Rambo: Don't Miss It!

CSI Files

Season nine holds a lot in store for viewers.<p><A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season9/for_warrick.shtml">"For Warrick"</a>, the premiere of <I>CSI: Crime Scene Investigation</I>'s ninth season, will air on CBS October 9. Writer and producer <font color=yellow>David Rambo</font> described the episode to <A class="link" HREF="http://grissomandsaraforeverlove.wetpaint.com/">GSR Forever</a> as "devastating to watch, beautifully done in every respect." Gil Grissom (<font color=yellow>William Petersen</font>) is scheduled to <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/news/150708_01.shtml">leave the show</a> on a full-time basis after the tenth episode of the season. Rambo wouldn't reveal any details about Grissom's departure. "I can only say, 'Don't miss it!'" he urged.<p>Other spoilers have <A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/news/280708_02.shtml">indicated</a> that Lady Heather (<font color=yellow>Melinda Clarke</font>) would be back during season nine. Rambo said Lady Heather is "an important element in Grissom's understanding of himself. She's the only person he can speak with about anything -- even about Sara [Sidle (<font color=yellow>Jorja Fox</font>)]. They've been through a lot together. Having him interact with Lady Heather also allows us to explore aspects of Grissom's psyche that we can't show in other ways."<p>According to Rambo, the relationship between Grissom and Sara "really pushes buttons for some people," while other viewers support the match. However, the fans' preference doesn't dictate how the writers handle the interaction between the pair. "I just write the characters as they evolve, which is a collaborative pursuit, and hope the fans know we're always doing our best," he explained.<p>Planning out a season of the show is a joint effort. "<font color=yellow>Carol Mendelsohn</font> and <font color=yellow>Naren Shankar</font> are very generous showrunners and excellent listeners," he said. "They generally discuss the tone and shape of the season together first, then share their thoughts with us and allow everyone to pitch in as things evolve."<p>Rambo said he is writing the eighth episode of the ninth season using research he started gathering two years ago. The length of time it takes to create an episode varies from one instance to another. "<A class="link" HREF="http://www.csifiles.com/episodes/csi/season8/bull.shtml">'Bull'</a> - which I loved writing - was researched for about a year," he explained. "Other stories get kicked around for a few weeks before we go into the writers room to organize ideas on the white boards. That takes about a week, then another week to ten days to write the script, followed by a week of rewriting. Episodes are shot in 9 weekdays, occasionally less, and occasionally on weekends as well. About 6 to 8 weeks later, the episode is ready for airing."<p>Rambo is confident that <I>CSI</I> will remain on television screens for years to come. "I'm astonished at how long it's stayed on top of ratings and captured the imagination of viewers worldwide," he said. "Very rare today in TV. That's partially because we are never satisfied with where the show has been, and always challenge ourselves to go where we haven't been before, without losing the essence of the show. It will evolve and change, but will always ask, 'Who are you?'"<p>The original interview can be read in its entirety on <A class="link" HREF="http://grissomandsaraforeverlove.wetpaint.com/page/GSRFOREVER+EXCLUSIVE%21">GSR Forever</a>.<center></center>
According to Rambo, the relationship between Grissom and Sara "really pushes buttons for some people." However, the fans' preference doesn't dictate how the writers handle the interaction between the pair.

Well now there's a surprise! :rolleyes:

I kind of look at the fans as the customers. Where would a business be if it said, "We don't care what the customers like, we're going to do it this way"?
The GSR fans are a majority, and in any business they rule, so lets please the lesser factor I think not!:thumbsup: more of the DR interview~

Q we always hear the GSR fans and the anti-GSR fans are slit 50/50, is this really the case?
A DR..I have no idea. I just write the characters as they evolve, which is a collaborative pursuit, & I hope the fans know we're always doing our best. I get more PRO-GSR fan mail than ANTI-GSR, which is fine with me, because the anti-GSR mail is really hateful! HMMM.. really?:(

I like the LH and Grissom part, which he does share his lets say "thoughts" with her about Sara, possibly about the whole arch thing which will happen.. with her congraulations! great job Piper and IloveGSR your girls must be so honored, to get this in depth interview with one of the top CSI writers is to be admired!:thumbsup: good job!

Well, he didn't ask me, so he didn't get an accurate total, in my humble opinion! :lol:

I don't care how many fans like it or don't like it, they aren't going to put something in the show just for the fans. He said as much when he admitted that he writes the characters as he feels they develop.

I don't like it, but I don't disagree with it either.
I think to each his own, but I know Rambo says he gets more PRO-GSR than Anti, so that tells us something. Besides, if you like it or not, it's cannon and it's back. And after the 10th eppy.......
NON ISSUE since GSR will be off the show.
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Well, he didn't ask me, so he didn't get an accurate total, in my humble opinion! :lol:

I don't care how many fans like it or don't like it, they aren't going to put something in the show just for the fans. He said as much when he admitted that he writes the characters as he feels they develop.

