Real Beauty

Shady Lane

CSI Level Two
Today in our society people forget what real beauty is like. Being confident in yourself, being a normal weight, being healthy and happy...instead we focus only on having perfect skin, being 2 pounds and having the "right" clothes.

I think that people should change that, and realize what it really means to be beautiful. The Dove, "Campaign For Real Beauty", is one example of people fighting to make young girls (although boys and men are affected as well) see themselves in a new light.

Check out this wonderful commerical and please post your thoughts on this issue.

Mods forgive me if this thread or something like it was already created. ;)
It makes me sad that no one responded to this...apparently others aren't as upset by the media's image of beautiful as I am?
i am very upset by stupid media!!

1- all barbies are skinny and pretty
2- all magazines seem to talk about is how being skinny and pretty makes you perfect.
3- every one on tv is beautiful

and i love that comercial because it is so true! everyone is always like ommg i wish i could lose weight or im not pretty enough and ooh makeup makes you better! but it doesnt and every one needs to know that! it makes me so mad i could fricken scream!
I care about this! I do!

I hate just watching someone try so hard to be perfect. Like, you just are perfect, and I hope everyone eventually realizes that.

Yeah, that sounded kinda cheesy but anyways. I do buy clothes that are "in" though...but that's because I like some of the clotehs that are "in" Umm, I never wear makeup if that means anything! And I also never want to weigh 2 pounds!

I have a friend always calling herself ugly and fat and stuff, but I think she's so pretty in her own way. I just really think it's about the way you look at yourself.

So I hope this campaign shows people that they are pretty.

I also hope society finds a better deffintion of pretty soon too
I love the Campaign for Real Beauty
I hope the media does pick up on it
we (women especially) judge each other much too quickly based on looks...
"oh, she's fat, she's got horrible skin, did you see what she is wearing?" those kinds of things
the media has put it in our heads that the ONLY beauty is what you see on the outside instead of what is on the inside
YES, WOMEN by all means champion yourselves for your TRUE BEAUTY!
I've seen the commercial, and I really think it's a good initiative, really. You can't expect people to be thin, skinny, blonde and big boobish. The media make those kind of people beautiful, but in fact, everyone's beautiful. In their own way. You guys are all lovely, and pretty.
I do feel strongly about the subject and think it's a good initiatieve. It's not going to change anything though as long as Hollywood stars are still ten pounds and the rolmodels of young children and teenagers. The image of beauty is created by what we see on tv and in magazines and as long as the Nicole Ritchie's and Victoria Beckham's of this world are considered beautiful...This campaign is a good start though, I hope it makes a difference to young girls.
Thanks for the thoughful responses everyone!

I agree, our "role models" are doing the same things we are trying to avoid! The goal is to focus on people who are naturally pretty and support more things then just make up.

Jorja Fox for example, she stands up for animal, women and Gay and Lesbian rights which is totally awesome! She is a good role model!
I had to do a debate about skinny woman in the media last May. My team and I were the opposed and we found out many interesting facts about. Nany girls think Barbie is the perfect size. But actually, if Barbie were a real person she would fall over because her body is so unperporshined. Her breast are too large for her body, they would make her fall down. I can't recall the precise mesurements of her waste if she were human, but it was unreal.

I think it is terrible what the media is doing to make girls think they must be the perfect size.
I do hate what the media thinks as beautiful.
Marilyn Monroe, my favorite actress, was and still is considered one of the most beautiful woman of all times. And she is, but she wasn't born that way.
Marilyn was always on a diet, even though she is considered round today. She had a nose job and a chin job, had her hair dyed. She also had her teeth capped and fixed. And she was a hairy person. :lol: seriously, They would "powder" her and that would give her her glow sometimes refelcted on pictures and movies.
And she was SERIOUSLY insecure. She didn't think she was a beautiful as people made her out to be and was ALWAYS having to be told how wonderful she was.
I wish the Media wouldn't call people like Kelly Clarksone and Beyonce as being "round". When that is what normal guys want from a girl.
It makes me mad.

To prove my point, here is a pic of Marilyn before hollywood:
And After:
I think Kelly Clarkson is a great role model for teen girls. She isn't too skinny. (Unlike many celebrities today.) I think she is a good size. When I see people like Keira Knightly, I immediately feel fat because she is so tiny. But when I see Kelly Clarkson, I feel happy and comfortable about my weight and size.
Shady_lane said

Today in our society people forget what real beauty is like. Being confident in yourself, being a normal weight, being healthy and happy...instead we focus only on having perfect skin, being 2 pounds and having the "right" clothes.

^ I really admire you for opening this thread, I wish more people would think like that rather than focusing on how to look good for the guys or something like that. Beauty should come from within and it should be the person you are inside, not which celebrity you resemble or how good you look in a skirt or leather pants. I think until you can accept yourself as someone beautiful, and know that your differences make you who you are, they make you the beautiful person you are, you need not focus on hours of makeup in the morning, or what others might think of you.

Unfortunately, my own sister is going through this issue. She won't even eat so she doesn't become "unpretty" and it sickens me every day. So I'm really glad some of you are looking into what really makes a person beautiful. Remember, there's enough thinness in the world to go around, be yourself... you won't find too much of that anywhere.

We should be working to fight thinness from spreading, as it is in Third World countries (look at the starving children of Africa), rather than starving ourselves to fit what the media portrays as "beautiful". I don't think any ad campaign will work until a girl can sit down and honestly tell herself that she thinks she's beautiful the way she is. Who the hell came up with thinness = beauty anyway??
I support your arguement Shady_lane.

Indeed, people seem to be getting shallow by the minute. I've seen that Dove commercial. Little girls shouldn't worry about looking like Barbie dolls. Another thing I disapprove of is surgery. Can you believe that people would alter their face, body just to look better?

I say it's not about how you look but how you feel. Seems to be very little of that going around.

This is a great topic, Shady, thank you :)

I think the Dove ads are fantastic, and I've always been a fan of Dove products, but with this new initiative they're taking, I love them even more.

A woman should have hips. A woman should have breasts. Women were not built to look like juvenile boys, with no curves whatsoever. I think it's terrifying that we are encouraging our children to care so much about their size that it makes them sick.

Another thing that bothers me is the fact that the media is SO two sided on weight issues. On one hand it's all "diets that work!" "how to be skinny!" and then if a starlet gets too thin, they go and plaster half naked pictures of them on the covers of magazines and scream "anorexia scare!" talk about mixed messages. You get women's magazines about being the perfect mother that have, right next to each other on the covers the headlines: "bake the perfect double-fudge butter cakes!" and "stay a size 2 forever!" .. maybe not making the perfect double-fudge butter cakes would help accomplish that goal?

And it's not all about weight. I'm slim, and have never been picked on for my weight, but I'm 4'11" and have bright red hair and lots of freckles. Now that I'm in my 20s, red hair is viewed as "sexy" and "unique", but when I was a kid I got picked on like nothing else. And my height ensured that I was never beautiful or sexy- just cute. Basically, you can't win. You're either too fat or too thin, too short or too tall. In today's society the "perfect woman" is nothing but a myth, and the media will keep it as such for as long as they can, because it's one more way for society to be controlled.