Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY.

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Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

I... I'd have to agree... although, Flack gettin' all makey-outey on a dummy is pretty funny too!! :lol:

When Mac said "BURN" to Danny, was he referring to Aiden? :devil:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^ :lol: I meant "Burn" as in the way Kelso always says it on that 70's show. You can think it's Aiden if you want though hehe. I could never see Mac and Stella singing some BEP so that's why I used it :p.
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY


I had this weird flash of... something or other... in school today, and so...

<Danny and Aiden are standing at the door to the lab; it is raining outside and they are soaking wet. Aiden is shivering a lot. Flack opens the door, followed by Mac in a bustier.>

Mac: How d'you do, I see you've met- my faithful handyman. He's just a little brought down, coz when you knocked, he thought you were the candy man, didn't ya, freaky? ...I'm just a sweet transvestite... from transsexual... Transylvania!

Aiden: Fabulous song and dance number. Now can we come in? *sneezes*

Danny: Uh. Mac, Does Stella know you're wearin' her corset?
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^ :lol: That is absolutely brilliant and hilarious. I tried so hard not to burst out laughing because my family is in the next room watching a movie but I had no luck. I LOVE it...keep it coming!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

:lol: :lol: :lol:

jorja_fan86, the My Lumps one was hillarious! My mind is still humming to that tune...

My humps, my humps, my humps, my humps...
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY


I had this weird flash of... something or other... in school today, and so...

<Danny and Aiden are standing at the door to the lab; it is raining outside and they are soaking wet. Aiden is shivering a lot. Flack opens the door, followed by Mac in a bustier.>

Mac: How d'you do, I see you've met- my faithful handyman. He's just a little brought down, coz when you knocked, he thought you were the candy man, didn't ya, freaky? ...I'm just a sweet transvestite... from transsexual... Transylvania!

Aiden: Fabulous song and dance number. Now can we come in? *sneezes*

Danny: Uh. Mac, Does Stella know you're wearin' her corset?

Mac wearing Stella's corset? ROFLMAO....
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Corset? Stella doesn't need a corset! :eek:
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

^ :lol: I meant "Burn" as in the way Kelso always says it on that 70's show. You can think it's Aiden if you want though hehe. I could never see Mac and Stella singing some BEP so that's why I used it :p.

LMAO. Thats too funny if thats what Mac really meant!
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Here's what would happen if they all used msn. Oh and to clarify things...

*Greek Goddess*= Stella
Mac Daddy= Mac
Baby Blues= Flack
Short Stop= Danny

Enjoy :D

*Greek Goddess*, Baby Blues & Mac Daddy log on*

*Greek Goddess* Hi everyone.

Mac Daddy: Hi Stella.

Baby Blues: Hey!

Short Stop: Yay, finally someone to talk too!

*Greek Goddess* Um, yeah...

Baby Blues: Hey Danny, did you see those photos of your circulating the net?

Short Stop: Since there are so many I just stopped.

Mac Daddy: What pictures?

*Greek Goddess*: Mac, Danny, you guys don't know? I'll let Flack tell you.

Baby Blues: All I can say that they show off Danny's um, assests.

*Greek Goddess*: Ha ha, yeah. They're very...white.

Short Stop: Oh, my, god? You guys have seen naked pictures of me?!?

*Greek Goddess* Don't worry Danny, you have a very cute tush. I date you if I wasn't involved with someone already.

Mac Daddy: Yeah, don't get any ideas here Danny.

Short Stop: What am I going to do? I mean, I thought that web cam was just for decoration.

Baby Blues: Oh please, you knew it's purpose.

Short Stop: Fine, fine. Can you blame a guy who's bored.

Mac Daddy: Danny, I don't even know what to say to you anymore.

Short Stop: Who else could have seen that picture. Wait a sec. Gasp...my grandma metioned something to your mother.

Baby Blues: Ha ha ha moron. What did she say?

Short Stop: She didn't saying anything. All she did was give me a dirty look and disable my web cam.

*Greek Goddess* Messer, that is just so wrong.

Short Stop: Guys, I can't talk anymore. I gotta go.

*Short Stop signs off*

Mac Daddy: What a moron. I can't believe he did that.

*Greek Goddess* Well, when you're that lonely...

Baby Blues: What the hell are you two talking about. Don't think that I didn't see those photos of you two taken in Mac's office.

*Greek Goddess* Mac, you jerk. You told me there would be no cameras.

Mac Daddy: What. I told Danny to turn them off!

Baby Blues: Way to pick a real genius guys.

*Greek Goddess* Uh, I gotta go. The souvflaki is burning. Bye.

*Greek Goddess signs off*

Baby Blues: Yeah, it's time for me to sign off time. See you tomorrow Mac.

Mac Daddy: Wait, don't leave. I'll be all by myself.

Baby Blues: Aww I'm sorry man. Take it easy.

Mac Daddy: Fine. I'll go too. Bye.

*Mac Daddy and Baby Blue sings off. Short Stop logs on*

Short Stop: Where did everyone go? Aww, I'm all alone again?Now where is that damn web cam?

Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Heh heh thanks. Since I can no longer edit my last post I'll just fix it here.


Short Stop: Who else could have seen that picture. Wait a sec. Gasp...my grandma metioned something to your mother.


Who else could have seen that picture. Wait a sec. Gasp...my grandma metioned something to my mother.

Now hopefully everything will make sense ;).
Re: Quotes you want to, should, or will never hear on CSI NY

Danny's mom is dead. :p

Oops. Well, now I take back the correction I made earlier. Just read it in the way I orginially posted. Thanks.
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