I don't like it, but I don't disagree with it either.

ROFL, love that Smokey. "He didn't ask me".

He didn't ask me either, for that matter...
I think to each his own, but I know Rambo says he gets more PRO-GSR than Anti, so that tells us something.
Yes, that GSers behave far more obsessively than normal people. Really now, why would anyone except a GSer want to write to him? I wouldn't waste my stationary on that egotistic fool.

Funny, he didn't ask me either. As LaSquisita pointed out, only obsessive GSR fans would do that and I recall him saying that he has received Anti-GSR emails too.

GSR fans the majority? Don't think so and to say that us "lesser" fans don't deserve to see what we want?

Geez, I truly feel insulted, I mean basically, your saying that us non-GSR fans aren't worth anything and what we want doesn't matter.

And I don't know what business you work in Desertwind, but I have never been in a business where one type of customer was more important than another. If that was true, the majority of businesses, if not all of them, would be out of business.

And I truly don't think it's right for you, desertwind, to tell us non-GSR fans how we're not worth something because our lives don't revolve around GSR. I don't insult you because you are a GSR fan. And you need to face it, David Rambo, is not the be all and end all when it comes to CSI. He's not a showrunner or an executive producer, so I highly doubt he knows it all. And until an actual poll, where everyone is asked, how they feel about GSR, NO ONE knows which set of fans are in the majority.
And another source the star and executive producer of CSI William Petersen, and maybe you anti's can e-mail him with you thoughts and ideas~on GSR

They've obviously always have been interested in each other. And there's an intimacy there. we just thought it was time for the audience to see that intimacy there..William Petersen from our "files"

And I'm just expressing my opinions on business, I'm in the cosmetic industry and if someone doesn't buy the products, and there's customers wo do buy mega products, which customers would my company be interested in? and there's also!

Carol Mendolshon, Naren Shankar, Danny Cannon etc. who are also on this band wagon, with this, who have stated it many times, that's not the fans idea it's theirs! and it's not my idea that TPTB have continued this story, it's the writers! I didn't say anything about any fan or what they like or don't like, this after all was from a CSI writer, and we all voice our views! Bottom line, there's fans who embrace this, and fans who don't, and everywhere in between, it this wasn't popular then the writers would have ditched it along time ago, so there has to be some substance and validity for this story line to keep on keeping on!
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According to Rambo, the relationship between Grissom and Sara "really pushes buttons for some people." However, the fans' preference doesn't dictate how the writers handle the interaction between the pair.

Well now there's a surprise! :rolleyes:

I kind of look at the fans as the customers. Where would a business be if it said, "We don't care what the customers like, we're going to do it this way"?
Hmm, now that I re-read it, perhaps I worded that section of the article badly. I meant the fans' preferences one way or the other (which was my interpretation of what he said), but the actual sentence doesn't convey that at all...

ETA: I added a bit to the previous sentence. Hopefully this is more clear. :)

According to Rambo, the relationship between Grissom and Sara "really pushes buttons for some people," while other viewers support the match. However, the fans' preference doesn't dictate how the writers handle the interaction between the pair. "I just write the characters as they evolve, which is a collaborative pursuit, and hope the fans know we're always doing our best," he explained.
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And another source the star and executive producer of CSI William Petersen, and maybe you anti's can e-mail him with you thoughts and ideas~on GSR

They've obviously always have been interested in each other. And there's an intimacy there. we just thought it was time for the audience to see that intimacy there..William Petersen from our "files"

I don't get where he is saying that the majority of the fans want it. He's just saying that it (the relationship, attraction, whatever) is there.

Let's face it. Some like it, some don't, it's there, it will be gone when Grissom's gone, so the countdown begins.
I'm one of those against GSR but I have friends for it. For the most part they don't like the fact that it was made cannon. They said that they had a lot more fun watching when it wasn't cannon. I tell them that it's because when it was hiding they had to look for it. :lol:

I have another question. Why bring Lady Heather back? I can't find it but I do remember reading an article on this site back during season 7's The Good, The Bad, And The Dominatrix where TPTB stated that that episode was to be Lady Heather's last episode! :confused: Or is this just another instance of them not doing what they tell us they are going to do (after all they were supposed to go deeper into Nick and Warrick's friendship and I don't feel they ever did). Of course it could just be my memory! :alienblush:

According to Rambo, the relationship between Grissom and Sara "really pushes buttons for some people." However, the fans' preference doesn't dictate how the writers handle the interaction between the pair.

Well now there's a surprise! :rolleyes:

I kind of look at the fans as the customers. Where would a business be if it said, "We don't care what the customers like, we're going to do it this way"?
Hmm, now that I re-read it, perhaps I worded that section of the article badly. I meant the fans' preferences one way or the other (which was my interpretation of what he said), but the actual sentence doesn't convey that at all...

I think you did fine the first time. :) That's the way I interpreted it, and I was referring to ANYTHING that the fans want or don't want that the writers don't care about, not necessarily the one subject that this kind of led into.