Photography Competition: Pets Corner - WINNERS UP!

Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

I know it's up to wibbsey to decide what she will allow and what not but feels bit wrong since we had countryside animals competition already :/
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

DaWacko said:
I know it's up to wibbsey to decide what she will allow and what not but feels bit wrong since we had countryside animals competition already :/
There are of course:
A) Members who weren't around for that comp, and
B) Members who live on farms and do have pet farm animals

In my humble, city girl opinion ;)
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

But it doesn't crash your world even you cannot enter to every competition.

I mean, we had hills and mountains. I live in very FLAT area, no hills or mountains anywhere near.

Waterfalls and fountains...doh.. you think those exist here?

So I did only voting part.

Since this isn't so serious and I'm sure wibbsey would like to keep it that way... just wait for the next competition.

Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

:( I had such a nice photo of my niece´s cat Ciara but i can´t find it anymore. Guess i´m gonna skip this challenge
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Righto, there's a few things I'd like to say about these photo comps.

First, please read my first post carefully before asking a question about the comp. There's a chance that my post answers your question - I try to make it clear from the start what I will and will not accept. And if I've said "no, you cannot enter that sort of pic", then I mean it. I'm not going to change my mind just because you ask.

I do plan on recycling themes once I've run out of new ideas (which will be very soon, I might add), and I know some people haven't been around until recently, therefore missing previous themes. So if there's a particular theme you want to see recycled sooner rather than later, then please PM me.

I understand people are disappointed if they do not have a pic they can enter for a theme, but remember this is for fun, and there will always be the next competition that hopefully you will be able to enter.

I'm sure you all know that I am open to suggestions for future comps, but I'm not going to bend the rules so much on one theme just to accomodate one person's entry.

Second, and I know I've said this already, but please be mindful of the size limit on pics (600x480 pixels). It's been good up until now, so let's try and keep it that way.

I'm not getting at anyone in particular or trying to be a meanie mod, but I think that as I run them voluntarily (and yes, I do enjoy doing it), I'm allowed to ask you guys to try and be as co-operative as you can.

I will put the voting up for this comp tomorrow, so everyone has a chance to read this. Any questions or comments, please put them here or PM me.

Thanks :)
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

I just wanted to say that your time/effort with these comps is much appreciated wibbs. Thanks for giving us the opportunity to enjoy everyones' photos in this way. :)

Looking forward to seeing all the entries tomorrow! :D
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

I agree with Lucy!

do plan on recycling themes once I've run out of new ideas (which will be very soon, I might add)
If you ever need ideas... I've got a few that might work. Also, I'd love to see Sunrise/sunset again. I wasn't around for that one.
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

DaWacko said:
But it doesn't crash your world even you cannot enter to every competition.
And I don't enter every competition. It doesn't phase me one bit. This photo comp thing isn't a serious thing to me, I really don't care either way.

I mean, we had hills and mountains. I live in very FLAT area, no hills or mountains anywhere near.

Waterfalls and fountains...doh.. you think those exist here?

So I did only voting part.
If I didn't have an appropriate pic (or at least one I felt was appropriate) I wouldn't have entered. While I understand not every poster (including myself) has the means to enter every competition, I was simply trying to point out the word 'Pet' casts a wide umbrella over a lot of animals, depending on where you live. And since this is not called the "Cats, Dogs, Goldfish and Hamsters Photo Comp", it shouldn't exclude certain people's pets if some find them to be non conventional. If Gil Grissom entered, he might send a pic of a cockroach, or Napoleon Dynamite -- a llama.

It depends on the person and the pet.

As for having fit in another competition, some pics/subjects lend themselves to more than one. The Trevi Fountain for example - could have been in both the Historical Architecture comp and the Waterfalls and Fountains comp. It's just the nature of the thing.

And I'm not trying to make a big deal out of this, I'm simply trying to make my opinion clear, as it seems to have been misconstrued.

Bnd yes, it's definitely up to wibble to decide, not you or I, so we should leave it at that.

Anyway, thanks, wibble for the clarification post :)
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

I have a lot of ideas for competitions!

opposites (water & fire etc)
the night
things that match
any number (4 --> any object(s) that has to do with the number 4 etc)

cultural (like asian: asian stuff so also for other people admisseble. and the same with any other culture...)
food (or a specific sort: vegatable, fruits, junkfood etc)
young & old (also seperatly possible)


basicly anything there is can be a subject for photography. no need to recycle!
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Thanks very much for the ideas - I'll add those to my list :)

Now it's voting time!


1. First, and most importantly, please look at ALL of the photographs submitted before deciding on which ones get your vote. All you have to do is click on the link to each photo. This is so everyone has a fair chance of getting a vote and therefore a banner.

2. Don't vote for your own photo - why anyone would want to do such a silly thing is beyond me, but if you do, I will know and your photo will be disqualified from the competition.

3. The same thing applies if you reveal which photo is yours.

4. Don't tell your friends which photo is yours so that they'll vote for it - that is a sad and pathetic thing to do, not to mention unfair on all the other competitors.

5. I don't want to see any unnecessary negative comments about any of the photos (i.e. no bashing). There is no need for it.

6. Please only vote for 3 photos.

You should give your first vote to whichever photo you like best, your second vote to whichever photo you like second best etc. It is important that you do it like this. Whoever has the most points at the end of voting wins, with the contestant that has the second highest number of points getting second place, etc.

Good luck to all the entrants, and thank you for your lovely photos :) Here they all are:

Pets Corner 01

Pets Corner 02

Pets Corner 03

Pets Corner 04

Pets Corner 05

Pets Corner 06

Pets Corner 07

Pets Corner 08

Pets Corner 09

Pets Corner 10

Pets Corner 11

Pets Corner 12

Pets Corner 13

Pets Corner 14

Pets Corner 15

Pets Corner 16

Pets Corner 17

Pets Corner 18

Pets Corner 19

Pets Corner 20

Pets Corner 21

~ Please PM me if you don't see your entry
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

I was looking at the pics one by one and I was awww-ing the whole time :D :D They are all so CUTE!! It's hard to decide whether to vote for the cutest animals or the best pictures. I realise my favorites are all the cats in general :p


I wish I could vote for more, cause there are lots of sweet pets here :D

Btw, I just wanted to say that the wooden floor in pic #11 looks a lot like mine :lol:
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

I must admit, I'm biased towards cats too. I wanted to vote for all the kittys!

It was hard, very hard!
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner


Personally, I think all these pets are winners! I can't tell you how hard it was to choose, they are all absolutely gorgeous. :)
Re: Photography Competition: Pets Corner

Man this was hard :eek: All so adorable!
