QUIZZES-how much do you know

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WHOA.. Rellaaa kick butt!!

WHICH CSI CHARACTER ARE YOU I came out Sara, kinda of surprised, cause the questions seemed so Grissom
I'm emotional..dedicated..intelligent and compassionate!!

:lol: I tied between Greg and Brass. But after the tie breaker it gave me, I ended up as Brass. Sarcastic, witty, laid-back. Sounds like me. Well, not so sure about the witty part...
:lol: apparently i'm like greg.
'humuroous, friendly, goofy and cute' i don't know if i'd agree with all of those
Yeah, I'm like Brass. Which, I have to say is unexpected. I am sarcastic, but not particularly laid back or witty...? :lol:
I got Brass also. The sarcastic and witty part made sense but I don't think of myself as powerful or laid back
I got Grissom. Then tied Greg and Sara. I'm least like Catherine, I could have told them that. :lol:

I'm like Grissom (serious, organized, determined and practical) :lol: those quiz always tell me the same :lol:, then it says Greg :lol: and then Sara :p
You scored Grissom. :eek:

Gil Grissom 90%
Warrick Brown 70%
Jim Brass 70%
Greg Sanders 60%
Al Robbins 45%
Sara Sidle 35%
Nick Stokes 35%
Catherine Willows 30%

*huh* How can that be? *is totally confused now* But...erm...weird. Oo :lol:
Took it again, and I still come out as Grissom even though I know I had to answer some of the questions differently. I think it's my loner tendencies that does it. :lol:

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