QUIZZES-how much do you know

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11/13 on the first words. Ironically, I've not read many of the books on the list, but I got some from knowing about the books

3/11 on the Rock n'Roll. Knew Elvis and Aretha, other I guessed

2/9 on the authors- complete guessing!
AWESOME pizzapie I did good on the R & R one- not so hot on the others- :( I forget my score I'll write it down next time ;)more to come ;) later
5/13 on the first one, 0/9 on the third, LOL, and uh.. I didn't bother doing the rock and roll one. haha.
Don't forget to take my TEST. Long time members probably answered these in the Brain Freezers thread a few months back. Those who didn't would like this. They are riddles. Mostly EASY riddles, but you have to read the questions carefully. Don't peak at the ANSWERS until you tried the test. You will kick yourself when you see how easy some of them are. Then, torment your family, friends, classmates, teachers, boss, and coworkers.

To print out Microsoft Word versions without the background webpage garbage, here are links to the QUESTIONS (MS WORD) and ANSWERS (MS WORD).
I got
8/13 on the 1st
5/11 on 2nd
5/9 on 3rd
guess I did alright on these :)

I love quizzes, no matter how low the scores I get :lol:
First: 10/13 Knew most of them.. I love to read.. and they're all classics.

Second: 7/11 :eek: I guessed about all of 'em.. well except 2 or 3 or something :lol:

Third: 7/9 by guessing :D
I think we can now establish my general knowledge is bad!
I got 3/9 on the rock one and 1/9 on the celebrity authors one by guessing. But i managed to get 8/13 on the quotes one although that was only because we have been forced by our english teacher to read most of those books. (or in my case the accompning notes).
6/9 in the first one! And learned some new interesting facts!

9/10 in the second one, my mom would be proud :lol:
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