, bags under your eyes, and of course, turning skinny in the end.
There is no appeal in skeletons! Most women who are heavily underweight have neither real breasts nor a nice ass, and seriously, what is a woman without a shapely piece of butt to fill her pants?
Sorry if that sounds superficial, it's just the way I feel...
i agree with the skeleton thing lol, i dont wanna be like that, i just want a flat stomach n stuff. i mean i have an ass and tits and i dont want them to go away lol, i dun wanna loose heaps of weight just a few kilos.

argh body issues suck
Of course they don't look good. Well actually in the beginning they do, when they first start to lose the weight and get all those compliments, but then you start seeing their bones and all that other stuff Mia mentioned.

heart by starving yourself, you'll lose everything. So its just up to you to decide if those few months of attention are worth it.
I agree Heart there is a choice to make between being so desperate to be thin that you will starve yourself and being healthy and beautifullly a normal weight.

If you are concerned about how you look, look into a natural weight loss program!
i dont starve myself, i eat more then i should lol. i'm not unhealthy or anything lol, i just want to be skinnier.
Exercise is good way to keep your stomach flat ;)
I know it from personal experience .
Exercise? The word alone sounds like torture.

I personally don't do much sports...hate it. I'm constantly eating, more than I should probably, and a lot of it isn't even healthy. I'm surprised I'm not fat at all...guess I'm lucky...

I don't exactly have a flat stomach but I like it that way. And the rest of me is slim so that's really not a big deal.

I keep telling myself to care more about what I eat and to do some sports, other that swwimming, which I do a lot. Not for my looks but for my health. Just can't bring myself to do it though.
I love this thread!!!

I'm an aspiring actress, and I was really surprised when I recently signed with a new agency and they told me that they liked my body just the way it was, and that if I insisted on losing weight(I am currently trying to drop a few pounds) that they would prefer I keep it to a minumum, or focus on muscle tone.

This surprised me because I'm NOT a skinny girl. I'm 5'10 and about 170lbs. I'm a size 10-12, and my whole life have thought I was too fat.

This makes me happy because I thought they were going to tell me to get down to like 130 or something, but it seems like, in the wake of all the too-skinny celebs out there, a lot of agencies are urging their girls to stay healthy, and to look like real people, as opposed to sticks.

I'm loving the dove campaign because it shows that not all women are sticks, and that society should start realising that.
MiaCharlize said:
Exercise? The word alone sounds like torture.

Just basic sit-ups help to have flat stomach. I do 4x10 three times in a week. Takes about 10mins :rolleyes:
I love the Dove commercials, because they girls are beautiful but they dont have to be skinny or have perfect skin. I know i am chunky and i'm proud because it is hard to be chunky like me naturaly and still eat the right or wrong things and staying this way people who make them skinny can never have my curves. I love my curves! i look different then all the other girls in my shcool who wears a '00' or even '000' size jeans, i think i'm pretty. There is a girl in 7 grade and me and my friend think she is so descusiting because she has ancels that you can fit your hand around and she shows them off, thats nothing to be proud of.