~Quotes You WON'T Hear #2~

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Calleigh: Do you think we should question the witness?
Horatio: Nah, let's just shut down for the week. I have to work on my tan.
Calleigh: We can't just...Shut down.
Horatio: Yes we can. I'm Horatio Caine and when I wave my shades, it shall be done.



LMAO !!! :lol: That was ace !!!
Cal: Is it just me, or has H gone mad?
Wolfe: No it's not just you.
Eric: Same here.
Frank: Oh yeah.
*everyone look at Yelina*
Yelina: *nods*

Sounded better in my head.
* Calleigh walks in humming a tune*

Eric:*sings* Oh I wish I was a punk rocker
H:*singing also* with flowers in my hair

*Calleigh and Eric turn to H*

H: *looks over the sunnies* What? its the words of the song!
Cal: Yeah whatever H!

(sounded funnier in my head!)
H: Eric, what is an FBI agent doing in front of me? In my lab?
Eric: Umm...
H: I specificly asked you to shoot any Fed that approached the building, Don't make me put Cal on this job.

Sara: Will you sleep with me?
Grissom: Did you just say what i think you said?
Sara: What did you think i said?
Grissom: Will you sleep with me?
Sara: Sure.
Grissom: Walked right into that one.
Hunter said:
Sara: Will you sleep with me?
Grissom: Did you just say what i think you said?
Sara: What did you think i said?
Grissom: Will you sleep with me?
Sara: Sure.
Grissom: Walked right into that one.
You do know that this is the CSI Miami Forum, don't you? Or are you doing a quote that would not be heard in a crossover?
Yeah i know its CSI Miami. Its just that that was a good CSI LV quote (yet remixed). Hope you don't mind. I'll edit it out if it bothers you.
I don't think you'll need to do any editing, Hunter. But in the future, please only include 'quotes' from CSI:Miami, as was mentioned, this is the Miami forum. :)
Horatio: Let's go find the cousin before he chokes on a twizzler.
*choking heard in background*
Delko: No way...
Horatio: I AM God!
Leftyguitar said:
Ryan: Eric, where are you taking me?
Eric: I'm going to feed you to an aligator!
Well in S3 you mght have heard that... :D

EDIT- here's mine, anyways.
H (to absolutely anyone) I can't even contain my love for you.
Eric: *over the phone* H! H! I've been shot! Send help!
Horatio: Ok, calm down Eric. How many times have you been shot?
Eric: Umm...well this is the first time.
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